Selected data by MEASURES, MUNICIPALITIES and YEAR-PxWeb (original) (raw)
Population - Total - 1 January
Population - Total - 1 July
Population - Men - 1 January
Population - Men - 1 July
Population - Women - 1 January
Population - Women - 1 July
Proportion of population aged 0-14 (%) - 1 January
Proportion of population aged 15-64 (%) - 1 January
Proportion of population aged 65 or more (%) - 1 January
Natural increase
Total increase
Total increase
Data for total increase for 2021 for some municipalities have been corrected compared to the release of 15 July 2022. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Live births - Total - 1 January
Live births per 1,000 population
Deaths - Total - 1 January
Deaths per 1,000 population
Natural increase per 1,000 population
Total net migration per 1,000 population
Total increase per 1,000 population
Total increase per 1,000 population
Data for total increase per 1.000 population for 2021 for some municipalities have been corrected compared to the release of 15 July 2022. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Mean age (years) - 1 January
Mean age (years) - 1 July
Ageing index - 1 January
Ageing index - 1 July
Ageing index for men - 1 January
Ageing index for men - 1 July
Ageing index for women - 1 January
Ageing index for women - 1 July
Number of kindergartens
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of kindergartens
Number of children in kindergartens (by pre-school provider)
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of children in kindergartens (by pre-school provider)
Children aged 1 - 5 in kindergartens (%)
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Children aged 1 - 5 in kindergartens (%)
Number of schools
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of schools
Number of pupils
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of pupils
Pupils in basic schools.
Number of pupils
Number of upper secondary school pupils (by residence)
The total also includes pupils with permanent residence abroad.
Number of upper secondary school pupils (by residence)
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of upper secondary school pupils (by residence)
Number of tertiary students (by residence)
The total also includes students with an unknown region of residence and with permanent residence abroad.
Number of tertiary students (by residence)
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Number of tertiary students (by residence)
Tertiary students per 1,000 population
Data for a specific year (e.g. 2009) refer to the school year 2009/2010.
Tertiary students per 1,000 population
Tertiary graduates per 1,000 population
Number of persons in employment (by residence)
Number of persons in employment (by work place)
Number of persons in paid employment (by work place)
Number of self-employed persons (by work place)
Employment rate (%)
Employment rate (%)
Registry data
Average monthly gross earnings per person (EUR)
Average monthly net earnings per person (EUR)
Average monthly gross earnings (index SI=100)
Average monthly net earnings (index SI=100)
Number of enterprises
Turnover of enterprises (1,000 EUR)
Number of dwellings - 1 January
Number of dwellings per 1,000 population
Share of dwellings with three or more rooms (%)
Average useful floor space (m2) of dwellings
Number of passenger cars - 31 December
Number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants - 31 December
Average age of passenger cars - 31 December
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (tons)
From 2012 on, due to changes in the methodology, the data on generated municipal waste were supplemented with data on the quantities of municipal waste collected by other waste collectors. From 2013 on, the data on municipal waste generated were upgraded with quantities of exported municipal waste and temporary storaged municipal waste generated in production and service activities.
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (tons)
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (kg/capita per year)
From 2012 on, due to changes in the methodology, the data on generated municipal waste were supplemented with data on the quantities of municipal waste collected by other waste collectors. From 2013 on, the data on municipal waste generated were upgraded with quantities of exported municipal waste and temporary storaged municipal waste generated in production and service activities.
Municipal waste collected by public waste removal scheme (kg/capita per year)
Because of rounding, the totals do not always add up.
Municipality Ankaran was formed by secession from municipality Koper. The Statistical Office started to disseminate statistical data for the new municipality of Ankaran on 1 January 2015.
Municipality Ankaran was formed by secession from municipality Koper. The Statistical Office started to disseminate statistical data for the new municipality of Ankaran on 1 January 2015.
Municipality Mirna was formed by secession from municipality Trebnje. The Statistical Office started to disseminate statistical data for the new municipality of Mirna on 1 January 2012.
Municipality Mirna was formed by secession from municipality Trebnje. The Statistical Office started to disseminate statistical data for the new municipality of Mirna on 1 January 2012.