rating_on_rad - Profile (original) (raw)

on 26 May 2006 (#10321564)

We like being kinda awesome.
Though I can't say we succeed all the time.
We like to meet people with similar.. radosity.

We like to not see slutty five year olds. Go away.
We rate. Unfairly. You know this. Don't come crying when you realize how unfairly.
If you wish to not be berated, don't be gross. Simple.

[Copy & Paste. Posted here in plaintext]

Leah [didyousaygouche] & Julia [juliaspaperbags]

being rad, dental care, earth day, eisley, floss, hula hoops, kool-aid, mars, mouth wash, nail polish, scene kids, sidewalk chalk, tegan & sara, third eye blind, tongue scrapers, tooth brushes, tooth paste