Marek Seretny, PhD | Warsaw University of Technology (original) (raw)

Papers by Marek Seretny, PhD

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Enterprises and the Need of Implementation of a Sustainable Marketing Model in the Polish Market – a Synergy Between Sustainable Leadership, Responsible Consumption and Ethical Brand Image

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic marketing by change agents in Poland: the case of domestic marketing consulting firms

Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2000

... Bill Merrilees, Head, Marketing and Enterprise Group, School of Management, University of New... more ... Bill Merrilees, Head, Marketing and Enterprise Group, School of Management, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia. ... A useful analysis of the initial mistakes made by Western firms marketing business services to Central Europe is Lunsford and Fussell (1993) who ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Behavior – The Need of Change in Consumer and Business Attitudes and Behavior

Foundations of Management, 2019

Today’s economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens... more Today’s economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens. The earth seems to have become insufficient in meeting the standards of living that societies expect. The classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many problems. It has contributed to the emergence of the behaviors that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on development, marketing has influence on degradation, but it can also build positive customers, organizations, and behaviors. Understood as a philosophy, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which we are interested in, promotes responsibility, conscious consumption, relationships, and sensible business. It is interesting to understand what the generation of young people thinks about the issue – the generation that will manage enterprises in the next few years and create global consumption. In this article, we present a research project aimed at answering the question “is today’s young ge...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Management - Marketing Perspective. Essence, Determinants and Manifestations

Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all crea... more Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all creation. Their mythology, embedded in the Dream Time, is full of stories about ancestors experiencing a whole range of human emotions, their aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Although these myths are told in hundreds of local languages, they have one common feature - they express the belief that the universe is alive and that people depend on the Earth and have to care for it . On the other hand, Western civilization is based, inter alia, on the interpretation contained in the biblical book of Genesis (1:28): "fill the earth and subdue it", from which it may appear that human beings dominate over every creature, that the Creator has placed man in the dominant position. The question arises as to how this message should be interpreted. There are two ways to understand the word "dominate". There is exploitation dominance: "I dominate the earth and its riches, it all belongs to me and I can do with it whatever I want, therefore I can exploit it without restriction." But there is also another way of understanding the term - "dominance" means "management," thus someone who dominates is responsible for and has to look after what has been given to him. So we have two different points of view. Which one shall we choose? The answer to this question can be formulated by looking at the problem through the prism of sustainable management resulting from the theory of sustainability. The combination of these two spheres is a challenge for both science and market practice that will be discussed in this study. This monograph is the result of the author's many years of experience in marketing management both on a strategic and operational level, acquired in Western markets (including Australia) and in Poland. It is also the result of current academic work, as well as studies on the current situation of global market marketing and empirical research. The research problem that lies at the heart of this study appears at the moment of analyzing the development of management. Theories and actions that have been valid in the last thirty years of the twentieth century, in the second decade of the 21st century turn out to be insufficient for organizations to succeed. A significant phenomenon highlighting the problem is the fact that since the 1990s in developed markets there has been a growing interest in the relationship between management and the theory of sustainability. It indicates that both spheres have a lot to offer to one another . The purpose of any scientific work is to make a significant contribution to the development of discipline by developing a new method of solving the problem, and the condition for achieving the scientific result is universality and prediction. The purpose of this publication is to discuss the innovative approach to management, that will lead to a reorientation of management activities so as to take sustainability into account as a new imperative. The underlying theory of sustainability seems to be the proposal for business that can meet the needs of people, increase the efficiency of global society development, create new jobs, and improve the quality of life today and in the future. The concept of sustainable management discussed in this paper is understood as the organization's ability to survive thanks to responsible activity in three dimensions: the use of natural resources of the Earth, social responsibility, and ethical economic development. The concept of sustainability is based on the triple bottom line of sustainability, which is the foundation of a sustainable enterprise. The essence of the triple bottom line of sustainability is that organizational success can and should be measured not only by traditional financial methods, but also by social and environmental performance. At the outset, it should be emphasized that sustainability becomes one of the key elements shaping today's management face. This publication also draws attention to the fact that consumers and producers are becoming increasingly aware that their purchasing and manufacturing powers have a global impact. This affects their behavior and the desire to exchange opinions on the choices made. Hence, there are numerous open discussions - such as never before, thanks to modern (global) means of communication - on market behavior, new products, brand values, on how to show it as a positive force in the changing world and how to work with consumers, potential advocates of the brand. The consumer's choice of the brand of the company that engages in such a discussion becomes a prize for genuine action for the good of humankind and our planet.

Research paper thumbnail of Odpowiedzialna konsumpcja jako podstawa Model of Sustainable Marketing (modelu harmonijnego marketingu)

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Sustainable Marketing as a Responsible Approach to Marketing in the Era of Industry 4.0

Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 1

Research paper thumbnail of Creating a New, Sustainable Mindset through Responsible Consumption: A Case Study of the International Chain of Sustainable Restaurants

Foundations of Management

This paper presents research conducted in the United Arab Emirates with the management of Barebur... more This paper presents research conducted in the United Arab Emirates with the management of Bareburger, the chain of sustainable restaurants, as well as among its clients. In our project, we are interested in the relation between the offer of sustainability and the culture of conscious consumption. The opinions of industry experts and customers collected in an interview session are analyzed to derive the answer to the research questions. The research focuses on finding the possibility of changing the mindset and habits of consumers and creating an impact on consumer behavior by offering a responsible and sustainable nutrition model. An experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of sustainable restaurants on consumer culture in terms of cultivating healthy food habits. In our case study, we analyze Bareburger, a healthier fast-food chain that originated in the United States, which took the concept of sustainability to a completely new level, from ideation to implementation. Observi...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges Companies Encounter When Delivering Sustainable Solutions: Research Conducted in the United Arab Emirates

The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the challenges faced by business organization... more The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the challenges faced by business organizations implementing sustainable solutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Gulf Coast Countries (GCC) region. To this end, our study examines an academic theory supporting the implementation of responsible solutions to the market. Ultimately, the authors hope to inspire the reader to consider what he or she can do to ameliorate the existing challenges encountered by sustainable businesses. The analysis presented in this article implies that in recent markets, the implementation of the sustainability theory is essential for further development. The research project contributes to the increase of knowledge about corporate and organizational challenges related to running a responsible business, as well as challenges related to the application of environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable business practices. The research is currently limited to conceptual analysis, l...


Foundations of Management, 2019

Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens... more Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens. The earth seems to have become insufficient in meeting the standards of living that societies expect. The classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many problems. It has contributed to the emergence of the behaviors that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on development, marketing has influence on degradation, but it can also build positive customers, organizations, and behaviors. Understood as a philosophy, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which we are interested in, promotes responsibility, conscious consumption, relationships, and sensible business. It is interesting to understand what the generation of young people thinks about the issue  the generation that will manage enterprises in the next few years and create global consumption. In this article, we present a research project aimed at answering the question "is today's young generation ready to face the challenge of changing their lifestyle based on unlimited consumption for the one that will take sustainability into account as a basis for consumer behavior?".

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing as an agent of sustainable change

Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all citizens of th... more Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all citizens of the world, both rich and poor. The earth seems to become insufficient to meet the standards of living that the developed societies expect. Classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many such problems. It contributed to the emergence of the behaviours that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on market development, marketing has a strong influence on degradation, but it can also build positive behaviours of consumers, enterprises, organizations, and entire societies. Understood as a philosophy of action, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which I am interested in, promotes credibility and responsibility, leading to better consumption, better relationships, and more responsible business, thus influencing the creation of a better world. Sustainable marketing is not just about producing better and cheaper, and refrain from cutting down trees. This is a genuine practical value of doing business, which influences efficiency, inspires creativity, promotes and preserves cooperation. Thanks to balancing the needs of people, global environment and economic development in the long run, sustainable marketing provides businesses and organizations with faith and strength to create "more" while using less funds and resources. On an operational level, sustainable marketing aims to influence customer behaviour and utilise consumer social evolution in order to create positive social change and thus to achieve a new long-term profit. It is also meant to influence what the customer receives - create brands that are part of the commercial and social future. Finally, it is supposed to provide goods and services, through managing in a responsible manner, being open to fair cooperation in marketing communication.
As we are at a critical point in history where growing, financial, environmental and security instabilities suggest a need for reorientation of marketing activities and marketing strategies in order to take into account the concept of sustainability as a new strategic imperative.
This phenomenon has not yet been comprehensively examined in the context of Marketing Management Science, nor is it sufficiently exposed in existing literature.

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the vital role that marketing plays in achieving behavioural change among customers as well as emphasise the changes in marketing practice that are required to help business adopt more sustainable practices. Author would like to introduce concepts and approaches applied in the field of sustainable consumption and production with the emphasis on preventive strategies to reduce their environmental footprint.

The new value represented in in my study is located in introduce discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of contemporary marketing theory. To become thoroughly sustainable in our business activities and in lifestyles, marketing will have much to contribute during the coming decade. As marketing aims to allow business to work as efficiently as possible, so sustainable marketing will be well placed to facilitate the transition to more sustainable development and negotiate change between all stakeholders involved on the economic, social and environmental arena.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Marketing - a new Era in the Responsible Marketing Development

Foundations of Management, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Rola marketingu w funkcjonowaniu organizacji publicznych

red. Kieżun W., Wołejszo J. Sirko S., Public Management – społeczne aspekty funkcjonowania organizacji publicznych, Akademia Obrony Narodowej, Warszawa 2012, s. 254-272., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability na rynku nieruchomości

Rzeczoznawca Majątkowy nr 2(74, kwiecień-czerwiec, 2012., Jun 2012

Strategicznym aspektem prowadzenia działalności biznesowej jest konieczność przyjęcia przez przed... more Strategicznym aspektem prowadzenia działalności biznesowej jest konieczność przyjęcia przez przedsiębiorstwa odpowiedzialności za środowisko, w którym funkcjonują. Ruch na rzecz ochrony środowiska naturalnego czy praw konsumenta, wykorzystujący wszystkie możliwe (nierzadko skrajne) środki nacisku stając się bezkompromisowy a przedsiębiorstwa, inwestorzy i firmy deweloperskie coraz częściej otwierają się na jego postulaty i propozycje.
Wiele przedsiębiorstw na przestrzeni ostatnich lat postrzeganych jest, jako przyczyna społecznych, środowiskowych i gospodarczych problemów, prowadzących do kryzysów niespotykanych w takich rozmiarach w historii rozwoju kapitalizmu.
Jednym z ważniejszych problemów środowiskowych jest wykorzystanie nieodnawialnych zasobów energii (w samych Stanach Zjednoczonych około 40% zapotrzebowania na energię wykorzystywane jest przez sektor nieruchomości) ponadto zanieczyszczenie środowiska naturalnego rezultatem którego jest ocieplanie klimatu gdzie tylko branża nieruchomości odpowiedzialna jest za 1/3 emisji gazów przyczyniających się do powstawania efektu cieplarnianego. Kolejnym problemem stają się kurczące zasoby powierzchni budowlanych w gęsto zaludnionych i zurbanizowanych regionach świata. W takiej sytuacji wdrażanie filozofii sustainability realizowanej poprzez eko-budownictwo wydaje się być koniecznością.
Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzony został przegląd literatury najnowszych publikacji dotyczących zagadnienia ekologicznego budownictwa.
Eko-dewelopment staje się koniecznością – nowoczesne technologie stosowane w budownictwie zarówno przemysłowym, usługowym jak i mieszkalnym znacząco zmieniają rynek nieruchomości. W wielu regionach świata rozwija się odpowiedzialnie zaawansowane budownictwo (Sustainable Real Estate Development) i sukcesywnie zwiększa się popularność eko- nieruchomości, na którą wpływ mają zarówno wdrażane regulacje prawne jak i wyniki ekonomiczne osiągane przez inwestorów, właścicieli a także użytkowników ekologicznych nieruchomości.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainabile Marketing – odpowiedzialność marketingu w obliczu globalnych zmian gospodarczych

red. Hejduk I. Systainability odpowiedzią na kryzys ekonomiczny – nowe koncepcje przedsiębiorstwa przyszłości. Instytut Organizacji i Zarzadzania w Przemyśle ORGMASZ, Warszawa 2011, s 328-334., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Marketing – a new era in the face of social, economic and environmental change

Abstract Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in mar... more Abstract
Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in marketing - scientists, educators, researchers, marketers, and professionals dealing with the implementation of marketing processes - the responsibility which rests upon them in the face of rapid social change worldwide through increasing global economic turbulence, a continuously widening gap between rich and poor societies as well as the galloping degradation of the natural environment.
Methodology – the paper is a critical analysis and literature review of marketing covering recent studies on marketing issues in relation to the concept of sustainability, specifically in areas of environmental protection or social and economic development.
Conclusion and practical implications – Faced with increasing criticisms of a one-dimensional profit driven approach, the marketing concept requires re-branding to address issues of sustainability. Intense strategic discussion is required concerning the need to change attitudes that promote and implement modern marketing, starting from changes in the consumption model through the creation of commercial proposals, which will positively shape the future of both market exchange and social life. Moreover, it is postulated that marketers present to consumers an attitude of active and responsible management, as well as openness and honesty in market communication.
New value - the article introduces discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of marketing theory in Poland; taking into account current debates voiced in Poland - often based on imprecise interpretation of the marketing process. There exists therefore, a need for a thorough analysis and standardisation of understanding marketing theory and consequently the introduction of new concepts and new practices into the marketing process.
Keywords - sustainable marketing, responsible consumption, social responsibility
Category article - literature overview

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic marketing by change agents in Poland - the case of domestic marketing consulting firms

Marketing Intelligence & Planning incorporating the Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science, Vol. 18 Number 2, 2000, MCB University Press. , 2000

Focuses on the marketing strategies used by Polish marketing firms and their role as change agen... more Focuses on the marketing strategies used by Polish marketing firms and their role as
change agents after the fall of communism and the transition to a market economy. A survey of 93 marketing consulting firms in four large Polish cities was conducted in 1996-1997. The results suggest that this sector is thriving, and the two most important success factors are on-time delivery and high service delivery.

Books by Marek Seretny, PhD



Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all crea... more Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all creation. Their mythology, embedded in the Dream Time, is full of stories about ancestors experiencing a whole range of human emotions, their aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Although these myths are told in hundreds of local languages, they have one common feature - they express the belief that the universe is alive and that people depend on the Earth and have to care for it .
On the other hand, Western civilization is based, inter alia, on the interpretation contained in the biblical book of Genesis (1:28): "fill the earth and subdue it", from which it may appear that human beings dominate over every creature, that the Creator has placed man in the dominant position. The question arises as to how this message should be interpreted.
There are two ways to understand the word "dominate". There is exploitation dominance: "I dominate the earth and its riches, it all belongs to me and I can do with it whatever I want, therefore I can exploit it without restriction." But there is also another way of understanding the term - "dominance" means "management," thus someone who dominates is responsible for and has to look after what has been given to him.
So we have two different points of view. Which one shall we choose?
The answer to this question can be formulated by looking at the problem through the prism of sustainable management resulting from the theory of sustainability. The combination of these two spheres is a challenge for both science and market practice that will be discussed in this study.
This monograph is the result of the author's many years of experience in marketing management both on a strategic and operational level, acquired in Western markets (including Australia) and in Poland. It is also the result of current academic work, as well as studies on the current situation of global market marketing and empirical research.
The research problem that lies at the heart of this study appears at the moment of analyzing the development of management. Theories and actions that have been valid in the last thirty years of the twentieth century, in the second decade of the 21st century turn out to be insufficient for organizations to succeed. A significant phenomenon highlighting the problem is the fact that since the 1990s in developed markets there has been a growing interest in the relationship between management and the theory of sustainability. It indicates that both spheres have a lot to offer to one another .
The purpose of any scientific work is to make a significant contribution to the development of discipline by developing a new method of solving the problem, and the condition for achieving the scientific result is universality and prediction.
The purpose of this publication is to discuss the innovative approach to management, that will lead to a reorientation of management activities so as to take sustainability into account as a new imperative.
The underlying theory of sustainability seems to be the proposal for business that can meet the needs of people, increase the efficiency of global society development, create new jobs, and improve the quality of life today and in the future.
The concept of sustainable management discussed in this paper is understood as the organization's ability to survive thanks to responsible activity in three dimensions: the use of natural resources of the Earth, social responsibility, and ethical economic development. The concept of sustainability is based on the triple bottom line of sustainability, which is the foundation of a sustainable enterprise. The essence of the triple bottom line of sustainability is that organizational success can and should be measured not only by traditional financial methods, but also by social and environmental performance.
At the outset, it should be emphasized that sustainability becomes one of the key elements shaping today's management face.
This publication also draws attention to the fact that consumers and producers are becoming increasingly aware that their purchasing and manufacturing powers have a global impact. This affects their behavior and the desire to exchange opinions on the choices made. Hence, there are numerous open discussions - such as never before, thanks to modern (global) means of communication - on market behavior, new products, brand values, on how to show it as a positive force in the changing world and how to work with consumers, potential advocates of the brand. The consumer's choice of the brand of the company that engages in such a discussion becomes a prize for genuine action for the good of humankind and our planet.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable marketing - nowy trend czy konieczność

Wyzwania dla zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami, 2014

Dokonujący się dynamiczny rozwój globalnej gospodarki przyczynia się do wzrastającego zainteresow... more Dokonujący się dynamiczny rozwój globalnej gospodarki przyczynia się do wzrastającego zainteresowania marketingiem. Marketing w ostatnim stuleciu stał się znaczącym czynnikiem zmian - siłą, która kształtuje obraz dzisiejszego świata. W demokratycznym świecie konsumpcji, stworzonym przez rozwinięte i zamożne społeczeństwa jest powszechnie wiadomym, że to marketing dostarcza produkty i usługi, które są konsumowane. Proces marketingowy wykorzystywany jest w grze politycznej zarówno na arenie lokalnej jak i globalnej. Marketing wspiera decyzje gdzie i jak inwestować oszczędności, gdzie i czego się uczyć, jakie kolejne miejsca odwiedzać podczas wakacji, którą organizację charytatywną wesprzeć, jakich informacji spodziewać się w mediach oraz czy prawidłowo dbamy o nasze zdrowie i wreszcie czy i w ja-kim stopniu powinniśmy włączać się w pojawiające się inicjatywy społeczne.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Enterprises and the Need of Implementation of a Sustainable Marketing Model in the Polish Market – a Synergy Between Sustainable Leadership, Responsible Consumption and Ethical Brand Image

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic marketing by change agents in Poland: the case of domestic marketing consulting firms

Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2000

... Bill Merrilees, Head, Marketing and Enterprise Group, School of Management, University of New... more ... Bill Merrilees, Head, Marketing and Enterprise Group, School of Management, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia. ... A useful analysis of the initial mistakes made by Western firms marketing business services to Central Europe is Lunsford and Fussell (1993) who ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Behavior – The Need of Change in Consumer and Business Attitudes and Behavior

Foundations of Management, 2019

Today’s economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens... more Today’s economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens. The earth seems to have become insufficient in meeting the standards of living that societies expect. The classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many problems. It has contributed to the emergence of the behaviors that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on development, marketing has influence on degradation, but it can also build positive customers, organizations, and behaviors. Understood as a philosophy, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which we are interested in, promotes responsibility, conscious consumption, relationships, and sensible business. It is interesting to understand what the generation of young people thinks about the issue – the generation that will manage enterprises in the next few years and create global consumption. In this article, we present a research project aimed at answering the question “is today’s young ge...

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Management - Marketing Perspective. Essence, Determinants and Manifestations

Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all crea... more Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all creation. Their mythology, embedded in the Dream Time, is full of stories about ancestors experiencing a whole range of human emotions, their aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Although these myths are told in hundreds of local languages, they have one common feature - they express the belief that the universe is alive and that people depend on the Earth and have to care for it . On the other hand, Western civilization is based, inter alia, on the interpretation contained in the biblical book of Genesis (1:28): "fill the earth and subdue it", from which it may appear that human beings dominate over every creature, that the Creator has placed man in the dominant position. The question arises as to how this message should be interpreted. There are two ways to understand the word "dominate". There is exploitation dominance: "I dominate the earth and its riches, it all belongs to me and I can do with it whatever I want, therefore I can exploit it without restriction." But there is also another way of understanding the term - "dominance" means "management," thus someone who dominates is responsible for and has to look after what has been given to him. So we have two different points of view. Which one shall we choose? The answer to this question can be formulated by looking at the problem through the prism of sustainable management resulting from the theory of sustainability. The combination of these two spheres is a challenge for both science and market practice that will be discussed in this study. This monograph is the result of the author's many years of experience in marketing management both on a strategic and operational level, acquired in Western markets (including Australia) and in Poland. It is also the result of current academic work, as well as studies on the current situation of global market marketing and empirical research. The research problem that lies at the heart of this study appears at the moment of analyzing the development of management. Theories and actions that have been valid in the last thirty years of the twentieth century, in the second decade of the 21st century turn out to be insufficient for organizations to succeed. A significant phenomenon highlighting the problem is the fact that since the 1990s in developed markets there has been a growing interest in the relationship between management and the theory of sustainability. It indicates that both spheres have a lot to offer to one another . The purpose of any scientific work is to make a significant contribution to the development of discipline by developing a new method of solving the problem, and the condition for achieving the scientific result is universality and prediction. The purpose of this publication is to discuss the innovative approach to management, that will lead to a reorientation of management activities so as to take sustainability into account as a new imperative. The underlying theory of sustainability seems to be the proposal for business that can meet the needs of people, increase the efficiency of global society development, create new jobs, and improve the quality of life today and in the future. The concept of sustainable management discussed in this paper is understood as the organization's ability to survive thanks to responsible activity in three dimensions: the use of natural resources of the Earth, social responsibility, and ethical economic development. The concept of sustainability is based on the triple bottom line of sustainability, which is the foundation of a sustainable enterprise. The essence of the triple bottom line of sustainability is that organizational success can and should be measured not only by traditional financial methods, but also by social and environmental performance. At the outset, it should be emphasized that sustainability becomes one of the key elements shaping today's management face. This publication also draws attention to the fact that consumers and producers are becoming increasingly aware that their purchasing and manufacturing powers have a global impact. This affects their behavior and the desire to exchange opinions on the choices made. Hence, there are numerous open discussions - such as never before, thanks to modern (global) means of communication - on market behavior, new products, brand values, on how to show it as a positive force in the changing world and how to work with consumers, potential advocates of the brand. The consumer's choice of the brand of the company that engages in such a discussion becomes a prize for genuine action for the good of humankind and our planet.

Research paper thumbnail of Odpowiedzialna konsumpcja jako podstawa Model of Sustainable Marketing (modelu harmonijnego marketingu)

Research paper thumbnail of The Model of Sustainable Marketing as a Responsible Approach to Marketing in the Era of Industry 4.0

Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility—Volume 1

Research paper thumbnail of Creating a New, Sustainable Mindset through Responsible Consumption: A Case Study of the International Chain of Sustainable Restaurants

Foundations of Management

This paper presents research conducted in the United Arab Emirates with the management of Barebur... more This paper presents research conducted in the United Arab Emirates with the management of Bareburger, the chain of sustainable restaurants, as well as among its clients. In our project, we are interested in the relation between the offer of sustainability and the culture of conscious consumption. The opinions of industry experts and customers collected in an interview session are analyzed to derive the answer to the research questions. The research focuses on finding the possibility of changing the mindset and habits of consumers and creating an impact on consumer behavior by offering a responsible and sustainable nutrition model. An experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of sustainable restaurants on consumer culture in terms of cultivating healthy food habits. In our case study, we analyze Bareburger, a healthier fast-food chain that originated in the United States, which took the concept of sustainability to a completely new level, from ideation to implementation. Observi...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges Companies Encounter When Delivering Sustainable Solutions: Research Conducted in the United Arab Emirates

The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the challenges faced by business organization... more The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the challenges faced by business organizations implementing sustainable solutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Gulf Coast Countries (GCC) region. To this end, our study examines an academic theory supporting the implementation of responsible solutions to the market. Ultimately, the authors hope to inspire the reader to consider what he or she can do to ameliorate the existing challenges encountered by sustainable businesses. The analysis presented in this article implies that in recent markets, the implementation of the sustainability theory is essential for further development. The research project contributes to the increase of knowledge about corporate and organizational challenges related to running a responsible business, as well as challenges related to the application of environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable business practices. The research is currently limited to conceptual analysis, l...


Foundations of Management, 2019

Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens... more Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all world citizens. The earth seems to have become insufficient in meeting the standards of living that societies expect. The classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many problems. It has contributed to the emergence of the behaviors that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on development, marketing has influence on degradation, but it can also build positive customers, organizations, and behaviors. Understood as a philosophy, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which we are interested in, promotes responsibility, conscious consumption, relationships, and sensible business. It is interesting to understand what the generation of young people thinks about the issue  the generation that will manage enterprises in the next few years and create global consumption. In this article, we present a research project aimed at answering the question "is today's young generation ready to face the challenge of changing their lifestyle based on unlimited consumption for the one that will take sustainability into account as a basis for consumer behavior?".

Research paper thumbnail of Marketing as an agent of sustainable change

Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all citizens of th... more Today's economy is experiencing serious economic and social problems affecting all citizens of the world, both rich and poor. The earth seems to become insufficient to meet the standards of living that the developed societies expect. Classic marketing approach is seen as the cause of many such problems. It contributed to the emergence of the behaviours that should be changed. With its indisputable impact on market development, marketing has a strong influence on degradation, but it can also build positive behaviours of consumers, enterprises, organizations, and entire societies. Understood as a philosophy of action, a way of thinking and doing business, sustainable marketing, which I am interested in, promotes credibility and responsibility, leading to better consumption, better relationships, and more responsible business, thus influencing the creation of a better world. Sustainable marketing is not just about producing better and cheaper, and refrain from cutting down trees. This is a genuine practical value of doing business, which influences efficiency, inspires creativity, promotes and preserves cooperation. Thanks to balancing the needs of people, global environment and economic development in the long run, sustainable marketing provides businesses and organizations with faith and strength to create "more" while using less funds and resources. On an operational level, sustainable marketing aims to influence customer behaviour and utilise consumer social evolution in order to create positive social change and thus to achieve a new long-term profit. It is also meant to influence what the customer receives - create brands that are part of the commercial and social future. Finally, it is supposed to provide goods and services, through managing in a responsible manner, being open to fair cooperation in marketing communication.
As we are at a critical point in history where growing, financial, environmental and security instabilities suggest a need for reorientation of marketing activities and marketing strategies in order to take into account the concept of sustainability as a new strategic imperative.
This phenomenon has not yet been comprehensively examined in the context of Marketing Management Science, nor is it sufficiently exposed in existing literature.

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the vital role that marketing plays in achieving behavioural change among customers as well as emphasise the changes in marketing practice that are required to help business adopt more sustainable practices. Author would like to introduce concepts and approaches applied in the field of sustainable consumption and production with the emphasis on preventive strategies to reduce their environmental footprint.

The new value represented in in my study is located in introduce discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of contemporary marketing theory. To become thoroughly sustainable in our business activities and in lifestyles, marketing will have much to contribute during the coming decade. As marketing aims to allow business to work as efficiently as possible, so sustainable marketing will be well placed to facilitate the transition to more sustainable development and negotiate change between all stakeholders involved on the economic, social and environmental arena.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Marketing - a new Era in the Responsible Marketing Development

Foundations of Management, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Rola marketingu w funkcjonowaniu organizacji publicznych

red. Kieżun W., Wołejszo J. Sirko S., Public Management – społeczne aspekty funkcjonowania organizacji publicznych, Akademia Obrony Narodowej, Warszawa 2012, s. 254-272., 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability na rynku nieruchomości

Rzeczoznawca Majątkowy nr 2(74, kwiecień-czerwiec, 2012., Jun 2012

Strategicznym aspektem prowadzenia działalności biznesowej jest konieczność przyjęcia przez przed... more Strategicznym aspektem prowadzenia działalności biznesowej jest konieczność przyjęcia przez przedsiębiorstwa odpowiedzialności za środowisko, w którym funkcjonują. Ruch na rzecz ochrony środowiska naturalnego czy praw konsumenta, wykorzystujący wszystkie możliwe (nierzadko skrajne) środki nacisku stając się bezkompromisowy a przedsiębiorstwa, inwestorzy i firmy deweloperskie coraz częściej otwierają się na jego postulaty i propozycje.
Wiele przedsiębiorstw na przestrzeni ostatnich lat postrzeganych jest, jako przyczyna społecznych, środowiskowych i gospodarczych problemów, prowadzących do kryzysów niespotykanych w takich rozmiarach w historii rozwoju kapitalizmu.
Jednym z ważniejszych problemów środowiskowych jest wykorzystanie nieodnawialnych zasobów energii (w samych Stanach Zjednoczonych około 40% zapotrzebowania na energię wykorzystywane jest przez sektor nieruchomości) ponadto zanieczyszczenie środowiska naturalnego rezultatem którego jest ocieplanie klimatu gdzie tylko branża nieruchomości odpowiedzialna jest za 1/3 emisji gazów przyczyniających się do powstawania efektu cieplarnianego. Kolejnym problemem stają się kurczące zasoby powierzchni budowlanych w gęsto zaludnionych i zurbanizowanych regionach świata. W takiej sytuacji wdrażanie filozofii sustainability realizowanej poprzez eko-budownictwo wydaje się być koniecznością.
Na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzony został przegląd literatury najnowszych publikacji dotyczących zagadnienia ekologicznego budownictwa.
Eko-dewelopment staje się koniecznością – nowoczesne technologie stosowane w budownictwie zarówno przemysłowym, usługowym jak i mieszkalnym znacząco zmieniają rynek nieruchomości. W wielu regionach świata rozwija się odpowiedzialnie zaawansowane budownictwo (Sustainable Real Estate Development) i sukcesywnie zwiększa się popularność eko- nieruchomości, na którą wpływ mają zarówno wdrażane regulacje prawne jak i wyniki ekonomiczne osiągane przez inwestorów, właścicieli a także użytkowników ekologicznych nieruchomości.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainabile Marketing – odpowiedzialność marketingu w obliczu globalnych zmian gospodarczych

red. Hejduk I. Systainability odpowiedzią na kryzys ekonomiczny – nowe koncepcje przedsiębiorstwa przyszłości. Instytut Organizacji i Zarzadzania w Przemyśle ORGMASZ, Warszawa 2011, s 328-334., 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable Marketing – a new era in the face of social, economic and environmental change

Abstract Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in mar... more Abstract
Purpose - the purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in marketing - scientists, educators, researchers, marketers, and professionals dealing with the implementation of marketing processes - the responsibility which rests upon them in the face of rapid social change worldwide through increasing global economic turbulence, a continuously widening gap between rich and poor societies as well as the galloping degradation of the natural environment.
Methodology – the paper is a critical analysis and literature review of marketing covering recent studies on marketing issues in relation to the concept of sustainability, specifically in areas of environmental protection or social and economic development.
Conclusion and practical implications – Faced with increasing criticisms of a one-dimensional profit driven approach, the marketing concept requires re-branding to address issues of sustainability. Intense strategic discussion is required concerning the need to change attitudes that promote and implement modern marketing, starting from changes in the consumption model through the creation of commercial proposals, which will positively shape the future of both market exchange and social life. Moreover, it is postulated that marketers present to consumers an attitude of active and responsible management, as well as openness and honesty in market communication.
New value - the article introduces discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of marketing theory in Poland; taking into account current debates voiced in Poland - often based on imprecise interpretation of the marketing process. There exists therefore, a need for a thorough analysis and standardisation of understanding marketing theory and consequently the introduction of new concepts and new practices into the marketing process.
Keywords - sustainable marketing, responsible consumption, social responsibility
Category article - literature overview

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic marketing by change agents in Poland - the case of domestic marketing consulting firms

Marketing Intelligence & Planning incorporating the Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science, Vol. 18 Number 2, 2000, MCB University Press. , 2000

Focuses on the marketing strategies used by Polish marketing firms and their role as change agen... more Focuses on the marketing strategies used by Polish marketing firms and their role as
change agents after the fall of communism and the transition to a market economy. A survey of 93 marketing consulting firms in four large Polish cities was conducted in 1996-1997. The results suggest that this sector is thriving, and the two most important success factors are on-time delivery and high service delivery.



Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all crea... more Aboriginal Australians believe that they have inhabited Australia since the beginning of all creation. Their mythology, embedded in the Dream Time, is full of stories about ancestors experiencing a whole range of human emotions, their aspirations, strengths and weaknesses. Although these myths are told in hundreds of local languages, they have one common feature - they express the belief that the universe is alive and that people depend on the Earth and have to care for it .
On the other hand, Western civilization is based, inter alia, on the interpretation contained in the biblical book of Genesis (1:28): "fill the earth and subdue it", from which it may appear that human beings dominate over every creature, that the Creator has placed man in the dominant position. The question arises as to how this message should be interpreted.
There are two ways to understand the word "dominate". There is exploitation dominance: "I dominate the earth and its riches, it all belongs to me and I can do with it whatever I want, therefore I can exploit it without restriction." But there is also another way of understanding the term - "dominance" means "management," thus someone who dominates is responsible for and has to look after what has been given to him.
So we have two different points of view. Which one shall we choose?
The answer to this question can be formulated by looking at the problem through the prism of sustainable management resulting from the theory of sustainability. The combination of these two spheres is a challenge for both science and market practice that will be discussed in this study.
This monograph is the result of the author's many years of experience in marketing management both on a strategic and operational level, acquired in Western markets (including Australia) and in Poland. It is also the result of current academic work, as well as studies on the current situation of global market marketing and empirical research.
The research problem that lies at the heart of this study appears at the moment of analyzing the development of management. Theories and actions that have been valid in the last thirty years of the twentieth century, in the second decade of the 21st century turn out to be insufficient for organizations to succeed. A significant phenomenon highlighting the problem is the fact that since the 1990s in developed markets there has been a growing interest in the relationship between management and the theory of sustainability. It indicates that both spheres have a lot to offer to one another .
The purpose of any scientific work is to make a significant contribution to the development of discipline by developing a new method of solving the problem, and the condition for achieving the scientific result is universality and prediction.
The purpose of this publication is to discuss the innovative approach to management, that will lead to a reorientation of management activities so as to take sustainability into account as a new imperative.
The underlying theory of sustainability seems to be the proposal for business that can meet the needs of people, increase the efficiency of global society development, create new jobs, and improve the quality of life today and in the future.
The concept of sustainable management discussed in this paper is understood as the organization's ability to survive thanks to responsible activity in three dimensions: the use of natural resources of the Earth, social responsibility, and ethical economic development. The concept of sustainability is based on the triple bottom line of sustainability, which is the foundation of a sustainable enterprise. The essence of the triple bottom line of sustainability is that organizational success can and should be measured not only by traditional financial methods, but also by social and environmental performance.
At the outset, it should be emphasized that sustainability becomes one of the key elements shaping today's management face.
This publication also draws attention to the fact that consumers and producers are becoming increasingly aware that their purchasing and manufacturing powers have a global impact. This affects their behavior and the desire to exchange opinions on the choices made. Hence, there are numerous open discussions - such as never before, thanks to modern (global) means of communication - on market behavior, new products, brand values, on how to show it as a positive force in the changing world and how to work with consumers, potential advocates of the brand. The consumer's choice of the brand of the company that engages in such a discussion becomes a prize for genuine action for the good of humankind and our planet.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable marketing - nowy trend czy konieczność

Wyzwania dla zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami, 2014

Dokonujący się dynamiczny rozwój globalnej gospodarki przyczynia się do wzrastającego zainteresow... more Dokonujący się dynamiczny rozwój globalnej gospodarki przyczynia się do wzrastającego zainteresowania marketingiem. Marketing w ostatnim stuleciu stał się znaczącym czynnikiem zmian - siłą, która kształtuje obraz dzisiejszego świata. W demokratycznym świecie konsumpcji, stworzonym przez rozwinięte i zamożne społeczeństwa jest powszechnie wiadomym, że to marketing dostarcza produkty i usługi, które są konsumowane. Proces marketingowy wykorzystywany jest w grze politycznej zarówno na arenie lokalnej jak i globalnej. Marketing wspiera decyzje gdzie i jak inwestować oszczędności, gdzie i czego się uczyć, jakie kolejne miejsca odwiedzać podczas wakacji, którą organizację charytatywną wesprzeć, jakich informacji spodziewać się w mediach oraz czy prawidłowo dbamy o nasze zdrowie i wreszcie czy i w ja-kim stopniu powinniśmy włączać się w pojawiające się inicjatywy społeczne.