Clostridioides difficile infection: history, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical manifestations, treatment, and future options - PubMed (original) (raw)


. 2024 Jun 13;37(2):e0013523.

doi: 10.1128/cmr.00135-23. Epub 2024 Feb 29.



Clostridioides difficile infection: history, epidemiology, risk factors, prevention, clinical manifestations, treatment, and future options

Stefano Di Bella et al. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2024.


SUMMARY_Clostridioides difficile_ infection (CDI) is one of the major issues in nosocomial infections. This bacterium is constantly evolving and poses complex challenges for clinicians, often encountered in real-life scenarios. In the face of CDI, we are increasingly equipped with new therapeutic strategies, such as monoclonal antibodies and live biotherapeutic products, which need to be thoroughly understood to fully harness their benefits. Moreover, interesting options are currently under study for the future, including bacteriophages, vaccines, and antibiotic inhibitors. Surveillance and prevention strategies continue to play a pivotal role in limiting the spread of the infection. In this review, we aim to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of epidemiological aspects, predisposing factors, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tools, and current and future prophylactic and therapeutic options for C. difficile infection.

Keywords: Clostridioides difficile; Clostridium infections; antibacterial agents; antibodies, monoclonal; bacteria; bacteriophages; prevention; surveillance.

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