The "firing cannons" of Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucleata - PubMed (original) (raw)

The "firing cannons" of Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucleata

Andries P S Olivier et al. Can J Microbiol. 2013 Jun.


According to literature, the elongated ascospores of Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucleata exhibit smart movement when forcefully ejected from bottle-shaped asci. This type of movement is defined as the unique patterns of non-random movement of ascospores with specialized morphology thereby facilitating release from asci. Smart movement is required to actively release ascospores individually through the narrow ascus neck, without causing an obstruction and blocking ascospore release. However, little is known about the propulsion mechanism of this cannon-type release system. We show that asci of this yeast contain a central channel (barrel) filled with ascospores. These are surrounded by a sheath-like structure that lines the inner surface of the ascus wall. We found that this sheath is responsible for forcing the naked ascospores out of the ascus by exerting turgor pressure from the bottom towards the tip of the ascus. This cannon firing system is in contrast to that found in Dipodascus geniculatus, where no sheaths lining the ascus interior were observed. Instead, sheaths were found enveloping each ascospore.

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