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Full Page Load Speed

Deciding which host to choose between Bluehost and Fastcomet can be tricky. However, full page load speed analysis is one factor that can help make your decision easier.

Full-page load speed is the time it takes for your web host to completely load your web page. Ideally, your full page load speed should be somewhere around the second mark. If your web page loads quickly, search engines will bring it up more during keyword searches, and you’ll have more potential views. However, if your page loads slowly, search engines won’t rank you and that would obviously damage your views.

That’s why you should care about the speed of your website. So, exactly how fast is Bluehost and Fastcomet in terms of full page load speed?

Fastcomet Full Page Load Speed

Ordinarily, you would think that a web page that has fast in its name would have remarkable speed. With Fastcomet, it isn’t quite true. Our site with the web host had a full page load speed of 1.27 seconds. Is that fast? Yes. Is it remarkable? Most certainly not. A lot of web hosts do better.

Bluehost Full Page Load Speed

Our site with Bluehost had a full page load speed of 1.1 seconds. It isn’t extraordinarily fast, but it is still faster than Fastcomet.

If you want a website that will rank on Google and will have a low bounce rate, then you should probably go with Bluehost. Now, this isn’t to say that Fastcomet is a terrible choice. But Bluehost is clearly faster, and that should give you some thinking to do.

Bluehost vs. Fastcomet; Pricing And Value For Money

One of the things that you consider before purchasing anything is how much it costs and if it is actually worth that amount. It’s no different with purchasing a web hosting plan. The right plan must have the best value for you and must come at the right price.

Unfortunately, fair pricing is something that only a few web hosts have managed to master. Too many times, web hosts offer plans that are too expensive or too basic for any serious use.

If you’re just starting off, the best plan for you to get is a shared hosting plan. It’s cost-effective and will cater to all the needs that your website might have. That’s why we’ll be analysing the shared hosting plans of Bluehost and Fastcomet to see which company provides superior value for money.

Entry Level Plan; Basic plan vs. Fastcloud plan

Bluehost’s Basic plan comes with one website, 50 GB of storage, unmetered bandwidth, a free SSL certificate, one domain, 5 parked domains, and 25 subdomains. The plan costs $2.95 per month.

The Fastcloud plan is Fastcomet’s cheapest shared hosting plan and it comes with a single website, 15GB of SSD storage, free domain transfer, free SSL certificate, free daily backups, and a website starter kit. The plan costs $2.95 per month.

The Basic plan and the Fastcloud plan are the same price, so it’s easier for us to compare the two plans. Both plans provide a single website, so at their base, they are quite similar. The important difference here, of course, is storage space. While Bluehost offers 50 GB of storage, Fastcomet offers far less, with 15 GB of storage. Clearly, the Basic plan of Bluehost has far more value than Fastcomet’s Fastcloud plan.

Medium Tier Plan; Plus Plans vs. Fastcloud Plus

So it’s the comparison of the pluses.

Did that land well? It didn’t? Oh well.

Bluehost has two medium-tier plans and they are the Plus and Choice Plus packages. On the surface, the Plus plans do not really look that different. In fact, they actually cost the same. However, there is a difference and it is a potentially very consequential one. The Choice Plus plan comes with more included security features than the Plus plan. Basically, the Choice plan is just a more secure Plus plan.

The Plus plan comes with unlimited websites, unlimited SSD storage, unmetered bandwidth, free SSL certificate, unlimited domains, Spam Experts and 1 Office 365 Mailbox free for thirty days. The plan costs 5.45permonthforaninitialtermofthreeyearsandafterwardsrenewsat5.45 per month for an initial term of three years and afterwards renews at 5.45permonthforaninitialtermofthreeyearsandafterwardsrenewsat10.99.

The Choice Plus plan has the same specifications as the Plus plan, with the only difference being that it comes with Domain Privacy + Protection and Site Backup— Codeguard Basic. It costs the same 5.45permonthforaninitialthree−yearplanbutinsteadofrenewingat5.45 per month for an initial three-year plan but instead of renewing at 5.45permonthforaninitialthreeyearplanbutinsteadofrenewingat10.99, it renews at $14.99.

The Fastcloud Plus plan has unlimited websites, free website transfer, free domain transfer, website starter kit, advanced features like 1-click restore manager and free private DNS, and 25GB of storage space. The plan costs $4.45 per month.

The Fastcloud Plus plan and the Plus plans of Bluehost both have unlimited sites, and that’s a good thing. What’s not a good thing, though, is that Fastcloud puts a cap of 25GB of storage space on its plan. What that invariably means is that even though you can have multiple sites, you may not be able to host more than three sites. That’s definitely not the case with Bluehost Plus plans. Importantly, you should note that the 25GB storage space of the Fastcloud plan is not even up to the storage space guaranteed by the Basic plan, which is the entry-level plan of Bluehost.

Does that make you think? It certainly makes me think. Even though the Fastcloud Plus plan is cheaper than any of the Plus plans, it certainly has less value for money. If I had the choice between the Fastcloud Plus plan and any of Bluehost’s Plus plans, I would pick anything but the Fastcloud Plus. That’s simply the sensible choice to make.

Top Level Plans; Pro Plan vs. Fastcloud Extra

The Pro plan of Bluehost is their most expensive shared hosting plan and it comes with unlimited websites, unlimited storage, unmetered bandwidth, high performance, a free SSL certificate, unlimited domains, two Spam Experts, a dedicated IP, Site backup— Codeguard Basic, and Domain Privacy and Protection. To get the plan, you’ll have to pay about $13.95 per month.

The Fastcloud Extra plan of Fastcomet comes with unlimited websites, free website transfer, free domain transfer, advanced features and 35 GB of storage. The plan costs $5.95 per month.

Price-wise, the Fastcloud Extra plan is comparable to the Plus plans of Bluehost. However, since it still puts a cap on SSD storage, the reasonable choice would still be to choose any of the Plus plans over it. When it compares to the Pro plan, it falls flat on its face. It doesn’t have a dedicated IP and doesn’t have special security features. While it does have free website transfer, that feature would be ultimately useless to a person who is just building a website. Clearly, the Pro plan has more value for money than the Fastcloud Extra plan, and it’s not even close.

The Best Plan For You

Bluehost plans are, without a doubt, more reasonable than what Fastcomet has on offer and they come at great prices too.

If I were to choose between Bluehost and Fastcomet based on this alone, I would choose Bluehost. They offer unlimited sites and storage on all plans except the entry-level Basic plan, and they throw so many other security features in for free. Fastcomet would be ideal if you’re interested in penny-pinching, but if you can afford the marginally more expensive Bluehost plans, you should go for them without a second thought.