Ataxia-telangiectasia-like Chinese hamster V79 cell mutants with radioresistant DNA synthesis, chromosomal instability, and normal DNA strand break repair - PubMed (original) (raw)

. 1989 Mar 15;49(6):1481-5.


Ataxia-telangiectasia-like Chinese hamster V79 cell mutants with radioresistant DNA synthesis, chromosomal instability, and normal DNA strand break repair

M Z Zdzienicka et al. Cancer Res. 1989.


We have isolated three radiosensitive mutants (V-C4, V-E5, and V-G8) of the Chinese hamster V79 cell line which also show increased sensitivities to killing by bleomycin (approximately 2-5-fold) and ethyl methanesulfonate (approximately 2-fold). Genetic complementation analysis indicates that all three mutants belong to one complementation group. The mutants show a radioresistant DNA synthesis following X-ray irradiation when compared to wild-type V79 cells. Both the level and the rate of repair of DNA single- and double-strand breaks measured by DNA elution were similar to those observed in wild-type V79 cells. The level of spontaneously occurring chromosome aberrations in two of these mutants differs severalfold from the level observed in wild-type V-79 cells and in V-G8, to approximately 2- and 6-fold increase in V-E5 and V-C4, respectively. X-irradiation of the mutants resulted in consistently 3-4-fold higher levels of chromatid gaps, breaks, and exchanges than observed in wild-type V79 cells. In addition, G1 irradiation of the mutant cells yielded both chromosome and chromatid types of aberrations. The level and pattern of chromosomal aberrations induced by X-rays in V-C4, V-E5, and V-G8 are similar to those observed in ataxia-telangiectasia cells. These results indicate that our mutants represent the first rodent cell mutants which show phenotypic characteristics strongly resembling those in cells from ataxia-telangiectasia patients.

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