Cross-linking studies and membrane localization and assembly of radiolabelled large mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL) of Escherichia coli - PubMed (original) (raw)

. 1997 Mar 27;232(3):777-82.

doi: 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6370.


Cross-linking studies and membrane localization and assembly of radiolabelled large mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL) of Escherichia coli

C C Häse et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1997.


The gene encoding the large conductance mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL) of Escherichia coli and several deletion mutants of mscL were cloned under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. Transformation of these constructs into an E. coli strain carrying an inducible T7 RNA polymerase gene allowed the specific production and labelling of MscL with [35S]methionine. Preparation of membrane fractions of E. coli cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation indicated that the radiolabelled MscL was present in the inner cytoplasmic membrane in agreement with results of several studies. However, treatment of the labelled cells and cell membrane vesicles with various cross-linkers resulted in the majority of labelled protein migrating as a monomer with a small proportion of molecules (approximately 25%) migrating as dimers and higher order multimers. This result is in contrast with a finding of a study suggesting that the channel exclusively forms hexamers in the cell membrane of E. coli (1) and therefore may have profound implication for the activation and/or "multimerization" of the channel by mechanical stress exerted to the membrane. In addition, from the specific activity of the radiolabelled protein and the amount of protein in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction we estimated the number of MscL ion channels expressed under these conditions to be approximately 50 channels per single bacterium.

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