The psychometric and pragmatic evidence rating scale (PAPERS) for measure development and evaluation - PubMed (original) (raw)

The psychometric and pragmatic evidence rating scale (PAPERS) for measure development and evaluation

Cara C Lewis et al. Implement Res Pract. 2021.


To rigorously measure the implementation of evidence-based interventions, implementation science requires measures that have evidence of reliability and validity across different contexts and populations. Measures that can detect change over time and impact on outcomes of interest are most useful to implementers. Moreover, measures that fit the practical needs of implementers could be used to guide implementation outside of the research context. To address this need, our team developed a rating scale for implementation science measures that considers their psychometric and pragmatic properties and the evidence available. The Psychometric and Pragmatic Evidence Rating Scale (PAPERS) can be used in systematic reviews of measures, in measure development, and to select measures. PAPERS may move the field toward measures that inform robust research evaluations and practical implementation efforts.

Keywords: Measures; implementation; pragmatic; psychometric; rating scale.

© The Author(s) 2021.

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Conflict of interest statement

The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The psychometric and pragmatic evidence rating scale (PAPERS) for measure development and evaluations. Funding for this study came from the National Institute of Mental Health, awarded to Dr. Cara C. Lewis as principal investigator (R01MH106510). Dr. Lewis is both an author of this manuscript and editor of the journal, Implementation Research and Practice. Due to this conflict, Dr. Lewis was not involved in the editorial or review process for this manuscript.

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