Arham - Islamic Name Meaning (original) (raw)

A Quranic Name for Boys and Girls

Meaning of Arham

Arham is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means most merciful, most kind, most compassionate. It is mentioned in the Quran at least 5 times:

Said [Moses]: “O my Sustainer! Grant Thou forgiveness unto me and my brother, and admit us unto Thy grace: for Thou art the most merciful of the merciful!” (Quran 7:151)

[Jacob] replied: “Shall I trust you with him in the same way as I trusted you with his brother (Joseph] aforetime? [Nay,] but God’s guardianship is better [than yours], for He is the most merciful of the merciful!” (Quran 12:64)

[Joseph] said: “No reproach shall be uttered today against you. May God forgive you your sins: for He is the most merciful of the merciful! (Quran 12:92)

Also see this answer for more information on Arham: Is it suitable to use Arham name for Muslim baby?

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