rareships - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome to Rare Ships -- the one place on LJ where you can display your creative love for all those rare ships you hold near and dear.
What are rare ships, you ask? Well, a rare ship is either a pairing, character or universe/world that does not have many followers, there for not many (or possibly none at all) groups and communities dedicated to it on LJ.
That is where we at Rare Ships come in. Whether your ship is rare because it is new (like the CW's Reign) or obscure (like real-life pairing Iron Chef Bobby Flay and Iron Chef Mark Forgionne), you are welcome here!
Here at Rare Ships you are free to post all manners of fiction and fan art, including but not limited to: on-going/completed chapter fiction, ficlets, drabbles, poetry, songs, full color art, sketches, doodles, comics, etc.
So please, feel free to look around, join and start posting all your fiction and art devoted to the rare ship of your choosing.
Slash, het, femmeslash, from Gen to NC-17 and beyond, from sweet hand-holding to hardcore kinky porn, everything is very much welcome as long as properly warned for.
This isn't just a fic community, fanvids/manips/icons/etc. are much encouraged as well.
The LJ cut is your friend, use it.
Use tags. I have over 200 pairing tags, if you need any tag not on the list, drop me a line, I'll add it.
Crossovers are allowed.
Current Rare Ships that sail these waters:
Scandal's President Fitzgerald Grant -- captained by Nightasphodel
Reign's King Henry II -- captained by Nightasphodel