Structure and function of archaeal histones - PubMed (original) (raw)
Fig 3. Alignment of histones from different archaeal species and human histone H4.
Colors indicate the side chain group: R, H, K: blue; D, E: red; A, V, I, L, M: orange; F, Y, W: yellow; S, T, N, Q: green; C: turquoise; G: pink; P: purple. Symbols above the alignment indicate the dimer–dimer interface (D), the loop of the stacking interface (L), and the putative stacking interactions (S) based on HMfB). Secondary structure and numbering of HMfB is used for reference. EUKAR H4, eukaryotic (human) histone H4 NP_724344.1; HEIMDALL LC_3 HA, HB, and HC, Candidatus Heimdallarchaeota OLS22332.1, OLS24873.1, and OLS21974.1, respectively; LOKI GC14_75 HLkE and CR_4, Candidatus Lokiarchaeota KKK41979.1 and OLS16336.1, respectively; ODIN, Candidatus Odinarchaeota OLS18261.1; THOR, Candidatus Thorarchaeota KXH71038.1; WOESE, Candidatus Woesearchaeota OIO61677.1; PACE, Candidatus Pacearchaeota OIO41945.1; HUBER, Candidatus Huberarchaea CG_4_9_14_3_um_filter_31_125 HA and HB, PJB03565.1, and PJB04497.1, respectively; DIAPHERO, Candidatus Diapherotrites PJA17623.1; AENIGM, Candidatus Aenigmarchaeota OIN88081.1; MICR, Candidatus Micrarchaeota Micrarchaeum acidiphilum ARMAN-2 EET90461.1; NANOHALO, Candidatus Nanohaloarchaeota Haloredivivus sp. G17 and Nanosalina sp. J07AB43 HA and HB, EHK01841.1, EGQ42849.1, and EGQ43804.1, respectively; NANO, Nanoarchaeota Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M AAR39197.1; THAUM, Thaumarchaeota Nitrososphaera gargensis Ga9.2 AFU59009.1; BATHY B23, B24, and SMTZ-80, Candidatus Bathyarchaeota KYH36356.1, KYH37304.1, and KON27866.1, respectively; CREN, Crenarchaeota Caldivirga maquilingensis IC-167, Thermofilum pendens Hrk5, and Vulcanisaeta distribute DSM14429, ABW02527.1, ABL77757.1, and ADN51226.1, respectively; EURY, Euryarchaeota Methanobrevibacter wolinii HA and HB, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii DSM2661, Methanococcoides methylutens, Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1, and Methanothermus fervidus DSM2066, WP_42707783.1, WP_42706862.1, AAB99668.1, KGK98166.1, BAD86478.1, and ADP77985.1, respectively.