Hey, I'm Andrea. I'm 22 and I'm new to this community. I love all kinds of weapons. I took some martial arts for a couple years and I love collecting. Here are some pics.( my arsenalCollapse )
Does anyone know where I can find steel "fighting claws", I don't know what they're actually called.They're very long and look like Wolverine's claws or the weapon Vega uses in Street Fighter.I saw them at a store near me, but when I went back to ask how much they were I didn't see them.
These are a few of the shots form a recent casual photoshoot I did with [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<ljuser=zombiedip>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]These are a few of the shots form a recent casual photoshoot I did with <ljuser=zombiedip> and . At one point, they were playing around with a couple of my knives (the Tibetan Dagger and the Hornet):Click for full-size pixThe rest of the shoot can be seen here, if you're interested.
I've been a member of this community for a while now, I just haven't posted.I don't own any really fancy knives or anything. I plan on buying some in the future though. My Fiance has a large collection of a lot of interesting knives. All I have are a few Sickles, a very large Scythe, and just some kitchen knife given to me as a gift a year ago that I still keep around.There are some pictures Here.This is the only picture I have right now of my Scythe.It's a horrid picture though. The blade is about 4.5-5 feet long and the handle is about the same maybe a little longer.
[ **mood** | content ] Been a while since my blade collection grew, and when I saw this tasty little number for $15 I couldn't pass it up. 12 1/2" overall. Main blade 8 1/8" long, 3" wide, 1/8" thick. Auxiliary blades 3" long. 420 stainless blackened steel. Should be here in about a week.
Hmm, tristanfel, your complaint got me thinking, and I remembered taking a picture at my house, with a couple of my blades, which the girl in question then posted on her webpage (on my server) so I went digging around for it... found it on web.archive.org for 1998.The girl in the photo has a boyfriend now, who is a very good friend of mine, so don't go stalking her like you do Eve.I suppose I could convince some other girls to pose with blades for me, if people would like... or would you prefer me? Heh. I'd have to put on my kilt, which I haven't worn in ages.
There's a couple more pics of eVe and her sword floating about on her HD. Should she post? Shouldn't she post? eVe is soooo shy and yet.. LOVES her blade.
[ **mood** | calm ] Just found this community through nakedparts2. I'm not much into cutting during sexplay, but I do love blades, women and blood. So what the hell. I joined... we'll see how it goes. For the moment, here's my favorite pic which, coincidentally, happens to very much fit this community's theme. I think I like it so much because I have that EXACT knife that I've named "baby". Anyway... enough of my ramblings... onto the visuals.