Queer Ottawa (original) (raw)

04 October 2011 @ 11:45 am

Dear fellow Ottawa Queerios,
where does one go to participate in queer events geared towards queer people. I have found Lesbian Outdoor groups, gay men get togethers... Queer WOMEN organisations....but nothing that might suggest. that a genderqueer pansexual person is welcome or celebrated.
Does soemthing like this even exist in ottawa? I check out APT613 for events going on that may appeal to me....then I hear that a few weeks ago there was a queer prom or something.... It seems like alot of the sites I see are outdated....and I cringe to think that Ottawa doesnt have anything to offer queer individuals like me? help???

13 November 2010 @ 06:14 pm

[francais version sous l'anglais]

Ottawa Trans Day of Remembrance

November 20th, 2010
Minto Park, Elgin Street, Ottawa

The eighth annual Ottawa Trans Day of Remembrance will be observed on Saturday, November 20th, 2010 starting with a rally at Minto Park on Elgin Street between Lewis and Gilmour at 1: 30 p.m. The rally will be followed by a march to Parliament Hill in recognition and support of Bill C-389 that will add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act and to the hate crimes and sentencing provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. Later in the evening, there will be a Candlelight Vigil at the Human Rights Monument on Elgin and Lisgar at 7pm.

We are offering the rally at Minto Park an alternate meeting point for all those who are not comfortable attending a flag-raising rally at the police station organized by members of Gender Mosaic at 1pm, out of respect for trans sex workers, street-involved trans people, trans people of colour (who make up a significant portion of people honored through the “Remembering Our Dead Project”) and other people who have been the target of police brutality and oppression. It also failed to acknowledge the current political climate between the Ottawa police and the queer community due to the police boards’ position on HIV non-disclosure and resistance to constructive dialogue.

The rally is also to recognize and in solidarity with all diverse voices, identities, and experiences of our community, as we cannot sit idly by while many people in trans communities are being excluded and neglected for the sake of media publicity and political convenience. It is the right of every trans person to be included and empowered by an event established to memorialize loved and lost ones and recognize the challenges faced through transphobia, discrimination, intolerance, hate and potential death because of our gender identity, gender expression or transition experience/status.

On this day we have the opportunity to help trans people of all backgrounds to raise awareness, to encourage dialogue, to celebrate the lives of trans people and to mourn for our loved and lost ones. We encourage everyone interested in supporting the lives of ALL trans people to join us in a rally, a march and a vigil. In the meantime, please spread the word and let everyone you know! Write to your MPs to support Bill C-389! Bring your friends and family!

For updated information about the rally and march as we near November 20th, please visit http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160851957278283. We can also be reached at ottawatransdayofremembrance@gmail.com

In solidarity,

Organizing Committee for the Ottawa Trans Day of Remembrance 2010


Journée du Souvenir Trans d’Ottawa

20 Novembre 2010
Parc Minto,Rue Elgin, Ottawa

Le huitième rapport annuel Journée du Souvenir Trans d’Ottawa sera observé le samedi 20 Novembre 2010 à partir d'un rassemblement au parc Minto sur la rue Elgin entre Lewis et Gilmour au 13:30. Le rassemblement sera suivi par un mars à la Colline du Parlement, en reconnaissance et le soutien du projet de loi C-389 qui va ajouter l'identité sexuelle et expression sexuelle à la liste des motifs de discrimination interdits par la Loi canadienne sur les droits de l'homme et aux crimes haineux et les dispositions des peines du Code criminel du Canada. Plus tard dans la soirée, il y aura une veillée aux chandelles au Monument des droits de l'homme sur la rue Elgin et Lisgar à 19:00.

Nous offrons le rassemblement au parc Minto comme un point de rencontre alternative pour tous ceux qui ne sont pas confortables à un rassemblement de lever du drapeau au poste a la station de police organisée par des membres de Gender Mosaic à 13:00, par respect pour les travailleurs du sexe trans, de la rue les personnes transsexuelles, transgenres de couleur (qui forment une partie importante des personnes honorées par la «Remembering Our Dead projet ») et d'autres personnes qui ont été la cible de la brutalité policière et l'oppression. Il a également omis d'accuser le climat politique actuel entre la police d'Ottawa et de la communauté queer en raison de la position de la commission de police sur le VIH non-divulgation et de la résistance à un dialogue constructif.

Le rassemblement est aussi de reconnaître et en solidarité avec toutes les voix diverses, des identités et des expériences de notre communauté, que nous ne pouvons pas rester les bras croisés alors que beaucoup de gens dans les communautés trans sont exclus et négligés pour des raisons de publicité dans les médias et les convenances politiques. C'est le droit de toute personne trans d'être inclus et habilités par un événement créé pour commémorer aimé et perdu des êtres et de reconnaître les défis auxquels font face grâce à la transphobie, la discrimination, l'intolérance, la haine et la mort potentielle en raison de notre identité de genre, l'expression de genre ou de l'expérience de transition / état.

En ce jour vous avez la possibilité d'aider les personnes trans de tous les horizons afin de sensibiliser, d'encourager le dialogue, afin de célébrer la vie des personnes trans et faire le deuil de nos êtres aimés et perdus. Nous encourageons toutes les personnes intéressées à soutenir la vie des gens tout-trans à nous rejoindre dans une manifestation, un mars et une veillée.

Pour plus d'informations à jour sur le rallye et mars alors que nous approchons 20 Novembre, s'il vous plaît visitez http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160851957278283. Nous pouvons également être atteint à ottawatransdayofremembrance@gmail.com.

En solidarité,

Comité d'organisation de la Journée du Souvenir Trans d’Ottawa

24 September 2010 @ 09:19 am

Hi everyone,

since there has been recurring video spam in this community lately, and since I've noticed it happening in quite a few communities too, I've made the membership for this community


. My only real criteria for adding a new member will be that their account has recent non-spam posts in it. If an applicant doesn't write in their journal or if I can't see the entries, I'll check in with them to make sure they're not a bot and then I'll add them. It'll probably result in less than a 24 hour lag time in them getting approved. Spam Bots will be reported to LJ.

I've reported the 2 most recent video spam posters as bots, and I've deleted their membership here.

I'm open to your comments if you have other ideas on how to deal with this situation.

I really want to keep this community a safe place to post and read about issues that affect the Ottawa GLBTQ community, especially since Facebook, Dreamwhatever and other social networking stuff is already causing challenges to LJ community numbers. (Also: active communities are less likely to get spam like this. hint hint hint)

Hello there. I am happy to join this community and will be glad to read the posts. Also, I want to spread the word about a community that may be of interest to some of you here. Check it out:


Are you an individual or one-half of a lesbian couple out there who approaches trying-to-conceive with a commitment to calmness, happiness, positivity and a sense of humor? This community is for those of us who have to go an extra mile or two to make pregnancy happen, but desire to keep stress at a minimum and faith in our bodies and the process at a maximum along the way. In addition, this community is designed for those who subscribe to the “if pregnancy is meant to happen, there is nothing that will prevent the miracle from happening” philosophy --- or those who basically believe in that philosophy but also believe a good tip or two might go a long way. The purpose is to share useful tips, stories of miracles that have happened, philosophies of yourself and your family on trying-to-conceive, positive observations you have made during your journey toward creating a family, values of personal health and wellness surrounding conception and pregnancy, information on good nutrition, research on appropriate topics, happy photos, and tips on avoiding the stress-inducing, frantic approaches of trying-to-conceive. There is a need for this type of peaceful community among the LJ trying-to-conceive networks. The need is for a space in which positive, calm, happy pathways to conception can be discussed among friends. This is the un-technical (or at least less technical) approach to a community about lesbian baby-making! Let’s give it a go!

Hey All,

So we are looking for a new roommate for May 1st or earlier in a townhouse for $310 + utilities.

There is also a washer and dryer in the basement, a backyard, free parking spaces, a friendly cat and is walking distance from a beach and woods.

For busses it is:
-On the 117 which goes to Carleton & Algonquin
-On the 111 which goes to Hurdman, Baseline and Lincoln Fields
-On the 3 which goes right downtown to Rideau Centre

We are looking for someone who is:
-Queer and Pagan-friendly
-Cute cat friendly

I'm looking to set up plans for a new roommate as soon as I can. Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested. Our address is 960 Meadowlands Drive.

Contact me by commenting.


Hey there fine folks.
If you live in or around Ottawa, I need your help.
A friend of mine is in the photography program at Algonquin College and she is doing a project where she takes a solemn portrait of GLBT individuals sitting in an old school posing chair. The theme is to display some of the hardships and molding to society that we have all faced. In exchange for your modelling, we can give you a print of your picture for free!! We are looking for all shapes n sizes and colours and ages. Please dont be shy! We need your help!

Please reply to this post and i will send you an email address where you can find out more details. The shoot will take place at Algonquin College, in a week or two's time.
Please help out a starving student/artist to complete her portfolio!


12 February 2010 @ 11:55 am

Great news for derby fans of Ottawa! Our previously completely sold out Derby Bout “My Bloody Valentine” will now have Lots of tickets available at the door due to a venue change. We’re moving to a larger venue on campus!

So bring your bloody valentine down to Carleton University’s Raven’s Nest (main athletic centre) on Saturday February 13th at 7:30 / Bout begins at 8pm

$12 tickets will be available at the door at 7:30pm on Saturday Feb 13th!

Partial proceeds from the sale of each ticket are going to Cornerstone Housing for Women. A terrific organization which provides emergency shelter and supportive housing for homeless women in Ottawa.

29 November 2009 @ 07:43 pm

This week is Sweet and Spicy Aphrodite, a week of festivities open to women who identify as LBTTQ (There are a few events open to men as well)

Check out the facebook page for all the events, including a seminar by Dan Irving Tuesday at 7, a candlelight showing of Shortbus Tuesday at 9, various other seminars and discussion groups, a Queer Woman Dance Party Wednesday at Mercury Lounge, featuring Ginette Bobo and Rockalily Burlesque... and more!

19 October 2009 @ 12:27 pm

anyone going to see ivan e coyote at the blacksheep inn tonight, with room for one for the drive, please give me a shout! here or at johnnyknuckles@mail.com thx!!

12 October 2009 @ 07:10 pm

Queer Women Ottawa (Q.W.O.) is a social group for queer women.

Queer is a term that has been reclaimed to be all inclusive referring to gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, two-spirit and queer (GLBTTQ) individuals. Q.W.O. is specifically for women who identify as queer or are queer friendly. We welcome women of all age groups, lifestyles, marital statuses, race, etc – in short we welcome women from all walks of life, and the more the merrier.

We aim to provide an alternative option for socializing with other queer women other than the bar and club scene. We plan on having a wide array of events from general social meetings at a coffee shops, private parties, etc...

The general gatherings are open to queer and queer friendly women of all ages, lifestyles, marital statuses, and race. At the moment all the general socials are at Second Cup at the corner of Rideau and Dalhousie.

The poly queer women’s gathering is open to queer and queer friendly women who are either in a polyamorous relationship, prefer polyamorous relationships, or curious about the polyamorous lifestyle. We are holding the poly queen women’s socials at Raw Sugar Cafe on Somerset West. If you aren't familiar with the polyamorous relationship style then please e-mail us at info [at] kristinahall [dot] ca for further information.

We do have a web site which can be found at qwo [dot] kristinahall [dot] ca and we encourage you to check there for photos of the owners so you can recognize us as we do not bring any visible signage.

Quick Calendar of Events:

October 23, 2009 – Poly Queer Women’s Social at 7pm.

November 13, 2009 – General Social at 7pm.

November 27, 2009 - Poly Queer Women’s Social at 7pm.

December 11, 2009 – General Social at 7pm.

December 18, 2009 - Poly Queer Women’s Social at 7pm.

Current Location: Gatineau, Qc