Kamasika Ashtakam of Swami Desikan (Ramanuja.org/Journal) (original) (raw)

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• Nov 1998


This stotram is about SrI nṛsimha mūrti in the divya kshetram in kā~nci by name vēḷukkai or veḷ irukkai. vēḷ in tamizh means “by One’s own will”; irukkai means to be seated or to be located. Since perumāḷ made this His place by His own will, the place is called tiru vēḷ irukkai. The samskṛt name of this stotram echoes the same meaning - kāma - by His own will, āsikā - being seated, ashṭakam - consisting of 8 Sloka-s. Perumāḷ’s name here is kāmāsikā narasimhan. svāmi deśikan refers to this emperumān as kāmāsikā hariḥ and kāmāsikā kesariḥ in this stotram.

In tiruvēḷukkai, bhagavān is in the yoga narasimha form and is seated in the yogic posture of parya~nka bandha. He has three eyes in His narasimha form in this kshetra. svāmi deśikan points out that His being seated in the yogic posture of parya~nka bandham suggests that He is seated with the determination to help all His devotees (Slokam 4), and chose this posture in order to give live instruction to all of us on how to perform yoga in order to attain Him (Slokam 5 - प्रायेण प्रणिपेदुषां प्रभुरसौ योगं निजं शिक्षयन् ).


Even though the point should have been obvious, it is worth pointing out that the ācārya’s stotra-s, in addition to praising bhagavān and giving us an easy way of chanting His guṇa-s, seem to have as one of their objectives the propagation of the basic tenets of śrīvaishṇavism by repeatedly re-emphasizing and re-stating them in storam after stotram. Thus we see in this storam also svāmi deśikan bring out out several basic aspects of his and our pūrvācāryas’ teachings. These are:

— dāsan kṛshṇamācāryan