An unusual spliced herpes simplex virus type 1 transcript with sequence homology to Epstein-Barr virus DNA - PubMed (original) (raw)

An unusual spliced herpes simplex virus type 1 transcript with sequence homology to Epstein-Barr virus DNA

R H Costa et al. J Virol. 1985 May.


High-resolution transcription mapping localized a spliced 2.7-kilobase herpes simplex virus type 1 mRNA. The 4-kilobase intron of this transcript encodes a nested set of transcripts on the opposite DNA strand. The nucleotide sequence of the DNA encoding the left-hand and right-hand exons of the spliced transcript was determined, and the salient features are presented here. Of major interest is that both exons contained regions within several hundred bases of the splice donor and acceptor sites which showed homology to two regions of the Epstein-Barr virus genome, which are themselves 3 kilobases apart. The spliced herpes simplex virus transcript encoded a translational reading frame which could encode a protein with an approximate size of 75,000 daltons. This value is in agreement with in vitro translation data. The predicted amino acid sequence of the herpes simplex virus protein had significant homology with putative amino acid sequences encoded by the homologous Epstein-Barr virus DNA sequences.

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