IL-12 directly stimulates expression of IL-10 by CD5+ B cells and IL-6 by both CD5+ and CD5- B cells: possible involvement in age-associated cytokine dysregulation - PubMed (original) (raw)

IL-12 directly stimulates expression of IL-10 by CD5+ B cells and IL-6 by both CD5+ and CD5- B cells: possible involvement in age-associated cytokine dysregulation

N F Spencer et al. Int Immunol. 1997 May.


Constitutive expression of p35 and p40 IL-12 mRNA was detected in splenic macrophages isolated from aged mice. Macrophages were also implicated as the cell type responsible for the dysregulated IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha commonly observed to be constitutively produced by lymphoid cells from aged donors. A role for IL-12 in the aging process was suggested when it was found that recombinant IL-12 (rIL-12) directly stimulated splenic CD5+ B cells to secrete IL-10, and both CD5+ and CD5- B cells could be directly induced to produce IL-6 in response to rIL-12. Furthermore, splenocytes from aged animals cultured in the presence of anti-IL-12 antibodies demonstrated a significant reduction in spontaneous IL-6, IL-10 and IFN-gamma production. Based on these observations it was concluded that IL-12 might be responsible for the dysregulated production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma known to occur in aged animals. Treatment of aged animals with low doses of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, previously established to be immunocorrective in immunosenescent animals, reduced the age-associated alterations in IL-12 mRNA and protein expression. The mechanisms responsible for the abnormal constitutive expression of inflammatory cytokines by the macrophages of aged animals may play an important afferent role in establishing the immunosenescent phenotype.

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