pure beautiful madness (original) (raw)

Friends Only

I've decided to set nearly everything on my journal to friends-locked. I'm feeling a bit more cautious in many aspects of my life lately, and while it's possible that I'll go through later and reverse this, I sort of doubt it. If you'd like to be added to my friends list, leave a comment here and let me know who you are &/or how you found me. :)

If you're looking for my fanfiction, it's all at railise_fic except for ZombieHood, which is now at rh_zombiehood. (Which isn't to say you can't still friend me here. ;))

PSA: Loose Cannons



June 30th, 2030

Lately, I keep seeing a handful of spelling and grammar errors pop up all over the internet. And, I'm not the only one noticing them; I've discussed this with people in a few different places now, but it's usually in comments on a journal entry that has little or nothing to do with the topic, and that's solving nothing. So, I figured I'd do something constructive, and make a clear, simple reference. I hope this doesn't come across as snobby, since that's not my intent. I'm not claiming that I never make grammar or spelling errors (including with regards to character names), and I'm terribly guilty of using internet abbreviations and word manipulations. However, I'm also aware that most of the mistakes on this list are entirely unintentional when made, and I'm hoping that posting these explanations will help-- which also means, feel free to link to this post elsewhere. Knowledge is power, the more you know, et cetera. :)

loose - not tight
lose - misplace

cannon - large gun
canon - established in the show/book/movie/comic/etc. a fandom is based around
( more under the cutCollapse )

( Robin Hood BBC-specificCollapse )

I'm sure there are points I've missed; if anyone has something to add, comment here and I'll edit it in!! :)

LJ 20th anniversary



April 16th, 2019

You can get your own card here!

Okay, that's their text. Here's mine: Cool to see this all summarized in one place!! Kinda wish there was actually more info on it, like join date/year, communities, etc. But I don't know if we should be combining the years pre-Russian-takeover and post-Russian-takeover like this, since it's sure as shit not the same site. *shrug*

Hoodland icons, part 3: Animated

team arthur, team outlaws, team elyan


October 9th, 2016

These looked kind of overwhelming to me when grouped together (even spaced out with still icons in between), so for the sake of friends who are sensitive to flashing images, I'm putting these here under a cut:

( animated iconsCollapse )


Foxy Maz and kiddo


June 4th, 2012

On a lighter note than last post, is anybody on GetGlue? Since signing up a little bit ago, I've gotten kind of addicted to checking into things on it (though I usually don't remember to do it until I'm halfway through whatever it is I'm watching and occasionally forget when I'm marathoning stuff *facepalm*), and figured I'd see if anyone else was around there and wanted to exchange friending or following or whatever they call it, lol.


Robin & Much, RAS, RM, never forget, Robs - smile


March 29th, 2012

I realized the other day that I had the wrong mental layout of Knighton Hall, which led to a conversation with shinysparks on Twitter about it... and then, led to me really studying the layout and discussing it with her. Since I think I've pretty much got what there is to be gotten about it, lol, I thought I'd share:

( Floor plan and explanatory screencapsCollapse )

Fixing up LJ



February 27th, 2012

I don't know how many of you read the comments on the LJ News posts, but there were some really useful things linked in the latest one. Here somebody linked to My LJ, for anyone who's not enjoying the new homepage (which tbh wasn't bothering me overly much, but this is a lot nicer).

Even better are a couple of scripts a user has created for putting subject lines back in comment headers, having a subject box again when posting a comment (both of which are extremely useful with many fan communities), and making the default comment pages easier on the eyes. I've asked the user who wrote them if I can link to the script posts here, but until she gets back to me on that, here's the comment she left at news with the links. I had no idea how to install a script, but it's just a matter of clicking a couple of things at most, and they're working great for me so far-- and I hear there's one that puts the preview button back in the comment box, but I haven't found that yet. Will link if/when I do. :)

Meanwhile, my icons are going to be going wonky because they've all expired except the default fifteen, but I'm not paying for any more services here unless customer service improves drastically. I miss my icons. :(