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Do not lose your hope by Raylon21, visual art


Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (23)

My Bio

Current Residence: Oviedo
Favourite style of art: Cell shading & CG
Operating System: Windows XP
Personal Quote: Never give up!

Favourite Games

Final Fantasys...

Favourite Gaming Platform


Tools of the Trade

Photoshop CS2

Other Interests

Music, anime/manga, art, movies, PC

:thumb75511320::thumb72146588::thumb75510731: Icons :heart:!iiKrisii (https://www.deviantart.com/iikrisii):heart: *luvz My Vips :iconAiolos13::iconAlamez::iconArakawa::iconEla-chan::iconiiKrisii::iconKagediv13::iconMizu-Koetatsu::iconxevg::iconYukidechu::iconYuna-Aoki: The most lovely people: :iconAcrylictrash::iconAiolos13::iconAlamez::iconArakawa::iconarchaon21::iconASBYAKU::iconDarth-Longinus::iconEla-chan::iconEliazhaar::iconfukujuguete::iconGaranBSP::iconHecate-chan::iconiiKrisii::iconhidrico::iconKagediv13::iconkala-k::iconKaze-11::iconKoe88::iconkrunzik::iconKyrek::iconL133::iconLDante::iconLexis-Saia::iconmab011::iconMakeTea::iconMizu-Koetatsu::iconmoldivers::i

One year subscription, yeaah! EDIT: Actualizando icons~~xD En español: Yeaaaah! Ariii me ha regalado una subscripción por mi cumple!! (muchas gracias beibi!) Asi que aprovecho y trasteo todo a lo bestia un poco x___DDD Mae, qué guerra me ha dado cambiar el journal entero, sobretodo los colores. Pero al menos ha quedado bonico *emoticon* xDD Siento mucho si os he petao to de journales en los mensajes, que al editar y demas a veces se me iba, los he borrado rápido, pero no sé si os ha avisado >_> *el journal sufrirá bastantes cambios segun vaya viendo xDD En fins, muchas gracias a todos los que me habéis

Ray's Journal, yeah! English Version: Edit 17/1/08: --------------------------- Hey guys! I friend of mine need your help with a work of her career!!! It consists in doing a web, and the one that get more visits aproved. So please click on the link below and do what it's explained here: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.llevamelejos.totalh.com

Profile Comments 383

Hey guys
I am trying to wina really important voting for a really important event !! please if you have facebook vote and share this link >.< i really need the votes and i would be very thankfull for that!

greetings your hana x'P


Wow, you've got a beautiful gallery. That is why I invite you to join [link] .
That'd be really awesome if you accept.

Hola! Qué tal? He escrito un journal sobre manuales de anatomía artística y he dejado unos links con las imágenes más interesantes de cada parte del cuerpo humano... A lo mejor te interesa verlo. Un saludo!!

hey there how have ya been

Cambié de cuenta y no te había watcheado O__________O
Perdón, enmendé mi error y de paso te regalo una llama :D

i really like you pic of that dark angelboy