Ridiculously Romantic (original) (raw)

Yeaaaah. Basically the UK theme is the same application as the old US theme. Go nuts XDDDD

Current Location: Neinland.

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Current Music: Nein.

Hello everybody! New co-mod here, just thought I'd drop in with a new theme, since I'm fly like that XD

The UK Theme

Since I'm partly-British, this is the one I was raised on, so I figured that the UK series, the original and beloved, more of a quirky comedy than the drama or the states, should get it's own small little theme. So behold! Five main character options! XD

(I'll post the application tomorrow, falling asleep |D)

( Warning: Options and stamps may contain spoilers!Collapse )

Current Location: Bedroom.

Current Mood: sleepysleepy

Current Music: Nein.

Current Mood: blankblank

27 February 2010 @ 07:42 pm

Current Mood: boredbored

Current Music: Boys Like Girls; Two is Better than One (feat: Taylor Swift)

14 February 2010 @ 02:18 pm

Current Location: Desk, unfortunately.

Current Mood: mischievousmischievous

Current Music: You Better You Bet- The Who

28 December 2009 @ 03:40 pm

27 December 2009 @ 01:29 pm

Hello, I hope you all had a great Christmas :)

There are five applications needing votes:

lauzziemarie: needs a tie-breaker! she's been waiting over a month now, please vote.
xashl3yx92: needs a few more votes. she's been waiting about a month now, so please swing by and vote.
larbasaur: a few votes needed as well.
screamaimdance: votes should be directed this way as well.
princeofcompany: our newest application needs votes also.

Thank you! I hope you all have a great holiday and new year :)

Current Mood: hopefulhopeful

26 December 2009 @ 06:18 pm

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

Current Music: Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship

13 December 2009 @ 06:25 pm