Juan A . Mercado | Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis (original) (raw)

Books by Juan A . Mercado

Research paper thumbnail of Intention and the Construction of Society: Carrying Forward Anscombe’s Rediscovery of Moral Intentionality

Philosophical News, Jun 2019

E. Anscombe's writings on moral psychology offer valuable insights to link human language, facts,... more E. Anscombe's writings on moral psychology offer valuable insights to link human language, facts, and their relationship with social life. The efforts of the Cambridge philosopher to broaden the horizons of British moral thought imply the projection of the physical order on personal and collective actions. The application of her rediscovery of moral intentionality to the ethics of life brings to the fore the importance of the links between present activities and future states of affairs. This becomes much more relevant with regard to the connection between the human will and the ability to involve ourselves in magnanimous projects. This paper will focus on the efforts of Anscombe and Philippa Foot to explain the mental actions that enable humans to foresee the outcomes of their behaviour and its consequences on society. The dynamic character of human interactions in the creation of hope will be at the centre of the following study. "The only reliable politicians are dead ones". Anonymous

Research paper thumbnail of El sentimiento como racionalidad: la filosofía de la creencia en David Hume

La creencia o belief es uno de los conceptos capitales en las distintas aproximaciones que se pue... more La creencia o belief es uno de los conceptos capitales en las distintas aproximaciones que se pueden hacer al pensamiento de David Hume. La creencia tiene un papel importante, y se demuestra una noción conflictiva y versátil. Es versátil en la medida en que suple las funciones de conceptos racionalistas que son eliminados por la crítica empirista, y porque tiene un soporte amplio en las evidencias cotidianas.
La variedad de sus funciones y su simplicidad, sin embargo, tienen que contrastarse con diversos problemas que provienen de dos fuentes: la primera es el desentrañamiento de su naturaleza, que es afrontada por Hume en distintos momentos, sobre todo en el Tratado de la naturaleza humana y en la Investigación sobre el entendimiento humano. En sus intentos por describir este fenómento de la mente, Hume pone a prueba algunos de los elementos permanentes del empirismo —que provienen del tardo medioevo— e intenta amalgamarlos con la creciente tradición de la filosofía del sentimiento.
La segunda fuente de problemas está asociada al gran radio de influencias que Hume le atribuye a la belief. Un término del lenguaje ordinario, comúnmente asociado a la religión, se convierte en una noción basilar para los distintos tipos de conocimiento: del mundo físico —la causalidad, y la misma existencia de los cuerpos—; del “mundo” de la conciencia; sirve para contener los efectos del escepticismo; y se amplía con una dinámica peculiar al enjuiciamiento del conocimiento metafísico de Dios. En este proyecto Hume abarca muchos temas y, por decirlo de algún modo, desarrolla su “crítica de la razón”.


In the present work the " classical approach " to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradit... more In the present work the " classical approach " to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradition which, while not being a uniform or fixed methodology, possesses rather well-defined characteristics. Particularly significant among such characteristics is the harmonization among diverse human capacities and their interaction, permitting a person to lead a coherent life. Certain fundamental ideas of this way of understanding morality were taken up and renewed by Elizabeth Anscombe, who popularized the term " flourishing " as a synonym of the accomplished life and the alignment of just actions in the context of personal goodne Regarding the modern approach, this work refers primarily to certain recent developments in philosophy of the last few decades and to its contact with schools of contemporary psychology, in particular Abraham Maslow's holistic-dynamic theory, Carl Rogers' humanist psychology, and Martin Seligman's positive psychology. The convergence of various authors will be highlighted in four fundamental points: 1. the awareness of the moral subject, and thus the role of reason in the direction of one's life (mindfulness); 2. the classical idea of happiness as the search for the good and the ultimate end of human life and 3. certain fundamental traits of happiness, understood as the successful life, as the exercise of one's activity within a meaningful context; 4. interaction between the various human capacities in the construction of a complete personality or character, an indispensable condition for flourishing and reaching partial goals (proactivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Personal Flourishing in Organizations

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Flourishing Between Philosophy and Psychology - Introduction to Personal Flourishing in Organizations

In recent decades, flourishing has been developing as a synonym of consistent personal growth bot... more In recent decades, flourishing has been developing as a synonym of consistent personal growth both in the philosophical arena–from the Aristotelian perspective fostered by Anscombe–and in business ethics scholarship. The analogies between the terms maturity, growth, and flourishing—which have always been used to refer to positive human development—are coming to a point where they deserve systematic and scientific treatment. Important projects in psychology have implemented proposals to establish the kinds of contexts that allow human beings to develop in such a way. This also implies important distinctions between the subjects studied, i. e. some subjects more fully reflect this growth than others. Besides the question of measuring the added value of good personal and collective attitudes and practices, it is very relevant that psychology of organizations is rediscovering the importance of the meaning of life. A classical philosophical framework regarding happiness and the meaning of life is important to allow this contemporary trends to address such important aspects of institutional organization without reducing it to a mere functionalistic practices.

Research paper thumbnail of DAVID HUME: LAS BASES DE LA MORAL

En los primeros parágrafos del trabajo –sobre todo del 1 al 8– expongo ciertas bases del pensamie... more En los primeros parágrafos del trabajo –sobre todo del 1 al 8– expongo ciertas bases del pensamiento de Hume que considero inseparables de su propuesta ética: algunos principios de su obra de juventud, el Tratado sobre la naturaleza humana, sin los cuales es muy difícil seguir sus enrevesadas argumentaciones, para tratar de aclarar las que son más importantes y entender su evolución en la Investigación sobre los principios de la moral.
Después abordo las cuestiones de fondo que constituyen la herencia de la propuesta moral de Hume. Las referencias a autores del siglo XX están pensadas, como ya he señalado, para conectar algunos lugares comunes con sus raíces humeanas, y ofrecer así al lector un cuadro de interpretación para afrontar los textos finales.

Research paper thumbnail of Entre el interés y la benevolencia La ética de David Hume

Hume es conocido por lugares comunes, como la sujeción de la razón a las pasiones, la fuerza del ... more Hume es conocido por lugares comunes, como la sujeción de la razón a las pasiones, la fuerza del sentimiento moral, o interpretaciones
lejanas a sus fuentes. Sentencias sobre el placer o la imposibilidad de establecer una moral (deber ser) a partir de los hechos se presentan
sin una adecuada base textual y contextual que facilite la comprensión del carácter polémico o irónico de muchos pasajes. Esta obra intenta
recuperar una imagen coherente de la propuesta ética de David Hume, considerando estos distintos factores. El primer capítulo pretende dar
un marco general de comprensión del pensamiento humeano. Los seis siguientes presentan sus argumentaciones sobre nuestra naturaleza
egoísta a la vez que «simpatética»; los límites de la razón para fundamentar la moral, y también sus alcances para evaluar la utilidad y
establecer leyes que la custodien; se profundiza en su aversión a las instituciones eligiosas como guías de la conducta humana y se evalúa su consideración del bien a partir del placer y la utilidad.

Papers by Juan A . Mercado

Research paper thumbnail of La despersonalización de la conciencia en el liberalismo

Revista Empresa y Humanismo

Mandeville llevó al extremo algunas tesis de Hobbes, afirmando que el egoísmo es desagradable, pe... more Mandeville llevó al extremo algunas tesis de Hobbes, afirmando que el egoísmo es desagradable, pero provechoso para el progreso social. Hume y Adam Smith criticaron esta posición y propusieron alternativas en la línea del sentimiento moral y de la necesidad de pensar la moral con despego. Sentimientos importantes como la simpatía, son completamente distintos del egoísmo o interés personal. Además, la razón y la experiencia enseñan que es mejor fomentar el desinterés hasta crear una especie de espectador imparcial que juzga sin involucrarse en las acciones. Aunque Smith se acerca a la noción tradicional de conciencia, las propuestas de los dos autores escoceses se quedan en un modelo abstracto, que resulta poco aplicable en la moral personal.

Research paper thumbnail of Charles Taylor, de la autointerpretación a la participación política

Anuario Filosófico

Taylor's political proposal is based on a particular way of explaining human action. The mode... more Taylor's political proposal is based on a particular way of explaining human action. The modern ideal of authenticity is used to underline the role of responsibility in personal agency. Aristotelian prudence or phronesis is considered one of the best interpretations of practical reason for completing the ideal of authenticity because it includes the distinction among goods and their influence in everyone's life. The contemporary notion of horizon is an aid for understanding the role of cultural frames and dialogical exchange in the construction of personal identity.

Research paper thumbnail of El nihilismo contemporáneo, ¿el lado oscuro de la Posmodernidad?

Research paper thumbnail of Harmonising Reason and Emotions: Common Paths from Plato to Contemporary Trends in Psychology

Desire and Human Flourishing, 2020

Aristotle developed his proposal on the harmonisation of reason and desire in a detailed account ... more Aristotle developed his proposal on the harmonisation of reason and desire in a detailed account of the essential functions of the mind, i.e. the interplay of appetites, sensitive knowledge, deliberation, and choice. Aristotle and Plato understand this harmonisation as an inner dialogue that allows humans to engage in constructive relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiempo, tarea y satisfacción. De la sindéresis a la medición de resultados

Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 2022

Polo explica la sindéresis como un principio proactivo. Para ser constructiva, la efusividad huma... more Polo explica la sindéresis como un principio proactivo. Para ser constructiva, la efusividad humana requiere disciplina individual y estructuras organizativas. Una relación armónica entre la inteligencia y las emociones constituye una plataforma para la esperanza y la gratificación. Las emociones indican que las acciones y las producciones positivas producen satisfacción y perfeccionan a los trabajadores. Los directivos deben promover actividades que lleven a cumplir los objetivos. Fijar objetivos estructura el tiempo a través de instrumentos muy variados, para que los trabajadores puedan dar más y seguir dando, es decir, sin desgastarse innecesariamente. La metodología OKR concreta algunas nociones antropológicas fundamentales de Polo, a través del establecimiento de objetivos y estrategias para medir los resultados de modo que los trabajadores crezcan en autonomía e iniciativa. La retroalimentación que se da con este sistema de trabajo promueve la confianza y la asimilación de las...

Research paper thumbnail of How Close Are Contemporary Ideas on Human Flourishing and the Classical Philosophy of Man?

Personal Flourishing in Organizations, 2017

In the present work the "classical approach" to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian traditio... more In the present work the "classical approach" to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradition which, while not being a uniform or fixed methodology, possesses rather well-defined characteristics. Particularly significant among such characteristics is the harmonization among diverse human capacities and their interaction, permitting a person to lead a coherent life. Certain fundamental ideas of this way of understanding morality were taken up and renewed by Elizabeth Anscombe, who popularized the term "flourishing" as a synonym of the accomplished life and the alignment of just actions in the context of personal goodness. Regarding the modern approach, this work refers primarily to certain recent developments in philosophy of the last few decades and to its contact with schools of contemporary psychology, in particular Abraham Maslow's holistic-dynamic theory, Carl Rogers' humanist psychology, and Martin Seligman's positive psychology. The convergence of various authors will be highlighted in four fundamental points: (1) the awareness of the moral subject, and thus the role of reason in the direction of one's life (mindfulness); (2) the classical idea of happiness as the search for the good and the ultimate end of human life and (3) certain fundamental traits of happiness, understood as the successful life, as the exercise of one's activity within a meaningful context; (4) interaction between the various human capacities in the construction of a complete personality or character, an indispensable condition for flourishing and reaching partial goals (proactivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Institutional Ethics as a Condition for Personal Development

Personal Flourishing in Organizations, 2017

Antonio Valero founded IESE Business School, where he was also a professor of general management.... more Antonio Valero founded IESE Business School, where he was also a professor of general management. The present chapter summarizes the main elements of Valero’s philosophy of the firm and his “Enterprise Politics Model” (EPM). Valero’s proposal manages to harmonize both personal and institutional ethics, while recognizing that it is not enough to foster personal virtues: the commercial firm requires a solid institutional framework and qualified individuals in order to be sustainable. The EPM considers the firm as a community of persons that is also an intermediate social institution that contributes to the formation and continuity of a good society; it stresses the relevance and responsibility of senior management in integrating justice and efficiency, as well as emphasizes the practical nature of management and the manager’s need for specific skills, moral character and practical wisdom. The EPM sees the firm as a political reality, a community of free and intelligent people under a given form of government following a common aim. Consequently, senior management should possess knowledge and skills of a political and technical nature. The EPM’s political procedure includes the philosophy of the firm, programs of actions, policies and objectives. The model involves four areas of government: (1) business activity; (2) structure; (3) institutional configuration; and (4) living together with a professional commitment.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione. Le basi sperimentali della coscienza e della libertà

Acta Philosophica, 2008

Gli articoli sono indicizzati da «The Philosopher's Index» e da «Répertoire Bibliographique de la... more Gli articoli sono indicizzati da «The Philosopher's Index» e da «Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie». Le collaborazioni, scambi, libri in saggio vanno indirizzati alla Redazione. Le opinioni espresse negli articoli pubblicati in questa rivista rispecchiano unicamente il pensiero degli autori. Si invitano gli autori ad attenersi, nel predisporre i materiali da consegnare alla Redazione e alla Casa editrice, alle norme specificate nel volume Fabrizio Serra, Regole editoriali, redazionali & tipografiche, Pisa-Roma, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Utilitarismo e sentimentalismo in David Hume

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Flourishing in Organizations

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Research paper thumbnail of Classical ethics and contemporary psychology : some fundamental hints for education

Aristotle considers the acting human agent as endowed with reason, will, and a tendency towards g... more Aristotle considers the acting human agent as endowed with reason, will, and a tendency towards good, moderated by the superior faculties. This endowment is ordered to the attainment of goods (ends) and growing in the virtues is indispensable to obtaining them. At the basis of the Aristotelian proposal there is a strong connection between some metaphysical concepts (being, good, truth) and human action: we move towards goods (the object of the will) that have been known (truth, the object of reason). Aristotle describes the ethiké virtues, not as mere repetitive actions, but as constituents of one’s character. The consideration that our capacity to act upon ourselves may make us better or worse, good or evil, remains outside the perspective of many authors. Nevertheless some, such as Maslow, working on the borders between psychology and philosophy restore important contacts with the proposal of the ancients. Despite being an antimetaphysical thinker, Maslow concluded that the true, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione: come vivere la morte. Questioni sull'eutanasia

Research paper thumbnail of La argumentación retórica como base interpretativa de la inducción aristotélica

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2013

Los pasajes de la Retórica de Aristóteles donde la inducción (epagogé) es discutida la muestran c... more Los pasajes de la Retórica de Aristóteles donde la inducción (epagogé) es discutida la muestran como un tipo muy útil de argumentación, de alguna manera relacionada con el ejemplo (paradeígma). Este último se basa en la percepción de algún tipo de similitud entre las cosas comparadas. Las características atribuidas por Aristóteles a estas formas de argumento nos permiten proponer un marco en el cual la noción de epagogé puede unificarse, a pesar del hecho de que algunas partes de las obras de Aristóteles pudieran sugerir que se entiendan sus diferentes significados en términos de oposición.

Research paper thumbnail of Intention and the Construction of Society: Carrying Forward Anscombe’s Rediscovery of Moral Intentionality

Philosophical News, Jun 2019

E. Anscombe's writings on moral psychology offer valuable insights to link human language, facts,... more E. Anscombe's writings on moral psychology offer valuable insights to link human language, facts, and their relationship with social life. The efforts of the Cambridge philosopher to broaden the horizons of British moral thought imply the projection of the physical order on personal and collective actions. The application of her rediscovery of moral intentionality to the ethics of life brings to the fore the importance of the links between present activities and future states of affairs. This becomes much more relevant with regard to the connection between the human will and the ability to involve ourselves in magnanimous projects. This paper will focus on the efforts of Anscombe and Philippa Foot to explain the mental actions that enable humans to foresee the outcomes of their behaviour and its consequences on society. The dynamic character of human interactions in the creation of hope will be at the centre of the following study. "The only reliable politicians are dead ones". Anonymous

Research paper thumbnail of El sentimiento como racionalidad: la filosofía de la creencia en David Hume

La creencia o belief es uno de los conceptos capitales en las distintas aproximaciones que se pue... more La creencia o belief es uno de los conceptos capitales en las distintas aproximaciones que se pueden hacer al pensamiento de David Hume. La creencia tiene un papel importante, y se demuestra una noción conflictiva y versátil. Es versátil en la medida en que suple las funciones de conceptos racionalistas que son eliminados por la crítica empirista, y porque tiene un soporte amplio en las evidencias cotidianas.
La variedad de sus funciones y su simplicidad, sin embargo, tienen que contrastarse con diversos problemas que provienen de dos fuentes: la primera es el desentrañamiento de su naturaleza, que es afrontada por Hume en distintos momentos, sobre todo en el Tratado de la naturaleza humana y en la Investigación sobre el entendimiento humano. En sus intentos por describir este fenómento de la mente, Hume pone a prueba algunos de los elementos permanentes del empirismo —que provienen del tardo medioevo— e intenta amalgamarlos con la creciente tradición de la filosofía del sentimiento.
La segunda fuente de problemas está asociada al gran radio de influencias que Hume le atribuye a la belief. Un término del lenguaje ordinario, comúnmente asociado a la religión, se convierte en una noción basilar para los distintos tipos de conocimiento: del mundo físico —la causalidad, y la misma existencia de los cuerpos—; del “mundo” de la conciencia; sirve para contener los efectos del escepticismo; y se amplía con una dinámica peculiar al enjuiciamiento del conocimiento metafísico de Dios. En este proyecto Hume abarca muchos temas y, por decirlo de algún modo, desarrolla su “crítica de la razón”.


In the present work the " classical approach " to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradit... more In the present work the " classical approach " to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradition which, while not being a uniform or fixed methodology, possesses rather well-defined characteristics. Particularly significant among such characteristics is the harmonization among diverse human capacities and their interaction, permitting a person to lead a coherent life. Certain fundamental ideas of this way of understanding morality were taken up and renewed by Elizabeth Anscombe, who popularized the term " flourishing " as a synonym of the accomplished life and the alignment of just actions in the context of personal goodne Regarding the modern approach, this work refers primarily to certain recent developments in philosophy of the last few decades and to its contact with schools of contemporary psychology, in particular Abraham Maslow's holistic-dynamic theory, Carl Rogers' humanist psychology, and Martin Seligman's positive psychology. The convergence of various authors will be highlighted in four fundamental points: 1. the awareness of the moral subject, and thus the role of reason in the direction of one's life (mindfulness); 2. the classical idea of happiness as the search for the good and the ultimate end of human life and 3. certain fundamental traits of happiness, understood as the successful life, as the exercise of one's activity within a meaningful context; 4. interaction between the various human capacities in the construction of a complete personality or character, an indispensable condition for flourishing and reaching partial goals (proactivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Preface to Personal Flourishing in Organizations

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Flourishing Between Philosophy and Psychology - Introduction to Personal Flourishing in Organizations

In recent decades, flourishing has been developing as a synonym of consistent personal growth bot... more In recent decades, flourishing has been developing as a synonym of consistent personal growth both in the philosophical arena–from the Aristotelian perspective fostered by Anscombe–and in business ethics scholarship. The analogies between the terms maturity, growth, and flourishing—which have always been used to refer to positive human development—are coming to a point where they deserve systematic and scientific treatment. Important projects in psychology have implemented proposals to establish the kinds of contexts that allow human beings to develop in such a way. This also implies important distinctions between the subjects studied, i. e. some subjects more fully reflect this growth than others. Besides the question of measuring the added value of good personal and collective attitudes and practices, it is very relevant that psychology of organizations is rediscovering the importance of the meaning of life. A classical philosophical framework regarding happiness and the meaning of life is important to allow this contemporary trends to address such important aspects of institutional organization without reducing it to a mere functionalistic practices.

Research paper thumbnail of DAVID HUME: LAS BASES DE LA MORAL

En los primeros parágrafos del trabajo –sobre todo del 1 al 8– expongo ciertas bases del pensamie... more En los primeros parágrafos del trabajo –sobre todo del 1 al 8– expongo ciertas bases del pensamiento de Hume que considero inseparables de su propuesta ética: algunos principios de su obra de juventud, el Tratado sobre la naturaleza humana, sin los cuales es muy difícil seguir sus enrevesadas argumentaciones, para tratar de aclarar las que son más importantes y entender su evolución en la Investigación sobre los principios de la moral.
Después abordo las cuestiones de fondo que constituyen la herencia de la propuesta moral de Hume. Las referencias a autores del siglo XX están pensadas, como ya he señalado, para conectar algunos lugares comunes con sus raíces humeanas, y ofrecer así al lector un cuadro de interpretación para afrontar los textos finales.

Research paper thumbnail of Entre el interés y la benevolencia La ética de David Hume

Hume es conocido por lugares comunes, como la sujeción de la razón a las pasiones, la fuerza del ... more Hume es conocido por lugares comunes, como la sujeción de la razón a las pasiones, la fuerza del sentimiento moral, o interpretaciones
lejanas a sus fuentes. Sentencias sobre el placer o la imposibilidad de establecer una moral (deber ser) a partir de los hechos se presentan
sin una adecuada base textual y contextual que facilite la comprensión del carácter polémico o irónico de muchos pasajes. Esta obra intenta
recuperar una imagen coherente de la propuesta ética de David Hume, considerando estos distintos factores. El primer capítulo pretende dar
un marco general de comprensión del pensamiento humeano. Los seis siguientes presentan sus argumentaciones sobre nuestra naturaleza
egoísta a la vez que «simpatética»; los límites de la razón para fundamentar la moral, y también sus alcances para evaluar la utilidad y
establecer leyes que la custodien; se profundiza en su aversión a las instituciones eligiosas como guías de la conducta humana y se evalúa su consideración del bien a partir del placer y la utilidad.

Research paper thumbnail of La despersonalización de la conciencia en el liberalismo

Revista Empresa y Humanismo

Mandeville llevó al extremo algunas tesis de Hobbes, afirmando que el egoísmo es desagradable, pe... more Mandeville llevó al extremo algunas tesis de Hobbes, afirmando que el egoísmo es desagradable, pero provechoso para el progreso social. Hume y Adam Smith criticaron esta posición y propusieron alternativas en la línea del sentimiento moral y de la necesidad de pensar la moral con despego. Sentimientos importantes como la simpatía, son completamente distintos del egoísmo o interés personal. Además, la razón y la experiencia enseñan que es mejor fomentar el desinterés hasta crear una especie de espectador imparcial que juzga sin involucrarse en las acciones. Aunque Smith se acerca a la noción tradicional de conciencia, las propuestas de los dos autores escoceses se quedan en un modelo abstracto, que resulta poco aplicable en la moral personal.

Research paper thumbnail of Charles Taylor, de la autointerpretación a la participación política

Anuario Filosófico

Taylor's political proposal is based on a particular way of explaining human action. The mode... more Taylor's political proposal is based on a particular way of explaining human action. The modern ideal of authenticity is used to underline the role of responsibility in personal agency. Aristotelian prudence or phronesis is considered one of the best interpretations of practical reason for completing the ideal of authenticity because it includes the distinction among goods and their influence in everyone's life. The contemporary notion of horizon is an aid for understanding the role of cultural frames and dialogical exchange in the construction of personal identity.

Research paper thumbnail of El nihilismo contemporáneo, ¿el lado oscuro de la Posmodernidad?

Research paper thumbnail of Harmonising Reason and Emotions: Common Paths from Plato to Contemporary Trends in Psychology

Desire and Human Flourishing, 2020

Aristotle developed his proposal on the harmonisation of reason and desire in a detailed account ... more Aristotle developed his proposal on the harmonisation of reason and desire in a detailed account of the essential functions of the mind, i.e. the interplay of appetites, sensitive knowledge, deliberation, and choice. Aristotle and Plato understand this harmonisation as an inner dialogue that allows humans to engage in constructive relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Tiempo, tarea y satisfacción. De la sindéresis a la medición de resultados

Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 2022

Polo explica la sindéresis como un principio proactivo. Para ser constructiva, la efusividad huma... more Polo explica la sindéresis como un principio proactivo. Para ser constructiva, la efusividad humana requiere disciplina individual y estructuras organizativas. Una relación armónica entre la inteligencia y las emociones constituye una plataforma para la esperanza y la gratificación. Las emociones indican que las acciones y las producciones positivas producen satisfacción y perfeccionan a los trabajadores. Los directivos deben promover actividades que lleven a cumplir los objetivos. Fijar objetivos estructura el tiempo a través de instrumentos muy variados, para que los trabajadores puedan dar más y seguir dando, es decir, sin desgastarse innecesariamente. La metodología OKR concreta algunas nociones antropológicas fundamentales de Polo, a través del establecimiento de objetivos y estrategias para medir los resultados de modo que los trabajadores crezcan en autonomía e iniciativa. La retroalimentación que se da con este sistema de trabajo promueve la confianza y la asimilación de las...

Research paper thumbnail of How Close Are Contemporary Ideas on Human Flourishing and the Classical Philosophy of Man?

Personal Flourishing in Organizations, 2017

In the present work the "classical approach" to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian traditio... more In the present work the "classical approach" to ethics implies the Socratic-Aristotelian tradition which, while not being a uniform or fixed methodology, possesses rather well-defined characteristics. Particularly significant among such characteristics is the harmonization among diverse human capacities and their interaction, permitting a person to lead a coherent life. Certain fundamental ideas of this way of understanding morality were taken up and renewed by Elizabeth Anscombe, who popularized the term "flourishing" as a synonym of the accomplished life and the alignment of just actions in the context of personal goodness. Regarding the modern approach, this work refers primarily to certain recent developments in philosophy of the last few decades and to its contact with schools of contemporary psychology, in particular Abraham Maslow's holistic-dynamic theory, Carl Rogers' humanist psychology, and Martin Seligman's positive psychology. The convergence of various authors will be highlighted in four fundamental points: (1) the awareness of the moral subject, and thus the role of reason in the direction of one's life (mindfulness); (2) the classical idea of happiness as the search for the good and the ultimate end of human life and (3) certain fundamental traits of happiness, understood as the successful life, as the exercise of one's activity within a meaningful context; (4) interaction between the various human capacities in the construction of a complete personality or character, an indispensable condition for flourishing and reaching partial goals (proactivity).

Research paper thumbnail of Institutional Ethics as a Condition for Personal Development

Personal Flourishing in Organizations, 2017

Antonio Valero founded IESE Business School, where he was also a professor of general management.... more Antonio Valero founded IESE Business School, where he was also a professor of general management. The present chapter summarizes the main elements of Valero’s philosophy of the firm and his “Enterprise Politics Model” (EPM). Valero’s proposal manages to harmonize both personal and institutional ethics, while recognizing that it is not enough to foster personal virtues: the commercial firm requires a solid institutional framework and qualified individuals in order to be sustainable. The EPM considers the firm as a community of persons that is also an intermediate social institution that contributes to the formation and continuity of a good society; it stresses the relevance and responsibility of senior management in integrating justice and efficiency, as well as emphasizes the practical nature of management and the manager’s need for specific skills, moral character and practical wisdom. The EPM sees the firm as a political reality, a community of free and intelligent people under a given form of government following a common aim. Consequently, senior management should possess knowledge and skills of a political and technical nature. The EPM’s political procedure includes the philosophy of the firm, programs of actions, policies and objectives. The model involves four areas of government: (1) business activity; (2) structure; (3) institutional configuration; and (4) living together with a professional commitment.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione. Le basi sperimentali della coscienza e della libertà

Acta Philosophica, 2008

Gli articoli sono indicizzati da «The Philosopher's Index» e da «Répertoire Bibliographique de la... more Gli articoli sono indicizzati da «The Philosopher's Index» e da «Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie». Le collaborazioni, scambi, libri in saggio vanno indirizzati alla Redazione. Le opinioni espresse negli articoli pubblicati in questa rivista rispecchiano unicamente il pensiero degli autori. Si invitano gli autori ad attenersi, nel predisporre i materiali da consegnare alla Redazione e alla Casa editrice, alle norme specificate nel volume Fabrizio Serra, Regole editoriali, redazionali & tipografiche, Pisa-Roma, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Utilitarismo e sentimentalismo in David Hume

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Flourishing in Organizations

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Research paper thumbnail of Classical ethics and contemporary psychology : some fundamental hints for education

Aristotle considers the acting human agent as endowed with reason, will, and a tendency towards g... more Aristotle considers the acting human agent as endowed with reason, will, and a tendency towards good, moderated by the superior faculties. This endowment is ordered to the attainment of goods (ends) and growing in the virtues is indispensable to obtaining them. At the basis of the Aristotelian proposal there is a strong connection between some metaphysical concepts (being, good, truth) and human action: we move towards goods (the object of the will) that have been known (truth, the object of reason). Aristotle describes the ethiké virtues, not as mere repetitive actions, but as constituents of one’s character. The consideration that our capacity to act upon ourselves may make us better or worse, good or evil, remains outside the perspective of many authors. Nevertheless some, such as Maslow, working on the borders between psychology and philosophy restore important contacts with the proposal of the ancients. Despite being an antimetaphysical thinker, Maslow concluded that the true, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Presentazione: come vivere la morte. Questioni sull'eutanasia

Research paper thumbnail of La argumentación retórica como base interpretativa de la inducción aristotélica

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2013

Los pasajes de la Retórica de Aristóteles donde la inducción (epagogé) es discutida la muestran c... more Los pasajes de la Retórica de Aristóteles donde la inducción (epagogé) es discutida la muestran como un tipo muy útil de argumentación, de alguna manera relacionada con el ejemplo (paradeígma). Este último se basa en la percepción de algún tipo de similitud entre las cosas comparadas. Las características atribuidas por Aristóteles a estas formas de argumento nos permiten proponer un marco en el cual la noción de epagogé puede unificarse, a pesar del hecho de que algunas partes de las obras de Aristóteles pudieran sugerir que se entiendan sus diferentes significados en términos de oposición.

Research paper thumbnail of Bien, Utilidad y Conciencia: Aspectos Fundamentales De La Ética en Tercera Persona De David Hume

Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía, 2013

Hume reacciona contra el egoísmo, el racionalismo, la teleología y los elementos religiosos en la... more Hume reacciona contra el egoísmo, el racionalismo, la teleología y los elementos religiosos en las propuestas morales. Pone en primer lugar los sentimientos y la generación espontánea de un orden legal a partir de ellos. Sin embargo, abundantes textos del filósofo hacen ver la necesidad de reconsiderar el orden (y la belleza), la finalidad y el papel de la razón en las acciones. Su brillante descripción de las virtudes va más allá de lo que propone la pretendida espontaneidad, pero no supera la visión del espectador (“tercera persona”) y no ofrece una vía de adquisición de las disposiciones estables del carácter.

Research paper thumbnail of David Hume: la soluzione scettica allo scetticismo

Acta Philosophica Rivista Internazionale Di Filosofia, 2002

«Il pirronismo, fonte e paradigma classico dello scetticismo occidentale, non ha dubbi sul propri... more «Il pirronismo, fonte e paradigma classico dello scetticismo occidentale, non ha dubbi sul proprio diritto, sulla propria capacità di presentare la sua tesi sotto forma di proposizioni articolate, grammaticalmente organizzate. Montaigne e Hume sono grandi stilisti, perfettamente a loro agio nella dimora della lingua. Non enunciano mai un qualsiasi dubbio autentico e coerente sulla legittimità dello strumento linguistico quando questo strumento serve a propinare le incertezze, i limiti, le illusioni affrettate che sovvertono il commercio discorsivo dell'uomo con ciò che egli considera come fatti».

Research paper thumbnail of Origin of metaphysics of the living: From Plato to De Anima

Acta Philosophica Rivista Internazionale Di Filosofia, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of La publicación del tomo de la Antropología trascendental, de Leonardo Polo

Acta Philosophica Rivista Internazionale Di Filosofia, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of La publicacion del tomo I de la Antropologia trascendental, de Leonardo Polo

Acta Philosophica, 1999

Page 1. ACCA PIllLOSOPIllCA, vol. 8 (1999), fase. 2 - PACC. 289-299 La publicacion del tomo I de ... more Page 1. ACCA PIllLOSOPIllCA, vol. 8 (1999), fase. 2 - PACC. 289-299 La publicacion del tomo I de la Antropologia trascendental, de Leonardo Polo* JUAN A. MERCADO** • 1. El lugar de la antropologia en la obra de Polo. Algunas cuestiones terminologicas ...

Research paper thumbnail of David Hume: las bases de la moral

Green y T.H. Grose (eds.), 4 vv., Scientia Verlag, Aalen 1964, (reproducción de la ed. de Londres... more Green y T.H. Grose (eds.), 4 vv., Scientia Verlag, Aalen 1964, (reproducción de la ed. de Londres 1882). Excepto en el caso del Tratado sobre la naturaleza humana, si no se indica otra cosa, las referencias serán a esta edición

Research paper thumbnail of Brief Comments on Capaldi's' We Do'Interpretation of Humean Ethics

Acta Philosophica, 2000

Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Brief comments on Capaldi's " We Do " interpretation of humean ethics

■ Several years ago, summarizing the ideas presented in previous articles, Prof. Capaldi claimed ... more ■ Several years ago, summarizing the ideas presented in previous articles, Prof. Capaldi claimed that Hume's "We Do" way of explaining moral life resembled a Copernican Revolution 1 .

Research paper thumbnail of La publicacion del tomo I de la Antropologia trascendental, de Leonardo Polo

En el pr610go, Leonardo Polo -catednitico de Historia de la filosofIa desde 1966 y profesor de la... more En el pr610go, Leonardo Polo -catednitico de Historia de la filosofIa desde 1966 y profesor de la Universidad de Navarra (Espafia) desde 1954-presenta esta obra como el vértice de su investigaci6n filosOfica, queriendo decir con esto que «el método que la ha conducido no da mas de SI» (p. Il).