V(D)J recombination: signal and coding joint resolution are uncoupled and depend on parallel synapsis of the sites - PubMed (original) (raw)

V(D)J recombination: signal and coding joint resolution are uncoupled and depend on parallel synapsis of the sites

K M Sheehan et al. Mol Cell Biol. 1993 Mar.


V(D)J recombination in lymphoid cells is a site-specific process in which the activity of the recombinase enzyme is targeted to signal sequences flanking the coding elements of antigen receptor genes. The order of the steps in this reaction and their mechanistic interdependence are important to the understanding of how the reaction fails and thereby contributes to genomic instability in lymphoid cells. The products of the normal reaction are recombinant joints linking the coding sequences of the receptor genes and, reciprocally, the signal ends. Extrachromosomal substrate molecules were modified to inhibit the physical synapsis of the recombination signals. In this way, it has been possible to assess how inhibiting the formation of one joint affects the resolution efficiency of the other. Our results indicate that signal joint and coding joint formation are resolved independently in that they can be uncoupled from each other. We also find that signal synapsis is critical for the generation of recombinant products, which greatly restricts the degree of potential single-site cutting that might otherwise occur in the genome. Finally, inversion substrates manifest synaptic inhibition at much longer distances than do deletion substrates, suggesting that a parallel rather than an antiparallel alignment of the signals is required during synapsis. These observations are important for understanding the interaction of V(D)J signals with the recombinase. Moreover, the role of signal synapsis in regulating recombinase activity has significant implications for genome stability regarding the frequency of recombinase-mediated chromosomal translocations.

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