...~....Can you accept your relection??....~.... (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Nov. 30th, 2003|02:17 pm]~*...pUre ReFleCtIOn...*~
[I'm Feelin'** |tiredtired] [music** comedy central- uhh]
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(no subject) [Nov. 29th, 2003|10:37 pm]~*...pUre ReFleCtIOn...*~
[I'm Feelin'** |bouncybouncy] [music** Evanessance......]hey..heres some pics of me and my bestfriend, jena...she's in the community now...so yea lol ^^jena
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Hi =) [Nov. 29th, 2003|04:09 pm]~*...pUre ReFleCtIOn...*~
I'm Inna. 17yrs old. I'm Russian. I was born in Azerbaijan. I love to dance, sing. I'm a senior in High School. I'm seeing a HOTTIE named Justin ;0). My two favorite movies are "Gothika", and "Pirates of the Carribean". (That's just a lit'l background info.. if you want to know more, ask). I'm new to this community, but it's created by one of the cutest/sweetest girls =), and hopefully it'll be a lot of fun =) !!( Click Here For My PicturesCollapse )
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So Sexy... [Nov. 28th, 2003|08:37 pm]~*...pUre ReFleCtIOn...*~
alright so i'm the maintainer of this groupso welcome =PIf You decide too join this make sure you make a post with pictures!!...no pictures, no membership. im sorry, but if you cant handle rejection...then dont even bother. once you've made a post, you will be either accepted or denied membership within 2 days. /\/\/\when you make your first post, give a little info about yourself, if you don't sound interesting, then you'll be rejected. if you're pictures are highly pixle-ated, you will be rejected. if someone relpies to your post with a "no", and you argue back...keep aruging, i might begin to like ya..../\/\/\
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