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I'd like to meet a boy who looks like Elvis
2004-05-04 16:10:00

Good my life is so boring. I thought being off from work was going to be the best but now Im so bored!!! haha well Im not going to speak too soon because I would be kind of bummed if they called me into work tommorow. Gah I love getting paid to sit on my ass!!

well if these stupid people get done doing their laundry in my building then I can finally start it. They have been doing it all day.

I got a new mattress today its big and comfy!! I cant wait to sleep tonight!!!

I don't know if any of you want to or not but you can add my new journal... userAmyRuiz

Im leaving for Cedar point in like 3 minutes... hehe Talk to Everyone on Sunday and maybe Ill actually get to comment on some peoples Journals then...

Tonight when I was at work, I found out Im going to pretty much going to get a union job. What Im like really excited about then only thing is, is…