*.*QUOTES xyZ (original) (raw)
[15 Mar 2006|08:23pm] | |
Does anybody have any quotes on getting into a relationship and being the happiest youve ever been?Here's one for all of you =) What does your love mean to me its something i can't answer easily just like the air that i breathe you fill me up inside, you give me all that i need [Javier - if i never make it to heaven] | |
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[29 Jan 2006|06:08pm] | |
Anything along the lines of like...getting in a bad fight with a best friend you can't live without, but then finally working it out? Stuff like I've missed you, I'm really glad you're back, kinda thing? Thanx! ( Now some stuff for youCollapse ) | |
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[02 Jan 2006|09:56pm] | |
Don't try to sweet-talk me now, honey. Because you've done one simple thing, love: you've screwed yourself.Just one by mee and one morre:i am so willing to break myself for you, not matter whatever happens, i'll do what it takes.i kinda switched that one around, so i kinda half wrote it. | |
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[10 Jul 2005|04:52pm] | |
This community was created on Sunday, July 10, 2005 :)Here's a post to get us started...I'm barely ( hanging on...Collapse )</3 you're talking to the girl who has... laughed, sobbed, loved, cried, smiled, yelled, screamed, sang and has made it through it all last night I fell asleep with my headphones with a song that reminded me of you... if every word i said, could make you laugh--- i'd talk forever [fullhouse] Sometimes at the hardest times of your life, friends are the only things that make sense & sometimes when they don't make sense at all, it's because you're trying to hard to look for what is already there instead of just taking it as it comes to you.... "Death is more universal than life, everyone dies but not everyone lives." -A. Sachs there's something I should get off my chest ;; I'm losing my mind and my life's a mess | |
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