A genome-wide association study reveals loci influencing height and other conformation traits in horses - PubMed (original) (raw)

A genome-wide association study reveals loci influencing height and other conformation traits in horses

Heidi Signer-Hasler et al. PLoS One. 2012.


The molecular analysis of genes influencing human height has been notoriously difficult. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for height in humans based on tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of samples so far revealed ∼200 loci for human height explaining only 20% of the heritability. In domestic animals isolated populations with a greatly reduced genetic heterogeneity facilitate a more efficient analysis of complex traits. We performed a genome-wide association study on 1,077 Franches-Montagnes (FM) horses using ∼40,000 SNPs. Our study revealed two QTL for height at withers on chromosomes 3 and 9. The association signal on chromosome 3 is close to the LCORL/NCAPG genes. The association signal on chromosome 9 is close to the ZFAT gene. Both loci have already been shown to influence height in humans. Interestingly, there are very large intergenic regions at the association signals. The two detected QTL together explain ∼18.2% of the heritable variation of height in horses. However, another large fraction of the variance for height in horses results from ECA 1 (11.0%), although the association analysis did not reveal significantly associated SNPs on this chromosome. The QTL region on ECA 3 associated with height at withers was also significantly associated with wither height, conformation of legs, ventral border of mandible, correctness of gaits, and expression of the head. The region on ECA 9 associated with height at withers was also associated with wither height, length of croup and length of back. In addition to these two QTL regions on ECA 3 and ECA 9 we detected another QTL on ECA 6 for correctness of gaits. Our study highlights the value of domestic animal populations for the genetic analysis of complex traits.

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Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Figure 1

Figure 1. The Franches-Montagnes horse belongs to the type of light draft horse breeds and has its origins in Switzerland (A).

Height at withers is one of 28 conformation traits, for which breeding values are estimated once a year (B). The breed standard calls for horses between 150–160 cm in size. The stallion in the background was the tallest horse in our study with a phenotypic height at withers of 165 cm. (Picture: Swiss National Stud Farm).

Figure 2

Figure 2. Manhattan plot for height at withers based on dEBV.

The red line indicates the Bonferroni-corrected significance level (p<1.31×10−6). The inset shows a quantile-quantile (qq) plot with the observed plotted against the expected p-values. The used mixed-model approach efficiently corrected for the stratification in the sample. The skew at the right edge indicates that these SNPs are stronger associated with height than would be expected by chance. This is consistent with a true association as opposed to a false positive signal due to population stratification.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Combined effect size of the two identified QTL on ECA 3 and ECA 9 on the dEBV for height at withers in the FM horse breed.

The box plot indicates the median values, 25% and 75% quartiles and the outliers of the distribution. A total of 308, 513, 211, and 21 animals, respectively, represented the classes from zero to three trait-increasing alleles. The difference in the medians between horses with zero and three trait-increasing alleles, respectively, is 2.97 cm. None of the analyzed horses carried four trait-increasing alleles. The association between the number of trait increasing alleles and height at withers is highly significant (p = 8.4×10−13; Kruskal-Wallis test). Medians are significantly different between groups.

Figure 4

Figure 4. Estimates of height at withers dEBV variance explained by SNPs on 31 autosomes (black bars) and the two identified QTL (green bars).

The two QTL combined explain 18.2% of the variance. All chromosomes together explain 70.2% of the genetic variance.

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