People without wings still know how to fly. (original) (raw)

People without wings still know how to fly. [Most Recent Entries][Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded inqlimpingangelsq's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
_2:07 pm_[cerebralcrunch] Update How is everyone doing? Are there any thoughts on being a queer with a disability, or being queer, or having a disabiilty, that anyone would like to voice? (Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
_11:00 pm_[amagiccarpet] New community Hi my name is Bethan i am 19 from Wales.I suffer from Cerebral Palsy, wonder what that is?well i have a new Cerebral Palsy community cp_uk for anyone with Cerebral Palsy or who would like to find out more about it,please take look at the community and join if you wishAll is welcome to join Current Mood: awake (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
_10:34 am_[cerebralcrunch] Discoveries I discovered a flyer at punk rock yoga last night for a website for people with Bipolar or Manic-Depressive disorders. This is NOT your normal website. It's amazing, really. So I thought I'd (Comment on this)
Sunday, March 28th, 2004
_3:16 pm_[rawdolphin] job posting Well, I've decide to hire a personal attendant (PA). And I'd like to hire someone ASAP. Experienced Only. I'd like to see your resume & references then set up an interview. Must be reliable, responsible and friendly. A car and good sense of humour preferable.I'm fairly easy to get along with but do tend to imortalize people who give me disability discrimination in int'l published academic Queer Studies Journals & books, maybe on- stage, Friendster,, LiveJournal, then call their Mom after asking all their friends if "so-and-so is always such an asshole".BUT I'm easy-going otherwise.X- posted to Seattlejobs & local queer sites (Comment on this)
Saturday, March 13th, 2004
_9:18 pm_[rawdolphin] Rainbow Strike starts today Rainbow Strike* Rainbow Strike begins today!Don't forget....if you are participating, the first Rainbow Strike starts today and continues for the next two weeks. We're not saying you need to huddle naked in a dark corner of your unheated home and suffer the excruciating agony of caffeine withdrawal while you hum tunelessly to yourself - but the fewer goods and services you purchase for the next two weeks, the better. Items that incur a sales tax should be avoided as much as possible. Items sold by companies that have supported anti-queer politicians or who have patently evil agendas should, obviously, be avoided until their policies change. Where possible, buy from queer-friendly companies.Keep track of the money you would have spent on double foam lattes and bitchin' clubwear, and donate it to the pro-queer organization of your choice.Tell as many people as you can about the strike, including the companies you are boycotting. Tell them why you aren't buying their product or service, and tell them that you demand change, now, or you will continue not being their customer.Do it again at the end of the next fiscal quarter until we get heard and respected.*I'm not part of organizing this & feel it's a great idea but needs to be more specific about what companies to *definetly* boycott & to take a good look at how interconnected companies areAlso, t-shirts & cards (by cafepress) are on the way. I don't see it's success without a way of letting orgs. Know we're striking against them. Or how people will be able to maintain the strike without community.Any feedback, suggestions or t-shirt ideas can be directed here.
Thursday, February 26th, 2004
_8:16 pm_[rawdolphin] Queer Consumer Strike, March 13th through March 27th **Please pass this on to as many people as you can. We can make an impact!!!**Information about an interactive Web site will soon followI am merely a messenger. Please post any comments at the original post. Respond at original post Website info will be posted there and I'll post it in your community as well._I (epilady's co-worker) propose that we all go on a consumer strike for 2 weeks. From March 13th through March 27th, don't buy anything you don't need--no luxury or leisure items (which are often taxed at higher rates)._A friend/coworker of epilady wrote this letter. Look for a website with more details soon, but for now, pass this on -------------------Hello all,During this human rights crisis, all of us - whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered-and our supporters need to take action if we want the same rights as other Americans. It goes against everything America claims to stand for to manipulate theconstitution with discriminatory amendments. Protecting the civil rights of every American-not just the majority of Americans-is a part of the Constitution's original design.President Bush and all of his supporters now trying to ban gay marriage need to feel the direct impact of our community. Remember that our nation is strongly capitalist based and it's all about money at the end of the day. Sooo...I propose that we all go on **_a consumer strike for 2 weeks. From March 13th through March 27th, don't buy anything you don't need_--no luxury or leisure items (which are often taxed at higher rates).**If we aren't good enough to get married, then the states don't need our money, either. Let them feel it where it hurts. This is something that we all can do. **Please distribute this message widely!**I also suggest that we pledge to donate the we would have spent that week to an org like MoveOn, HRC, or Millionformarriage and pass the list of pledge names on to major papers so they get the point that our money, our votes, and our lives are not to be trifled with.X-posted. Current Mood: excited (Comment on this)
_2:43 pm_[hugalthrcub] Faggy Trannyboy Hi everyone!I heeded cerebralcrunch's suggestion to join up, so here we go...I am a transitioning (taking Testosterone, but no surgery yet) Female to Male transperson who came to the Emerald City by way of So Cal. At work one Sunday at my monotonous retail job, I helped a co-worker lift some merchandise and ended up dislocating my knee. I was told that if I left the premises, I'd be fired --so I stayed.Three years and a crappy settlement (that's already gone) later, here I am, permanently disabled. Like carrotsticks, who was hurt much worse than I was, you wouldn't know it when you look at me. But I have a hip and a knee that are starting to degenerate and will probably need to be replaced, at my expense, within the next ten years or so. Like everyone else, I'm sure, none of the meds kill the pain and I've learned just to mask it as best as I can. And people who don't suffer chronic pain don't seem to understand how difficult it is to *not* have mood swings when you're in pain! Current Mood: geeky (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
_8:34 pm_[cerebralcrunch] Info Through work I got some papers for helping out and being political for our state in relation to persons with disabilities. Like, a trip to Olympia and such....Anyone interested in hearing more? (Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
_5:54 pm_[cerebralcrunch] Gimpy meet up This coming Saturday, 2:30 P.M., Cloud City Cafe (Roosevelt and 85th) let's have a gimp meet up. Current Mood: amused (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, February 19th, 2004
_6:41 am_[rawdolphin] Last X-post X-posted lots. Join queer_marriage if you like these updates (I'm not promising to do them but will when possible) & I'm not X-postin' no more)Independant Gay News Forum- not right or left HUMAN shirts/stickers/stuff are READY to GO. by barragedTime article- explains Kerry's position, etc,9171,1101040216-588870,00.htmlGay Marriage Brings Business for SF - just thinking how $ does the talking Bush interview - does this mean no more sex? Chicago Mayor OK with Gay MarriageCollapse ) **( Gay Rights Information Taken Off Site Collapse )**X-posted to queeractivism, gay_marriage, political_queer, postqueer (Comment on this)
Wednesday, February 18th, 2004
_11:35 am_[cerebralcrunch] Speaking of Pain Killers So, since I have no insurance and can't afford to get good drugs prescribed to me, if anyone has any good pain killers they can either give or sell me, I'd be grateful. I only need them like once or twice a week, so it's not a big deal, but right now with my set back I've been in a lot of pain.OR, if anyone can sell me some herb, that would be good too. (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
_7:56 pm_[carrotsticks] i'm gimpy and i'm queer, so i thought i should be here so about two years ago i was in a car that was hit by a semi truck on the freeway. i broke just about everything. (sternum, 3 vertebrae, lung, shattered pelvis, femur, ankles and feet.) after a lot of physical therapy and stuff i can walk pretty normally. yay me. so when you see me you can't tell that anything was ever wrong with me, but i've still got a lot of pain and peeve: "Why are you parking in the handicapped parking, you look normal."so hi. (13 Comments |Comment on this)
_12:57 pm_[cerebralcrunch] Dr. Do Little ...and he really does...So, Dr. K. visit went relatively well today. He said that mobility and flexibility was still very good and physialogically my exam was very close to last month. I have more inflammation in my lower back "soft tissue" than last month, all due to the popped out back last week. But, he said again, "If next month you don't have another significant improvement I'm putting you on physical therapy in addition to the stuff the Chiropractor has you doing. If you're not getting better after this month, this might be what's missing. In the mean time, keep up the good work, and the Yoga. I see a wonderful prognosis for you. Oh, and squat from now on. Don't bend!" LOL...My chiroptractor appointment is in an hour. That will feel good. I'm not really feeling up to the yoga today but I'm going to go through with it anyhow. Current Mood: lethargic (Comment on this)
Monday, February 16th, 2004
_2:53 pm_[rawdolphin] queer_marriage community queer_marriageThis site is not meant to replace postings in your local or favorite communities RE: queer (lesbian/gay) marriage, but meant as a centralized location.Please post news articles, interactive sites to vote on (e.g. Fox news, ACLU) and any recent updates. Also, feel free to post any political or contextual information relevant to the topic.To keep everyone happily informed without pettiness here are some basic rules:Please use LJ-cutsNo poetry.X-posted (Comment on this)
Sunday, February 15th, 2004
_11:40 am_[cerebralcrunch] My aching back Something I didn't mention....Back in August I was in a car accident. While I'm mobile (finally) physically, it has been a pain in the fucking ass. I have a lawyer and when I'm done treating (just had a major set back in my lower back) I will get a settlement.The point? I consider the experience to be a temporary disability to add to my permanant one. Current Mood: cranky (Comment on this)
Friday, February 13th, 2004
_8:42 pm_[rawdolphin] intro hiya,My name is dolphin. I'm 37 and moved from Honolulu to Seattle last Sept. Still haven't found much of a niche. Since I've been here I've been dealing with two issues involving disability discrimination, the Office of Civil Right and pre-paid legal. fun fun. So, I'm just getting over the cases & being too stressed to know if I like Seattle or not!Anyway, I was in a car accident when I was a kid and have been blessed with (LOL - is that better than "suffering"?) many physical injuries and a traumatized family.I've done my share of activism (via art for most part) RE: disability & being Queer. It's on my home page or there's some links in my memories section.I lived in San Francisco & was part of Berkeley's in yer face disability scene & SF's tough dyke scene (I'm very untough) but please don't take it wrong that I still am very flippant about everything sacred. I don't want to offend but I can't take being told about my "tragic fate: too seriously.Well, I do want to ask some locals (two <:) about a dynamic in Seattle because I try not to judge but it seems super rude. How do you find the local queer (or other) communities are about your disabilities? This is my experience. I had a huge mobility loss in 2001 and so moved here not knowing anyone & since I can't ride the bus or prance around I'm Access dependant (which is hell) for the most part. So I thought it would be easy to make local friends via friendster & When I was in Hawaii, I had lots of offers to be toured around, coffee and such BUT once I got here and explain that I walk slow or just need something low-key like to do coffee, people (women- lesbians, or in the queer realm) have simply not responded. Not even, "Oh sorry, my cousin's dog just broke her leg & I'm leaving for Siberia tonite" but literally, the convo as follows: femme-y giry: "Hi, lets do something Seattle- ish. How do you like it here?" me: "Sounds great! I'm having a hard time getting around because I'm rehabing an operation. Haven't met many folks yet." girl: - sorry for rambling...I'd love to hear your experiences. I think I've gone through almost meeting 10-15 girls in a row (I have my part in it too). It's NOT what I've heard about Seattle, but the #'s are pretty remarkable. Is it that snobby here? ok. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
_4:03 pm_[cerebralcrunch] Speaking of being sick in the head... ...I had to run home to take my meds. I started getting all wiggy and I have to take care of 4 people with Developmental Disabilities at a Valentine's Dance for people of the same, put on by the Seattle Parks and Recreations.If I didn't run home to do that, I can guarantee you I'd be a pissy girl tonight. Can't have that with cuddles awaiting me when I get home. (I also forgot to bring tampons with me again, but I digress.)To the other whole TWO of you in this community right now, pass it on in your journals or in other places that Seattle Queers may be hiding. I think this is going to ultimately be a good community because I don't think there is one for the community "suffering" (I hate that word) from various disabilities.I know, I's only a whole 5 hours old or something, this community, but I'd like to see it blossom.UGH...I need lunch. Current Mood: cranky (4 Comments |Comment on this)
_11:43 am_[cerebralcrunch] First Entry Okie Dokie, since I JUST STARTED this community, I'm going to be the first to post in it.I'm Sara. I'm 29, soft-butch lesbian from Seattle (recently, although originally from California, and then Spokane) and I have Bipolar Disorder. All of my life I knew something was "wrong" with me. Mood swings, fits of maniacal behavior, etc. etc., from a very young age. After getting my AA at community college, and after taking many psyche classes, I thought I might have a key to my life, finally. I got checked out in what was to be a very long process, and long story short...yep, I had Bipolar Disorder.While it's killed a lot of things in my life, it's also made me stronger. And my partner, yruugrrl, is the most amazing person for striving to understand my "sometime affliction" and has helped me become a better person.That's enough for now.:) (Comment on this)
_11:24 am_[cerebralcrunch] Welcome to QLimpingAngelsQ!!! AS SEEN IN THE USER INFO:Welcome to QLimpingAngelsQ. This is a community for all walks of QUEER life who have disabilities of any kind, and those who are friends, families and lovers of us Limping Angels.If you think there are some key words missing from this community, please let me know!Also, am looking for potential moderators to help out.When joining this community, please introduce yourself and your disability or relation to someone. This community will have an absolute NO TOLERANCE POLICY for discrimination of any kind. Healthy banter and discussion is welcome and encouraged. Outing people's sexuality and/or disability is NOT welcome.I would also like to recommend that this community be focused on the artistic side of having a disability, being queer and social issues regarding persons with disabilities and the GLBT community.Flamers (not fags..hahah) will be axed from the community immediately and I will send all my queer brothers and sisters after you to make a mockery of your own journal. Okay, just kidding.Enjoy and HAVE FUN! Current Mood: chipper (13 Comments |Comment on this)