Associations between Problematic Gambling, Gaming, and Internet Use: A Cross-Sectional Population Survey - PubMed (original) (raw)

Associations between Problematic Gambling, Gaming, and Internet Use: A Cross-Sectional Population Survey

J Karlsson et al. J Addict. 2019.


Background: While pathological gambling, or gambling disorder, is an established diagnosis, a link to other potential behavioural addictions has been suggested. The present study aimed to investigate whether signs of problem gaming and problematic internet use are related to problem gambling in the general population, while including other potential risk factors.

Methods: A cross-sectional study design, using an electronical questionnaire, administered through a marketing survey company for relative representativeness with respect to age and gender. Potential correlates of problem gambling were measured in binary analyses, and significant associations were entered in a logistic regression analysis controlling them for one another. Problem gambling, gaming, and internet use were measured through established screening instruments (the CLiP, the GAS, and the PRIUSS).

Results: Statistically significant associations were found between problem gambling and both problem gaming and problematic internet use, as well as with male gender. In logistic regression, problem gaming, problematic internet use, and male gender remained associated with problem gambling.

Conclusion: After controlling for potential demographic risk factors, problem gaming and problematic internet use may be related to problem gambling, suggesting that these constructs may interact or may share similar risk factors. More research is needed to clarify factors mediating the links between these conditions.

Copyright © 2019 J. Karlsson et al.

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The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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