"Smokey, this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules." (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Sep. 26th, 2020|07:48 pm]little lebowski urban achiever
link 114 yeah, but|am i wrong?
LOVE THIS [Apr. 11th, 2009|09:32 pm]little lebowski urban achiever
http://www.compleatmother.com/bf_difficult.htmHow to Make Breastfeeding DifficultLinda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC1. Tell the mother to "feed on a 4-hour schedule" or "get the baby on a schedule." This results in a low milk supply and a hungry, frustrated baby and frustrated parents. Be sure to blame the crying on breastfeeding. If this doesn't work, warn her to limit the length of feeds, which will accomplish the same thing.2. Be sure to "get the baby used to a bottle." This can result in a confused baby who refuses the breast. It's also a great way to lower the milk supply and undermine the mother's confidence.3. Tell her she doesn't have enough milk if:"The baby wants to nurse again after only 2-3 hours"...OR"The baby will take 2 ounces of formula after nursing"...OR"Your breasts aren't full and uncomfortable all the time"Since milk supply insecurity is the primary cause of lactation failure, this will introduce an element of doubt and fear to the whole process.4. Tell her she can't or shouldn't nurse if:"She wants to eat chocolate (or Mexican food or cabbage, etc.)"...OR"She smokes or wants to take medication"...OR"She's going back to work/school in a few weeks"....OR"She wants to go out in public...nursing requires privacy"...OR"Her breasts are too small (or large)"...OR"Her mother couldn't"...OR"She's too nervous"...Find as many reasons for NOT breastfeeding as you can, and look for ANY reason to interrupt it. Put as much distance between mother and baby as possible.5. Insist that "Dad should give the baby a bottle or he'll feel left out." This is another good way to minimize the importance of breastfeeding.6. Tell her it may hurt to breastfeed, and that sore, cracked nipples are normal. Pain is an excellent adverse stimulus. Don't teach her how to position the baby correctly. Do give her a nipple shield, give the baby lots of bottles to disrupt the proper suck, and tell her to rub her nipples with a rough towel to "condition" them. And be sure to tell her every "horror story" you've ever heard about breastfeeding, in graphic detail.7. Tell her to give the baby formula, glucose water and cereal right from the beginning, to make the baby sleep. This is another good way to insure inadequate milk supply. Tell her that her milk might be too rich or too thin. Try and make her think that formula is the "safer" option, and that there is something wrong with her milk even if she's lucky enough to have enough of it .This will further shatter her confidence.8. Separate her from her baby at birth, and show by your actions that water, formula, pacifiers, and scheduled feedings are the appropriate way to care for the baby. Since she is especially vulnerable at this time and will follow your example, be sure to tell her how little breastfeeding matters. This will help her distrust her instincts even more.9. Don't teach her the normal course of infant behavior. Don't warn her about growth spurts and frequency days. Don't call or visit her, and be sure to abandon her in the critical first two weeks. Blame breastfeeding for anything you can think of, and make up reasons to stop breastfeeding if necessary.10. Give her plenty of formula samples to take home to further weaken her confidence. Make sure the literature you give her has many references to formula, and doesn't tell her how to keep her milk supply up. Make sure she doesn't call a La Leche League Leader, Lactation Consultant, breastfeeding peer counselor, or anyone else knowledgable about breastfeeding.All these tactics, individually or collectively, will discourage breastfeeding.© 1986 Linda J. Smithlindaj@bflrc.com
link 2 yeah, but|am i wrong?
(no subject) [Nov. 17th, 2008|11:59 am]little lebowski urban achiever
oh, and also, if any of you lovelies feel so inclined...http://vibemorningshow.com/gallery.html?page=40that is where you can vote for my boys for the vibe 98.5 cutest kid contest. i know, i don't like it when people whore for votes either, but man if you guys could take just a minute every day to click on the link below my boys' pictures you would be really helping me and my family out. plus they're gorgeous and beautiful and deserving of that little click!jonas is #2045 and julian is #2061.thanks to anyone who does this for us!!
link 1 yeah, but|am i wrong?
(no subject) [Sep. 11th, 2007|09:34 am]little lebowski urban achiever
i get to see my baby today for the first time!!! woooooo!also, julian was kissing and petting and cuddling the baby this morning. i'm not sure he totally understands that there's a baby in mommy's belly but damn if that wasn't the cutest thing i've ever seen. i <3 my family.
link 6 yeah, but|am i wrong?
(no subject) [Jul. 11th, 2007|10:24 pm]little lebowski urban achiever
ok. it's done.http://www.leannesmithphotography.com/index.htmlnothing fancy, but it'll do!
link 10 yeah, but|am i wrong?
(no subject) [Jun. 14th, 2007|09:52 pm]little lebowski urban achiever
ok today was officially one of the best days of my life...clarke woke me up this morning (he had a personal day off from work, he gets those once a month), and told me 'you have 45 minutes to meet me at the car'. he's got a surprise outing planned! so i get up, get ready, and we all pile into the car. we end up at the ZOO, which i've been wanting to visit for quite some time. clarke drops julian and i off at the front gates, we walk up to the entrance and who walks out but my BFF NIKKI with her baby boy joey! holy crap, my husband and my wife were in cahoots about planning this zoo trip for me for like a week apparently. anyway, we spent a few glorious hours at the zoo and i got to take about a zillion photos and it was just plain awesome. many many MANY pictures to come...i also got my hair cut and dyed tonight. i got them to match the colour to my roots somewhat (a touch warmer) so that i could just leave it the hell alone and grow it out naturally. it's a bit darker than my natural hair colour right now but it'll fade. the thing i'm really disappointed with is my hair cut. she cut it WAY shorter than i wanted and less angled than i wanted. but oh well, it's only hair and it will grow back and even in a couple of weeks i bet i'll feel much better about it.today was the greatest day i've ever known (in recent times).sometimes i really love my life.
link 1 yeah, but|am i wrong?