readyforafall's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inreadyforafall's LiveJournal:

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Friday, October 27th, 2006
4:28 pm Top O' The Mornin' to ya!!! So...who has two thumbs and is going to London in 2 weeks?*points 2 thumbs at his own chest* THIS GUY!!!!! (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, July 29th, 2006
10:27 pm Lame, Lame, Lame! So today I felt like a big doofus...big surprise there right?Margi had this housewarming party at her house and I was dumb and decided I should go...I stress DUMBAnyway, so I go to this thing with my soon to be roommate matt, his brother, and my mom. We arrive at 5:10. Right away my mom introduces herself to margi's brother as "dave's mom"....i dunno why, but i'm sure he was more confused than me. Then I say hi to margi's mom...that's cool, she's always really nice to me, I like that. It's now 5:25. Then her dad gives me dirty looks. Then he walks past me and gives me dirty looks and keeps walking. Then he walks up next to me and does his best to pretend I don't exist. I say hi. Then there's more dirty looks...and I am ready to go. Now it's 5:29. Margi's mom tells me I cant leave because people are going to shove cake at margi...this sounds fun. i go downstairs and a room full of brown folk stare at me. That's okay, i'm a big guy people somtimes look at me....Then I realize it's 18billion degrees and I remember i'm ready to go. I watch people shove cake in margi's face...I think I smiled once when she had cake on her made me think of shoving wedding cake at her. Now it's 5:45.Then I look around, decide it's time to go. Say bye to margi's mom and sister. I tell my mom we're leaving she concurs that this is a good idea and I let matt and earl(his brother) in on the plan. I say peace to Brown Sugar and phil, then head for the car. It's raining my shoes are wet and this reinforces my hatred for such a silly tradition. I get in van, pick up mom from front, people stare. I gun it. Drop mom off, go to see Clerks 2...laugh my ass off. Forget that my life is ridiculous for about 2 hours then drop matt and earl off, now I'm home and writing this. it's 10:39.So...worst day for a long time...and I was doing so well pretending she didn't have a family...Pbth!Peace out yo,Dave (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, July 28th, 2006
10:01 am If You Ruled the Land . . . by wackyweaselYour first name:How you gained your rule:Your title is:The Awesomest OneYour symbol is:the tiger, for that cool stripey don't-mess-with-me-nessYou rule from:a floating castle - ABOVE A VOLCANO!!At your side is:your standard-bearer, who doubles as a meat shieldYour enforcers, troops, and guards are all:elves - with WINGS!!Your most popular law is:Five-day weekendsYour least popular law is:Regulation of a national favorite colorYour worst enemy is:those awful clashing tapestries in your great hallYour popularity rating is:: 89%Your chance of being overthrown is:: 11%Quiz created with MemeGen! (Comment on this)
Wednesday, March 8th, 2006
1:19 pm Survey(x) Smoked a cigarette..( ) Drank so much you threw up( ) Crashed a friend's car( ) Stolen a car(x) Been in love(x) Been dumped(x) Been laid off/fired(x) Quit your job(x) Been in a fist fight( ) Snuck out of your parent's house(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back(x) Been arrested(x) Gone on a blind date(x) Lied to a friend(x) Skipped school(x) Seen someone die(x) Been to Canada(x) Been to Mexico(x) Been on a plane( ) Been lost(x) Been on the opposite side of the country(x) Gone to Washington, DC(x) Swam in the ocean( ) Felt like dying(x) Cried yourself to sleep(x) Played cops and robbers( ) Recently colored with crayons( ) Sang karaoke(x) Paid for a meal with only coins( ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't( ) Made prank phone calls(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue(x) Danced in the rain( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe(x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about(x) Blown bubbles(x) Made a bonfire on the beach(x) Crashed a party(X) Gone roller-skating(x) Ice-skatingAny nicknames? SpotMother's name? KarenWhat is your favorite drink? non-alcoholic : Redbull alcoholic: GuinnessTattoos? Yes, a Summation on my upper-left armBody piercing? not anymoreHow much do you love your job? On a scale of 1 to 10, about a 6.5Birthplace: Osage Beach, MOFavorite vacation spot? California or New York CityEver been to Africa? noEver steal any traffic signs? yesEver been in a car accident? yes2 Door or 4 Door? 5?, a van...Salad dressing? Italian Herb and Lemon VinaigretteFavorite pie? Possibly Strawberry Rhubarb...or Veggie Pot Pie from Lambert'sFavorite number? 7Favorite movie? The Adventures of Milo and Otis,The Goonies, The Princess Bride...Favorite holiday? ThanksgivingFavorite food? CheesecakeFavorite day of the week? SundayFavorite brand of body soap? Kiss My FaceToothpaste? AimFavorite smell? I dunno...What do you do to relax? Meditate, Listen to music, swim if i canHow do you see yourself in 10 years? Out of grad school, Working as an accountant/financier, lookin' at Culinary schoolWhat do you do when you are bored? What do you enjoy receiving? Ph4+ L3\/\/+z, deep muscle massage, mail What time is it now? 1:28 pm (Comment on this)
Thursday, February 16th, 2006
9:45 am Nohari Window I find this to be quite useful.People, you need to do this. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, November 11th, 2005
8:05 am If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a very sharp object, either way.When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you. (10 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 26th, 2005
7:38 am You can't take the sky from me... ( Enter to find SerenityCollapse )Please respond here. And if you have friends interested in playing, have them either post here, call me during the day at 776-1092, or email me at readyforafall@gmail.comNever kiss them on the lips,Dave (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, October 25th, 2005
2:31 pm Riding 'shotgun' to eternity. Rosa Parks, wow. Desolate just doesn't explain my feelings...R.I.P. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 5th, 2005
2:51 pm Bam!...Varmints Yosemite sam...Uhh, no description necessary (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, September 30th, 2005
8:17 am The Mustache War is Over!!! Dennis Gage, of the Custom Auto Shows on SPEED channel.This guy routinely polishes his 'stache during the show in order to get women to swoon. Trust me, it works on guys too. (Comment on this)
Friday, July 29th, 2005
11:57 am I don't care... Look, the only person that posted with any point whatsoever was rikki.If you are so worried about knowing one event before it occurs in a book that it "ruins" the book to know it, then you need to A) find a new book or B) stop being so uptightMy journal, so i get to put up whatever I want. Margaret and Tim, both of you had finished the book already and I knew this which is the only reason I posted it, to fuck with you. So stop posting and telling me how much you think i'm a dick.I do not do things to piss people off, and if I do something that i didn't think would piss you off but did and you have a reason to be pissed off, then I think about caring. But if you're pissed because you think other people like suspense, or you're just complaining to complain, or whatever reason you want to come up with to make your shitty argument seem more like a real argument, well then, i don't care. Because that's not a reason, that's just people complaining needlessly.And i swear to god if one more person tells me that you can be a vegetarian and still eat meat i'm going to scream. Meat is meat is meat, i don't care if it comes from a bird or pig or cow or fish. It's meat. If you eat meat, you aren't practicing vegetarianism, you may be refraining from eating meat of most types, but fish is meat, and that's not what a vegetarian eats. I'm sorry, but it's true. I heard the most ridiculous argument in the world at work where one person said that fish isn't meat because it doesn't come from mammals or birds. Ugh, i was so annoyed. Just because you're eating snake, doesn't mean you're not eating meat. It's fucking MEAT!!! If you eat it, you're not being a vegetarian. That's like a person saying they're a vegan but they use butter. That's not veganism. It's just not eating meat or dairy except butter. Vegans don't eat butter and vegetarians don't eat meat.I have a friend and he doesn't eat meat of ANY kind because he doesn't like the texture and the taste, so instead he takes Vitamin B12 because that is the only substance that comes from meat that is not easily found in other foods. There is NO reason to eat meat otherwise, all other nutrients and necessary body chemicals can be found in things outside of meat. So there can be no argument here, not one that matters at least, because i don't care!Joshua Thurmond Wright = Vegetarian (14 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, July 23rd, 2005
10:12 pm Your LiveJournal Pirate CrewLiveJournal UsernameFifteen men on a dead man's chest!Cutlass or pistol?What is the name of your pirate ship?Where is your secret pirate base?What kind of loot do you prefer?What do you and your crew prefer to be called?Parrot or monkey?Argh!Your capable first matealienatedYour bumbling cabin boy with a heart of golddodgermaskThe aloof, yet honorable, pirate with a mysterious pastrastavirgilIs always the first one into the fraywonkothesane42Is the naval officer who ruthlessly pursues your shipdirtydarthdramaIs the comical pirate who is always drunk on grogwonkothesane42Is currently in Davy Jones's lockerdodgermaskThe amount of money you make as a pirate$479,075This Fun Quiz created by Lynn at BlogQuiz.NetFree ringtones and wallpapers! Click here! (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, June 19th, 2005
3:21 pm Sometimes, I get annoyed when people tell me that they think people who play video games, are into star wars, enjoy playing RPG's with friends, "have no life." I have no problem with other people's preferred hobbies/occupations, so why is it that so many people, even people who I would expect to understand, have such a huge problem with my ideal time sink. If I want to spend 8 hours a day playing video games, or playing ultimate, or watching movies, or reading books, then i'm gonna do that. If other people want to spend their time caring about how other people think they look, that's fine with me too. But while they are doing something that I find completely benign and vapid, and I respect and support their hobbies or occupations, i'd appreciate it if they didn't bad mouth what I do. I don't tell anyone that what they choose to spend their time doing makes them a loser, I find it incredibly annoying when someone does it to me. does this happen to anyone else? It seems in the last week everyone that I would expect to understand me and the things that I enjoy have been attacking me on those issues. It's fucking aggravating... (7 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, June 6th, 2005
5:54 pm Margi and I had this funny conversation**( Read more...Collapse )Darn her sarcasm...darn it to heck!anyway...James that one was for you (3 Comments** |Comment on this)
Saturday, June 4th, 2005
7:11 pm The Fall Of The LJ JediLiveJournal UsernameSo, what's your name, Jedi?I see. What's your affiliation?Good, good. What's your lightsaber color?Finally, what's your fighting tactic most likely to be?The Sith Lord who hunts all Jedi: offdafrizz5The Jedi Master who leads you into battle: dirtydarthdramaThe Leader of the Wookies: wonkothesane42The One that dies in the first 20 minutes: offdafrizz5The Traitor who misleads you all: dirtydarthdramaSurvivor #1wonkothesane42Survivor #2pinkisevulThe odds you'll survive this are: 98%This Fun Quiz created by Jae at BlogQuiz.NetScorpio Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, May 26th, 2005
6:59 pm School's Out For Summer.... School's Out ForEVER!!! (thanks Alice Cooper...)anyway, so I'm no longer in High School and it feels greatand to end the greatest year of my life up to this date...A REALLY LAME SURVEY ABOUT MY SEXUAL PROWESS1.)How old were you when you lost your virginity? 132.) How old was the other person? 143.) Do you regret it? I regret getting caught :)4.) How many different people have you slept with? 175.) How many of them were boy/girlfriends? 26.) How old is the oldest person you've slept with? 287.) Can you name all the people you've slept with? Probably not8.) Have you ever had a one-night stand? yes9.) Where have you had sex, besides on a regular bed? in the last year and a half, a floor twice, a park twice, a car at least 4 times and on the train 1 time10.) Where do you want to have sex? In bed with my wife11.) Who is the best you've ever been with? Margi Doshi12.) Who is the worst? I don't like answering this question13.) Would you sleep with someone you just met? I have before, but never again14.) How long do you need to know someone before you sleep with them? haha...Not too long15.) Do you like "making love", "having sex", or "fucking" better? depends on my mood16.) Do you have any fantasies? Is there someone who doesn't?, I don't believe it17.) Have you ever had a threesome? yes, twice18.) Have you ever watched anyone have sex? yes19.) Has anyone ever watched you have sex? yes, i would not suggest making a video of yourselves having sex20.) What is the most number of times you've slept with one person? i'd say...average of twice a week for the last 7 months21.) How much of a sexual person would you consider yourself? I think it's a beautiful gift, I'm glad i have someone who I can share it with22.) Have you ever been so drunk, you didn't remember having sex? No23.) What is your favorite position? Depends on my mood24.) Have you ever had anal sex? no25.) If so, did you like it? n/a26.) If not, would you ever? i'd like to think so27.) Have you ever given head to a guy or eaten a girl? i've gone down on a chick28.) Do you like doing it? could say that29.) Do you like receiving it? it's alright30.) Have you ever done 69?'s lame31.) Would you ever kiss someone after they gave you oral sex? all the time32.) How loud are you during sex? i'm not33.) How much do you like sex? it's gotten much better lately, but I loved it before...34.) What turns you on the most? haha...i get turned on easy, but I think when a girl gets turned on, that turns me on the fastest35.) What tricks have you learned that turn on the opposite sex? Each person has their buttons, but I like going down on a girl first36.) How sexual would your perfect boy/girlfriend be? As sexual as they want to be37.) Is there anywhere you would never have sex? In front of people and them knowing about it38.) If you could have sex with one celebrity, who would it be? Parminder K. Nagra39.) Who do you think is the hottest celebrity of your sex? 40.) Who is the hottest guy in your school? probly...i dunno, i think Glenn gets the most chicks41.) Who is the hottest girl in your school? i'd say it's damn close between Margi, Hadassa, and Cherry...but Margi wins because...well, she does that thing...she knows what I mean :)42.) Who is the biggest "slut" you know? Haha...Jhijhi!!!43.) Have you ever been tested for STD's before? Many times...not since about a year and a half ago44.) What protection do you use? Haha...besides good timing...she's on the pill45.) What is your favorite kind of condom? Trojan Magnum...the gold wrapper :)46.) Have you ever been or gotten someone pregnant? Ehh...47.) How far would you go with someone of the same sex? Depends on the person, how drunk I am, and how much I will be paid48.) Have you ever taken nude pictures? not of myself...i don't think, i don't know49.) If not, would you? lol, i guess, sounds kinda boring50.) Would you ever let someone videotape you having sex? been there done that...boring51.) Have you ever used any food for sexual purposes? Indian "gum"52.) Have you ever participated in bondage? Sure53.) What do you think is sexiest about the opposite sex? Wow...that's a hard question. The ability to keep me guessing...54.) What do you think is sexiest about your sex? Well...besides me...I think a guy who can make a girl feel safe with just a look, or a hug is about as sexy as it gets Current Mood: GREATEST SONG EVER (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
7:49 pm Star Wars tonight...That's exciting...Tasha's coming...that's so fucking lameThey are gonna sit elsewhere, cuz i hate her...She's just so...pushy, i mean to say bitchy, but that's rudeSeriously, i can't handle her in my house as often as she has to be herethere's no reasonJUST GO HOME (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, May 17th, 2005
7:02 pm Jon Stewart = My Idol Jon Stewart is incredible...if anyone doesn't know who Jon Stewart is, well, then I hate youHe is the host for The Daily Show...TV's funniest show.He was on crossfire a while back and I never got the chance to watch it, so i went online to find it today, and oh my have I ever laughed so hard? Possibly not.Here's the link: it!...Jon Stewart destroys the two hosts of crossfire, but mostly tucker carlson cuz he fuckin doucheAnyway, so that's my news for today..."I have privately, amongst my friends, and with some newspaper and television media, mentioned this show as being um..., bad. And I thought that was unfair so i should come here and tell you that i thought that it's...not so much as 'bad', as it's hurting America. And I wanted to come here to tell you guys to stop. Stop hurting America." (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
2:02 pm Me and Talia...killin' zombies ain't no thang Your Livejournal zombie attack.LiveJournal UsernameThe name of your zombie infested home town.Your zombie killing weapon of choice.How much do zombies scare you?Oh noes!!11 A zombie! What do you do?Blasting zombies left and right with a freaking twelve guage. What do you think?offdafrizz5Curled into a fetal position crying their eyes out.valimagdonIs pwning some zombies with Don't Stop Me Now playing in the background.valimagdonIs sitting at home watching CNN and eating ice cream.alienaitedGet ripped to pieces by the zombies. Bummer.rastavirgilIs the zombie king who you must destroy to end the zombie menace.valimagdonNumber of zombies you decapitate.883Chances you survive the zombie swarm. 89%Quiz created by Rob at Blog QuizFun Quizzes at Blog Quiz (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, March 12th, 2005
5:15 pm CHAIRMAN'S AWARD BITCHES!!!! Congratulation to Mr. Dressel on his volunteer of the year award. He is so deserving of that award. I'm proud of him. Almost as proud of him as I am of Margi, Cassy, and Kirsten. Those 3 won us a chairman's award!!!For those of you who don't know what a chairman's award is, well...Imagine a giant piece of cheesecake cut up into many small pieces for 44 teams, but the piece of cheesecake is SO huge that there is always a GIANT piece left. That's the chariman's award.However, it requires an entire team effort to climb to the table-top to even SEE the chairman's award. At that point you're so tired you can only send a few people forward to get it and bring it back for you. Well those people were Cassy, Kirsten, and Margi. Thank you so much you 3. Thanks to everyone that helped, and I am SO SO proud of you girls.I cried like a girl when I realized we had won, and I could barely keep myself in my seat.ONWARD TO NATIONALS!!1!(cleveland first)Anyone who has a free spingbreak for 3 days needs to contact me and come to the greatest show on earth (A FIRST Robotics Regional)in cleveland!!!Peace, Love, Chairman's Award.Dave (1 Comment |Comment on this)

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