Recent advances in retromer biology - PubMed (original) (raw)


Recent advances in retromer biology

Ian J McGough et al. Traffic. 2011 Aug.

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The endosomal network is an organized array of intracellular, membranous compartments that function as sorting sites for endosomal and biosynthetic cargo. The fate of endocytic cargo is reliant upon interactions with a number of molecularly distinct sorting complexes, which tightly control the relationship between sorting of their respective cargo and the physical process of membrane re-scuplturing required for the formation of transport carries. One such complex, retromer, mediates retrograde transport from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Disregulation of retromer has been implicated in a host of disease states including late-onset Alzheimer's. Rather than give a broad overview of retromer biology, here we aim to outline the recent advances in understanding this complex, focussing on the involvement of both clathrin and the cytoskeleton in retromer function.

© 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

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