Oskari Juurikkala | Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis (original) (raw)

Papers by Oskari Juurikkala

Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?" by Virgil Henry Storr and Ginny Seung Choi

The Journal of Markets and Morality, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Two Books of God: The Metaphor of the Book of Nature in Augustine

Augustinianum, 2021

Augustine is considered a leading figure in the history of the book of nature. But what exactly d... more Augustine is considered a leading figure in the history of the book of nature. But what exactly did he say about it? This article examines all the metaphors with which Augustine refers, or seems to refer, to the visible world as a divine book. It is found that four of the often-cited passages have a different meaning, but two of them refer to the material creation as a book. The article further explores how the idea of God’s two books—nature and Scripture—influences Augustine’s literal interpretation of Genesis and his Trinitarian theology. Finally, it argues that the ultimate foundation for the Augustinian book of nature should be sought in his theology of the Word.

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Research paper thumbnail of Liturgiset käännökset katolisessa kirkossa

The article discusses liturgical translations in the Roman Catholic Church especially in the post... more The article discusses liturgical translations in the Roman Catholic Church especially in the post-Vatican II period, i.e., from the 1960s onward.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Law and Economics of Credit Default Swaps Derivatives Regulation, Insurance Law, and Recent Financial Market Reforms

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy" by Philip Booth

The Journal of Markets and Morality, 2007

Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy Philip Booth, with contributions from: Samuel Gre... more Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy Philip Booth, with contributions from: Samuel Gregg, Robert Kennedy, Denis O’Brien, Dennis O’Keeffe, Anthony Percy, Robert A. Sirico, Thomas Woods, and Andrew Yuengert London, United Kingdom: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2007 (274 pages)

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Engineering Meets Legal Alchemy: Decoding the Mystery of Credit Default Swaps

Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 2014

ABSTRACTThis Article critically examines the legal nature of credit default swaps. Functionally a... more ABSTRACTThis Article critically examines the legal nature of credit default swaps. Functionally a form of credit default insurance, CDSs are however commonly characterized as largely unregulated financial derivatives, and were widely blamed for exacerbating the global financial crisis of 2007-09 and contributing to the European debt crisis starting in 2010. This Article demonstrates that the classification of CDSs as derivatives is due to a misapplication of insurance law principles and a glaring misreading of relevant legislation. Furthermore, CDSs are structurally and economically not swaps, which raises suspicions of deliberate evasion of the law by classifying them as swaps. Given the widespread confusion surrounding CDSs, this Article examines the history of the legal concept of swaps and demonstrates that the International Swaps and Derivatives Association developed them in order to exploit regulatory exemptions, which were later extended to an increasing range of deregulated ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Behavioral Paradox: Why Investor Irrationality Calls for Lighter and Simpler Financial Regulation

Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 2012

ABSTRACTIt is widely believed that behavioral economics justifies more intrusive regulation of fi... more ABSTRACTIt is widely believed that behavioral economics justifies more intrusive regulation of financial markets, because people are not fully rational and need to be protected from their quirks. This Article challenges that belief. Firstly, insofar as people can be helped to make better choices, that goal can usually be achieved through light-touch regulations. Secondly, faulty perceptions about markets seem to be best corrected through market-based solutions. Thirdly, increasing regulation does not seem to solve problems caused by lack of market discipline, pricing inefficiencies, and financial innovation; better results may be achieved with freer markets and simpler rules. Fourthly, regulatory rule makers are subject to imperfect rationality, which tends to reduce the quality of regulatory intervention. Finally, regulatory complexity exacerbates the harmful effects of bounded rationality, whereas simple and stable rules give rise to positive learning effects.IntroductionThe recen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics" by Alejandro A. Chafuen

Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics Alejandro A. Chafuen Lanham, Mary... more Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics Alejandro A. Chafuen Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2003 (171 pages)

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Research paper thumbnail of Credit Default Swaps and Insurance: Against the Potts Opinion

Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as in... more Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as insurance contracts in English law. This article challenges the widespread “Potts opinion”, which states that CDSs are not insurance, because they do not require the protection buyer to sustain a loss or to have an insurable interest in the subject matter. CDSs often do provide protection against loss that the buyer is exposed to; loss indemnity is not a necessary characterisation of an insurance contract; insurable interest does not form part of the definition of insurance, but is an additional requirement of valid insurance; and what matters is the substance not the form of the contract. The situation in the US and Australia is also briefly considered.

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Research paper thumbnail of Law and Social Norms in Contractual Relationships

Law is important – but not as important as many lawyers believe. Evidence from different countrie... more Law is important – but not as important as many lawyers believe. Evidence from different countries demonstrates that businessmen rely more on social norms than on legal rights and duties. Sometimes law is even deliberately avoided. Social norms and informal practices can also be enforced through a variety of non-legal sanctions. Law is still relevant, especially in non-continuous relationships and so-called end-game situations. But legal norms are most relevant and efficient when they are well-aligned with social norms.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economics, Psychology and Happiness: Virtue Theory vs. Slavery of the Passions

The truth of any economic theory ultimately hinges on the truth of its philosophy of man. In this... more The truth of any economic theory ultimately hinges on the truth of its philosophy of man. In this essay I will analyze modern economic thought from two perspectives: firstly, from its criticism and development by experimental psychology; secondly, from the philosophical anthropology and Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. I will argue that although there is much truth in modern economics, its philosophical underpinnings are flawed in important aspects, and this accounts for its inability to explain and understand human behavior in some significant respects. I will try to pinpoint the essential character of the philosophical error, and argue for a better philosophy of the person that can provide a starting point for building a new economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of El don personal en las empresas sanas : racionalidad limitada , valores inconmensurables y agencia económica

Este articulo defiende que las aventuras empresariales deben tener una base normativa, y que toda... more Este articulo defiende que las aventuras empresariales deben tener una base normativa, y que toda empresa, en la medida en que sea razonable, aceptara el hecho de que, en ultimo termino, es un regalo (libre) para promover el bien. Basandose en la idea de Herbert Simon de satisfaccion, y desarrollandola de acuerdo con las corrientes axiologicas de la teoria de la ley natural neoclasica, este articulo sostiene que cualquier intento de proceder razonablemente en cualquier aventura empresarial estara guiado por la racionalidad, que es limitada. La racionalidad limitada supone que los diversos valores fitnales o fines de la aventura son inconmensurables, y esto implica que 1. La empresa necesita no estar cerrada a promocionar meramente un solo valor, como los beneficios, y 2. La eleccion de apuntar a uno o masfiines sera un regalo personal (libre) que es eticamente valioso.

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Research paper thumbnail of Es la Seguridad Social la madre de todas las tramas de Ponzi

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtuous Poverty, Christian Liberty: A Free-Market Appreciation of Pope Francis

Pope Francis has touched on economic issues in many public statements and documents since his ele... more Pope Francis has touched on economic issues in many public statements and documents since his elevation to the papacy. These statements have received heavy criticism by supporters of the free market, worsened by misleading representations in mainstream media. In response, this article is divided into three sections: (1) an outline of key ideas in Francis’s message concerning the economy, (2) an analysis of certain critical responses that are relevant but ultimately insufficient, and (3) an examination of the deeper unity between free-market economics and Francis’s message. Oskari Juurikkala, "Virtuous Poverty, Christian Liberty: A Free-Market Appreciation of Pope Francis," Journal of Markets & Morality 18, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 257-277.

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Research paper thumbnail of Likeness to the Divinity? Virtues and Charismatic Leadership

Classical virtue theory provides a fruitful framework for understanding charismatic leadership. T... more Classical virtue theory provides a fruitful framework for understanding charismatic leadership. The article outlines the theory of virtues and demonstrates the contribution of virtues to the personality traits and behaviors that are associated with charisma. The virtue of magnanimity or high-mindedness is shown to play a special role. The virtue-based perspective to charismatic leadership clarifies disagreements concerning the definition and delineation of the concept of charisma. It also provides a novel framework for analyzing and criticizing charismatic leadership training programs. Finally, the article demonstrates that the dark side of charisma is a deformation caused by the absence of specific virtues such as prudence, justice or

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ontology of Theosis: Insights from Maximus the Confessor

Theological Research. The Journal of Systematic Theology, 2020

This article describes the ontological problem of theosis or deification in terms of two dimensio... more This article describes the ontological problem of theosis or deification in terms of two dimensions: the relationship between the finite and the infinite, and the relationship between human nature and sin. Both problems are clarified through the thinking of Saint Maximus the Confessor and his distinction between logos and tropos, that is, the constitutive nature of a thing and its existential mode of being. Theosis is presented not as a transformation of the human nature, but a transformation of our mode of being by its healing and elevation by divine grace. Maximus’ theological anthropology explains how the effects of sin should not be situated at the level of human nature but its mode of being. His conceptual distinctions may help to clarify the thought of Luther, at least as it is presented in the Finnish interpretation of Luther.

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Research paper thumbnail of Law and Virtue: An Economic Analysis

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of The Behavioral Paradox: Why Investor Irrationality Calls for Lighter and Simpler Financial Regulation

Fordham Journal of Corporate Financial Law, Mar 31, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es la Seguridad Social la madre de todas las tramas de Ponzi?

Nuevas Tendencias, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy" by Philip Booth

Journal of Markets Morality, Jun 2, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals?" by Virgil Henry Storr and Ginny Seung Choi

The Journal of Markets and Morality, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The Two Books of God: The Metaphor of the Book of Nature in Augustine

Augustinianum, 2021

Augustine is considered a leading figure in the history of the book of nature. But what exactly d... more Augustine is considered a leading figure in the history of the book of nature. But what exactly did he say about it? This article examines all the metaphors with which Augustine refers, or seems to refer, to the visible world as a divine book. It is found that four of the often-cited passages have a different meaning, but two of them refer to the material creation as a book. The article further explores how the idea of God’s two books—nature and Scripture—influences Augustine’s literal interpretation of Genesis and his Trinitarian theology. Finally, it argues that the ultimate foundation for the Augustinian book of nature should be sought in his theology of the Word.

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Research paper thumbnail of Liturgiset käännökset katolisessa kirkossa

The article discusses liturgical translations in the Roman Catholic Church especially in the post... more The article discusses liturgical translations in the Roman Catholic Church especially in the post-Vatican II period, i.e., from the 1960s onward.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Law and Economics of Credit Default Swaps Derivatives Regulation, Insurance Law, and Recent Financial Market Reforms

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy" by Philip Booth

The Journal of Markets and Morality, 2007

Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy Philip Booth, with contributions from: Samuel Gre... more Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy Philip Booth, with contributions from: Samuel Gregg, Robert Kennedy, Denis O’Brien, Dennis O’Keeffe, Anthony Percy, Robert A. Sirico, Thomas Woods, and Andrew Yuengert London, United Kingdom: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2007 (274 pages)

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Research paper thumbnail of Financial Engineering Meets Legal Alchemy: Decoding the Mystery of Credit Default Swaps

Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 2014

ABSTRACTThis Article critically examines the legal nature of credit default swaps. Functionally a... more ABSTRACTThis Article critically examines the legal nature of credit default swaps. Functionally a form of credit default insurance, CDSs are however commonly characterized as largely unregulated financial derivatives, and were widely blamed for exacerbating the global financial crisis of 2007-09 and contributing to the European debt crisis starting in 2010. This Article demonstrates that the classification of CDSs as derivatives is due to a misapplication of insurance law principles and a glaring misreading of relevant legislation. Furthermore, CDSs are structurally and economically not swaps, which raises suspicions of deliberate evasion of the law by classifying them as swaps. Given the widespread confusion surrounding CDSs, this Article examines the history of the legal concept of swaps and demonstrates that the International Swaps and Derivatives Association developed them in order to exploit regulatory exemptions, which were later extended to an increasing range of deregulated ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Behavioral Paradox: Why Investor Irrationality Calls for Lighter and Simpler Financial Regulation

Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law, 2012

ABSTRACTIt is widely believed that behavioral economics justifies more intrusive regulation of fi... more ABSTRACTIt is widely believed that behavioral economics justifies more intrusive regulation of financial markets, because people are not fully rational and need to be protected from their quirks. This Article challenges that belief. Firstly, insofar as people can be helped to make better choices, that goal can usually be achieved through light-touch regulations. Secondly, faulty perceptions about markets seem to be best corrected through market-based solutions. Thirdly, increasing regulation does not seem to solve problems caused by lack of market discipline, pricing inefficiencies, and financial innovation; better results may be achieved with freer markets and simpler rules. Fourthly, regulatory rule makers are subject to imperfect rationality, which tends to reduce the quality of regulatory intervention. Finally, regulatory complexity exacerbates the harmful effects of bounded rationality, whereas simple and stable rules give rise to positive learning effects.IntroductionThe recen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics" by Alejandro A. Chafuen

Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics Alejandro A. Chafuen Lanham, Mary... more Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics Alejandro A. Chafuen Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2003 (171 pages)

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Research paper thumbnail of Credit Default Swaps and Insurance: Against the Potts Opinion

Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as in... more Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as insurance contracts in English law. This article challenges the widespread “Potts opinion”, which states that CDSs are not insurance, because they do not require the protection buyer to sustain a loss or to have an insurable interest in the subject matter. CDSs often do provide protection against loss that the buyer is exposed to; loss indemnity is not a necessary characterisation of an insurance contract; insurable interest does not form part of the definition of insurance, but is an additional requirement of valid insurance; and what matters is the substance not the form of the contract. The situation in the US and Australia is also briefly considered.

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Research paper thumbnail of Law and Social Norms in Contractual Relationships

Law is important – but not as important as many lawyers believe. Evidence from different countrie... more Law is important – but not as important as many lawyers believe. Evidence from different countries demonstrates that businessmen rely more on social norms than on legal rights and duties. Sometimes law is even deliberately avoided. Social norms and informal practices can also be enforced through a variety of non-legal sanctions. Law is still relevant, especially in non-continuous relationships and so-called end-game situations. But legal norms are most relevant and efficient when they are well-aligned with social norms.

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Research paper thumbnail of Economics, Psychology and Happiness: Virtue Theory vs. Slavery of the Passions

The truth of any economic theory ultimately hinges on the truth of its philosophy of man. In this... more The truth of any economic theory ultimately hinges on the truth of its philosophy of man. In this essay I will analyze modern economic thought from two perspectives: firstly, from its criticism and development by experimental psychology; secondly, from the philosophical anthropology and Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. I will argue that although there is much truth in modern economics, its philosophical underpinnings are flawed in important aspects, and this accounts for its inability to explain and understand human behavior in some significant respects. I will try to pinpoint the essential character of the philosophical error, and argue for a better philosophy of the person that can provide a starting point for building a new economics.

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Research paper thumbnail of El don personal en las empresas sanas : racionalidad limitada , valores inconmensurables y agencia económica

Este articulo defiende que las aventuras empresariales deben tener una base normativa, y que toda... more Este articulo defiende que las aventuras empresariales deben tener una base normativa, y que toda empresa, en la medida en que sea razonable, aceptara el hecho de que, en ultimo termino, es un regalo (libre) para promover el bien. Basandose en la idea de Herbert Simon de satisfaccion, y desarrollandola de acuerdo con las corrientes axiologicas de la teoria de la ley natural neoclasica, este articulo sostiene que cualquier intento de proceder razonablemente en cualquier aventura empresarial estara guiado por la racionalidad, que es limitada. La racionalidad limitada supone que los diversos valores fitnales o fines de la aventura son inconmensurables, y esto implica que 1. La empresa necesita no estar cerrada a promocionar meramente un solo valor, como los beneficios, y 2. La eleccion de apuntar a uno o masfiines sera un regalo personal (libre) que es eticamente valioso.

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Research paper thumbnail of Es la Seguridad Social la madre de todas las tramas de Ponzi

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtuous Poverty, Christian Liberty: A Free-Market Appreciation of Pope Francis

Pope Francis has touched on economic issues in many public statements and documents since his ele... more Pope Francis has touched on economic issues in many public statements and documents since his elevation to the papacy. These statements have received heavy criticism by supporters of the free market, worsened by misleading representations in mainstream media. In response, this article is divided into three sections: (1) an outline of key ideas in Francis’s message concerning the economy, (2) an analysis of certain critical responses that are relevant but ultimately insufficient, and (3) an examination of the deeper unity between free-market economics and Francis’s message. Oskari Juurikkala, "Virtuous Poverty, Christian Liberty: A Free-Market Appreciation of Pope Francis," Journal of Markets & Morality 18, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 257-277.

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Research paper thumbnail of Likeness to the Divinity? Virtues and Charismatic Leadership

Classical virtue theory provides a fruitful framework for understanding charismatic leadership. T... more Classical virtue theory provides a fruitful framework for understanding charismatic leadership. The article outlines the theory of virtues and demonstrates the contribution of virtues to the personality traits and behaviors that are associated with charisma. The virtue of magnanimity or high-mindedness is shown to play a special role. The virtue-based perspective to charismatic leadership clarifies disagreements concerning the definition and delineation of the concept of charisma. It also provides a novel framework for analyzing and criticizing charismatic leadership training programs. Finally, the article demonstrates that the dark side of charisma is a deformation caused by the absence of specific virtues such as prudence, justice or

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ontology of Theosis: Insights from Maximus the Confessor

Theological Research. The Journal of Systematic Theology, 2020

This article describes the ontological problem of theosis or deification in terms of two dimensio... more This article describes the ontological problem of theosis or deification in terms of two dimensions: the relationship between the finite and the infinite, and the relationship between human nature and sin. Both problems are clarified through the thinking of Saint Maximus the Confessor and his distinction between logos and tropos, that is, the constitutive nature of a thing and its existential mode of being. Theosis is presented not as a transformation of the human nature, but a transformation of our mode of being by its healing and elevation by divine grace. Maximus’ theological anthropology explains how the effects of sin should not be situated at the level of human nature but its mode of being. His conceptual distinctions may help to clarify the thought of Luther, at least as it is presented in the Finnish interpretation of Luther.

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Research paper thumbnail of Law and Virtue: An Economic Analysis

SSRN Electronic Journal

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Research paper thumbnail of The Behavioral Paradox: Why Investor Irrationality Calls for Lighter and Simpler Financial Regulation

Fordham Journal of Corporate Financial Law, Mar 31, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Es la Seguridad Social la madre de todas las tramas de Ponzi?

Nuevas Tendencias, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy" by Philip Booth

Journal of Markets Morality, Jun 2, 2012

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