A naturally occurring horizontal gene transfer from a eukaryote to a prokaryote - PubMed (original) (raw)

A naturally occurring horizontal gene transfer from a eukaryote to a prokaryote

R F Doolittle et al. J Mol Evol. 1990 Nov.


Naturally occurring horizontal gene transfers between nonviral organisms are difficult to prove. Only with the availability of sequence data from a wide variety of organisms can a convincing case be made. In the case of putative gene transfers between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the minimum requirements for inferring such an event include (1) sequences of the transferred gene or its product from several appropriately divergent eukaryotes and several prokaryotes, and (2) a similar set of sequences from the same (or closely related organisms) for another gene or genes. Given these criteria, we believe that a strong case can be made for Escherichia coli having acquired a second glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene from some eukaryotic host. Ancillary observations on the general rate of change and the time of the prokaryote-eukaryote divergence support the notion.

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