The estradiol-stimulated lipoprotein receptor of rat liver. A binding site that membrane mediates the uptake of rat lipoproteins containing apoproteins B and E - PubMed (original) (raw)

. 1980 Nov 10;255(21):10464-71.

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The estradiol-stimulated lipoprotein receptor of rat liver. A binding site that membrane mediates the uptake of rat lipoproteins containing apoproteins B and E

E E Windler et al. J Biol Chem. 1980.

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Hepatic catabolism of lipoproteins containing apolipoproteins B or E is enhanced in rats treated with pharmacologic doses of 17 alpha-ethinyl estradiol. Liver membranes prepared from these rats exhibit an increased number of receptor sites that bind 125I-labeled human low density lipoproteins (LDL) in vitro. In the present studies, this estradiol-stimulated hepatic receptor was shown to recognize the following rat lipoproteins: LDL, very low density lipoproteins obtained from liver perfusates (hepatic VLDL), and VLDL-remnants prepared by intravenous injection of hepatic VLDL into functionally eviscerated rats. The receptor also recognized synthetic lamellar complexes of lecithin and rat apoprotein E as well as canine high density lipoproteins containing apoprotein E (apo E-HDLc). It did not recognize human HDL or rat HDL deficient in apoprotein E. Much smaller amounts of this high affinity binding site were also found on liver membranes from untreated rats, the number of such sites increasing more than 10-fold after the animals were treated with estradiol. Each of the rat lipoproteins recognized by this receptor was taken up more rapidly by perfused livers from estrogen-treated rats. In addition, enrichment of hepatic VLDL with C-apoproteins lowered the ability of these lipoproteins to bind to the estradiol-stimulated receptor and diminished their rate of uptake by the perfused liver of estrogen-treated rats, just as it did in normal rats. The current data indicate that under the influence of pharmacologic doses of estradiol the liver of the rat contains increased amounts of a functional lipoprotein receptor that binds lipoproteins containing apoproteins B and E. This hepatic lipoprotein receptor appears to mediate the uptake and degradation of lipoproteins by the normal liver as well as the liver of estradiol-treated rats. The hepatic receptor bears a close functional resemblance to the LDL receptor previously characterized on extrahepatic cells.

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