A public health advocacy approach for preventing and reducing gambling related harm - PubMed (original) (raw)


doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12949. Epub 2019 Nov 27.


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Jennifer L David et al. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2020 Feb.

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Objective: To develop a framework to guide the application of public health advocacy strategies aimed at preventing and reducing gambling-related harm.

Methods: A narrative review of theories of change and public health advocacy literature.

Results: An eight-step public health advocacy framework was created, which outlines the critical steps and considerations when developing and implementing successful change efforts. Implications for public health: To date, a clear public health advocacy approach to gambling harm prevention and reduction has not been well established. This study proposes a gambling-specific framework to guide future public health advocacy efforts to prevent and reduce gambling harm.

Keywords: advocacy framework; gambling; harm prevention; public health.

© 2019 The Authors.

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