Radical Fables (original) (raw)

The burden of a socialite [Nov. 16th, 2009|04:44 pm]radicalfables
New shows are supposed to open on Friday, I know, but this one is opening on Monday, and I simply must attend, I'm very sorry. Phoenix's hottest new artist is putting on a gallery show tonight and I have to be there. That means I'm going to miss tonight's game for sure. I'm sorry. Please go on without me. Just imagine Nox standing in the back somewhere, giving Stares the evil eye, and generally acting the privileged noble fool, concerned with appearances and alliances within the pack, as well as complaining about why he seems to be the only one noticeably burdened with supernatural rage for which no mundane coping mechanism can realistically contend.Oh, also Nox is trying to keep B's (not Becca, the other one, with the name I cant remember... weird naked guy.) secret and trying to act like it's a big flipping favor he's doing him, B did not seem to be entirely grateful last session. So there's that.
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Monday Recap - 2009-10-05 [Oct. 9th, 2009|06:15 pm]radicalfables
[Current Mood** |busybusy] [Current Music** White & Nerdy]The log of what all was publicly visible is hidden behind the cut, for those who wish to refer back to what happened. ( Click HereCollapse )
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He comes [Sep. 28th, 2009|04:14 am]radicalfables
Here is my proposal for the stats and back story of the character I wish to play in Hyenastatue's chronicle. Regular char creation dots are in black, freebie point purchased stats are in blue. Let me know if anything is amiss, or objectionable, thanks.( Char infoCollapse )
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See everyone Monday! [Sep. 25th, 2009|09:29 pm]radicalfables
I've gotten enough positive responses from folks that I feel we have a viable group, so this Monday (9/28) we'll be having an initial meeting on 12fold. I don't anticipate actual gameage; this is one-on-one to go over characters, chat it up, see if there's anything else missing or needed. Also, so that I know I'm not just talking to myself here, I ask that players who see my posts leave at least an 'okay' or something in the comments. Otherwise, I'll have to hunt you down and poke you until you read it!EDIT: Ohyeah... the time. I figure 9PM Eastern will put things at 6PM Pacific.
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Okay, enough with the preparing! [Sep. 18th, 2009|11:29 am]radicalfables
You're always preparing! Just go! ~Just go. Sir, shouldn't you sit down?~ *thump*Since it would appear that the campaign in question would appear to be in perma-idle with jaqls being busy, I think I'm going to go ahead and greenlight the scenario I've been puttering around with. I was trying to wait until the prior campaign was over with so that we could have established characters to draw upon, but with the end of that in question (and in no small part by how much we were at each other's throats) I think having new characters might help matters along.To that end! What I need from people who are still interested in having some fun in the Old WoD are character sheets. I'm not looking to overload on other Changing Breeds, but a Corax or Bastet wouldn't be turned away given the proper workover. Also, we need to have a serious time and location for this, as the time for the past campaign jumped around as much as a hyperactive three-year-old. For myself, I find the middle of the week nights (Tues-Thurs) to be the most free and open days, or morning/afternoons on Saturday/Sunday. That's if we decide to continue holding the group on 12fold. If we decide that a single sit-down time isn't going to work as well as everyone posting on their own schedule, we can get a new group on LJ set up to handle that. Some might have misgivings about it, but I have enough time to actively monitor and respond to most things as they happen.Those who are interested, post comments here with your thoughts and if you want to include a link or something to a character sheet; otherwise, talk to me on 12fold and I'll give you an e-mail to send stuff to.
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So, uhm... yeah? [Aug. 21st, 2009|12:50 pm]radicalfables
[**Current Mood** |curiouscurious]A ping out to everyone just to see what sort of interest folks would have about switching things over to an RP by forum post format, since our GM is currently working abyssmal hours compared to the rest of us. Figure a post here to set the scene, and respond via... responces?
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Ping! Classes Over! [Jun. 13th, 2009|09:49 pm]radicalfables
Its been quite some time - Fridays just couldn't work, I know, for RP. Work also went utterly insane for me, thanks to the economy, limiting my will to do more than my classwork anyhow. However, classes are over, and work has fired enough people that they treat me OK again!Now that its been three months, and now that time and sanity has been restored to me, we ought to consider what we might do - continue from where we were at roughly, in game, or pursue alternate ideas, adjustements, or whatnot! So, now that I have a brain again, its time to ping you all, and see where we stand!
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Feeling much better! [Apr. 2nd, 2009|06:30 am]radicalfables
Just letting you all know that I'm pretty recovered from my trip, and my subsequent ailments. All should be fine for Friday, at 5 PM PST, so we can get back into the swing of things!
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No Game Tonight? [Mar. 27th, 2009|11:20 am]radicalfables
Just talked with Pathia, and she informed me that Tyrc won't be back until Monday, so unless I hear otherwise, it doesn't appear likely that there will be gameage tonight. And ff00ff informed me that the change has already gone in that moves things from Mondays to Fridays, yes? Gotta know for certain on that so I can adjust my raid sign-ups accordingly.
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:P [Mar. 13th, 2009|12:48 am]radicalfables
Hey, can I get an extra experience point for being the only one last session who kept track of where their character's cloths were amidst all of the shape shifting. Everyone else should have torn right through theirs, but I stripped down first, and re-dressed later.See? Diva was right, we should have killed at least a few vampire goons, because you guys would all have had to walk home naked, had you been accounting for where your cloths were.
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