rabiravilavi - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 December 2006 (#11791551)

Hello and Welcome to RabiRaviLavi, the comm for fans of the Rabi/Ravi/Lavi from the series D.Gray-man. ♥ Please be aware that you may encounter spoilers if your not up to date with the recent manga chapters.
- **You can post icons, layouts, fanfics, wallpapers, FSTs, anything as long as its related to him. *DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK AND CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN AND/OR HOTLINK! I WILL BAN YOU!***- No Fighting, Flaming, Bashing of Any Kind to the fandom or its fans/members. We all have our different likes and dislikes but please be respectful and curtious. - Warn for spoilers if you can. Even though this comm is spoilerific, just try a little. - No excessive l33t talk. The usual wtf, zomg, lol, plz, XD, and other shorthand is allowed though. I don't really care but it may annoy others.- Please use a LJ-cut for large images, more than 3 icons, long posts like discussions or posting of fics. If you don't know how, just scroll down some more.
* noahs_order Noahs, the Earl and Akuma Community_Want to be added?_ Post HERE

Profile, Comm Icon by onsensong

How to LJ-Cut:

How to Fake Cut:

How to use Textarea boxes:

(Replace * with / )

Rabi Love Rabi/Ravi Fanlisting

aleister crowley, allen walker, archive eye, bookman, bookman clan, chomesuke, crow-chan, d.gray-man, eyepatches, hammer time, kanda yuu, lavi, miranda lotte, panda-chan, rabi, ravi, records, rinali li, seals, tiki mick