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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded inquaerentes at anu's LiveJournal:

Monday, March 21st, 2005
_5:27 pm_[joybon] Worldview - this Wednesday Hello folks,Sorry to any of you who have missed out on the last two meetings, our email address has been messing up (nothing to do with human error we assure you!)Last week we looked at assumptions...and this week we will be looking at the history behind the idea that people's assumptions affect how people think and act. That is, the history of world view as a concept.We will be meeting at 26 Wongolla Close, O'Connor at 7pm.If you don't have wheels, then us at Union Court Bridge at 6:45.Questions? Email us quaerentes@postinbox.com (Comment on this)
Thursday, February 24th, 2005
_9:32 am_[islogical_ornot] Thinking - Why Bother We had a wide ranging discussion on the topic of 'Thinking - Why Bother?' at the meeting on Wednesday. I thought I would add a list of some of the topics and points discussed for people to comment on. One of the fundamental questions was 'Do we actually think?' At the level of the fact that I am aware of thoughts which I treat as my own, everyone seemed to agree that yes we do think. However, there was dissension over whether I think (create?) thoughts which I actually control. Some argued that 'my' thoughts are simply the product of my biological structure and the feeling of choice and control is simply an illusion. Others disagreed, arguing that this belief renders thought (and philosophical discussion) meaningless. The argument went as follows: If my thoughts are a fully determined product of the brain, then there is no way of knowing whether my thoughts have any truth or not. It is analogous to deciding the truth of a question by relying on the purely physical process of flipping a coin. Further, if someone else's thought are fully determined by their physical brain, and they disagree with me, I cannot say their view is wrong in any sense, because their view is grounded in the same way mine is. (Perhaps the coin flipped in their brain was heads and not tails). Whether or not I actually think, it seems that thinking is the method by which we think (or actually do) try and know better what the world is actually like. Presumably, the more we understand what the world is actually like, the better we can live in it. However, does thinking actually achieve anything? In particular is there any point to the sort of philosophical discussion which Quaerentes does? We did not come to any strong agreement about this. It could be just that we enjoy thinking and discussing and so it is pure entertainment. It could be that thinking is actually our method for discovering what is true (do we have to completely certain about something for it to be true?). At some level it seems to influence the way we live our lives, but is this good or bad? That is a brief summary, from memory (and so necessarily biased), of what we discussed. Please comment on this and continue the discussion here. If you were at the meeting and think I missed anything or misrepresented anything, please post that as well. Enjoy thinking (whatever it is or is there for) Ryan (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, February 16th, 2005
_10:31 am_[msverbal] Welcome to Quaerentes @ ANU We like to discuss important ideas, and (more importantly) how they relate to us! This semester we will focus on the concept of 'worldview', and how we can bridge the gap between what we believe and how we act on an individual and global scale. Our web page will not be up until next week (first week of the semester). Below are the next few events that we have planned: Wednesday 16th FEB: Come by and find us on Market Day in Copland courtyard during O week. Friday 18th of FEB: come along for a cool drink or a coffee and meet some Quaerentes members. We will be outside (out the back) of the gods cafe, ANU from 3pm. Wednesday 23rd FEB: This will be our first meeting of 2005, we will meet at 5.45 in the Classics Museum (ground floor of the A.D. Hope building). We'll head to a Mystery destination near Uni for food and drink. The first issue that we will turn our philosophical minds to will be: why bother thinking? To be continued after with a casual drink, somewhere... Sunday 27th FEB: Our annual venture to TROPFEST short film festival! Meet at 5pm outside Calypso's cafe (Uni), or find us there at Commonwealth Park. Bring picnic food to share. Feel free to post your ideas here, or respond to those of others. Please check this page regularily for extra updates, or email us (it is encrypted to prevent spam robots) : quaerentes'at'postinbox.com Hope to see you soon! (Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 15th, 2005
_5:06 pm_[msverbal] How to post at this site. Interested? Want to Join? It is easy! You just need to create a livejournal account and it is free. How do I join? 1. Go to the homepage www.livejournal.com 2. Select 'Welcome' in the top RHS 3. Select 'Create an Account' 4. Fill in the details. 5. Check your email and confirm your login details. 6. Go to www.livejournal.com/community/quaerentes and select 'join this community'. 7. Once the moderator has approved your request for membership you can post at any time. How do I post? 1. Login at www.livejournal.com with your lj user name and password. 2. Select 'Journal'. 3. Select 'Update'. 4. Create your post and at the bottom of the page where it says 'Post to' select 'quaerentes'. 5. Remember you can comment on a post at anytime simply by selecting 'comment' at the bottom of each post. Questions? Email us at (mangled so spam robots don't read it) quaerentes 'at' postinbox.com (Comment on this)
Thursday, January 27th, 2005
_11:43 pm_[kantianroses] Welcome Welcome to Quaerentes. If you are an ANU student, keep checking. (Comment on this)