[ Queer as folk post ] (original) (raw)

02 January 2009 @ 10:56 am

02 January 2009 @ 09:36 am

I have just sent all the members participating in this month's round their assignments! Please check your inbox!

Next round to take place in February! Perhaps a Valentine's day theme?


25 December 2008 @ 10:45 am

There are been some problems that have occurred in this comm that really really makes me sad. Sometimes one thing ruins the fun for others, that's why I have decided to make some changes to the comm.

This comm is now becoming locked, if you want to continue sharing the love please join, otherwise you won't be privy to posts.

Another rule I would like to enforce more is the posting of photos, if you can't do this please just post that you did receive the gift. Isn't it nice to receive a thank you? Same thing goes with sending a gift. Just mention it.

I didn't want to do this before but I might put a timeline on when you should send the package out, some people aren't receiving anything but still sending out items. If you can't send out the item before the timeline please contact me and the person you are sending it to, that way everyone is in the loop.

Let's all play nice!

I'll make this post private, but I will be locking down the comm.

24 December 2008 @ 04:54 pm

I love all the stuff you sent me and a very wonderful card too!



22 December 2008 @ 12:04 pm

I sent my item to ankaree, I hope Canada post hasn't lost it!

22 December 2008 @ 09:20 am

What a thoughtful gift - we love it.

I'll post a pic later.

22 December 2008 @ 09:37 am

It's from sapphire_3 !!!
( picsCollapse )

I LOVE IT!!!! OMG! The choccolate is delicious and the wooden box is perfect for my new bookcase!!! I have a few of them from all over the world!
Thank you again and Merry xMas to you and everyone in this community!
( My xmas cardCollapse )

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful

09 December 2008 @ 04:43 pm

How many people read fan fic here? I have been thinking about this item for awhile. I think it would be super cool to give a bound copy of fan fic that you love. Basically make your own novel! I wondered how many people liked that idea?


30 November 2008 @ 08:34 am

I'm so sorry everyone, lately life for me sucks so I totally neglected this comm and forgot to do my address posting! Well today is the day I'm doing it, keep an eye out for your qafpost e-mail!

And happy holidays!

30 November 2008 @ 12:24 am

I've been meaning to post about my gift for a while, but I am so behind on everything. And hurting my back last week hasn't help any!

I received my wonderful gift from tethys_1684 a few weeks ago. Unfortunately my camera is broken, so I'm unable to take a pic of what I received, so I'll do my best to describe it. She send me a pretty, hand made satchel filled with lavender. It looks like a little pillow and is in the shape of a heart. I love lavender and the smell is glorious! I've placed the satchel under my pillow, so that when I go to bed at night, I fall asleep surrounded by the scent. And she also provided me with a little bottled of lavender oil, so any time I want to, I can add a few to drops to re-scent the satchel.

Thanks so much tethys_1684, it was a wonderful, thoughtful gift!
