Item Information | Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made. | Early English Books Online (original) (raw)


Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made.


Christine, de Pisan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431.


[Imprynted at London :: In Poules churchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte by Henry Pepwell,

In ye yere of our lorde. M.CCCCC.xxj. The. xxvj. day of October. And the. xij. yere of the reygne of our louerayne lorde kynge Henry the. viij. [1521]]


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"Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made." In the digital collection Early English Books Online.\. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 17, 2024.