Quiet Riot *** enigmaopoeia and Karniz Archada's Doodle Journal (original) (raw)

"..." [2/15/07|1:50 PM]
Ahh yes, no break and another picture. Part of the "couples" but not really images of 3 Pillars.**( ......... dog walk.Collapse )**In 3 Pillars news... well, I've got the basic layout done, and I'm working on all of the side pages! WHEE! it'll be good. Just gotta re-text the rest of the comic and we'll be ready to have it up... mwahahhaa.
4 started a Riot! *** It's too quiet...
seduced...? [2/12/07|2:01 PM]
So I had a crazy art session with enig last night... well, It was more persay *I* was drawing and being all fangirly for 3 Pillars... yeah, I'm hardcore working on drawings for it now... so yeah, at the request of enig, I did a BUNCH of couple's pictures!!!So here, get ready to be...**( seduced...Collapse )**So yes... much love to 3 Pillars.More sketches soon?
4 started a Riot! *** It's too quiet...
9 Volt! [1/26/07|1:18 PM]
hehehe... for enig. 9-Volt!Just a quick colour of a sketch I did at my sissies' place while playing Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.9-Volt is the cuteness... XD
3 started a Riot! *** It's too quiet...
Crazy Fish. [1/19/07|11:16 AM]
So I was telling enig before...I was attempting a sky-practice... to get more used to doing backgrounds of realistic matter in art programs on me compy... since I can already do that with my own little hand and a pencil/pen/whatnot...So one day [like... a month ago...] I sat down and started to work on a sky...this is the result:( c'mere fishy fishy...Collapse )
2 started a Riot! *** It's too quiet...
Pretty in Green [1/12/07|9:53 PM]
It's been awhile? Heehehehe...well, since there hasn't been anything new up lately... I decided that it's time to post something...I scanned a heckuva lotta sketches and various art from the last couple of months... so I have a lot of new content to upload to here! [Including those Zombie Ate my Neighbors sketches! eniiig~ hhehee...]So here we go, one of Flora-belle, from 3 Pillars~**( She's pretty in green...?Collapse )**Ok, I'll either be working on CGing more artwork for here or waiting till enig posts some more... ::evil glare:: hehehee... XD
10 started a Riot! *** It's too quiet...
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