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Privacy Policy

About Donate Life America and the Registry

Donate Life America is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and state teams across the United States committed to increasing organ, eye, and tissue donation. The National Donate Life registry is a national database of documents of gift that are available to organ, eye ands tissue recovery organizations that can be accessed after your death so that your wishes regarding organ, eye and tissue donation can be honored.


Donate Life America may disclose your information to other entities, such as recovery agencies, solely for the purpose of recognizing and acting on your decision.

Donate Life America may gather aggregate statistics from this data in a form that does not identify you for the purpose of understanding registration trends.

In addition, Donate Life America may use your email address to reach you regarding updates or issues directly related to your registration. It will not be used for marketing purposes or solicitation of any kind.

Our Policy

This Privacy Policy reflects our policy with respect to information, including personally identifiable information collected from registrants during and after the registration process.

We take the privacy of personal and all other information seriously. Please contact us at customerservice@donatelife.net if there are questions or concerns regarding this policy.


By registering on the National Donate Life Registry, you are authorizing the collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage in accordance with this Privacy Policy of any personal data or other information received by us as a result of registration and use.

Information We Collect

Personal Information: We collect personal data from you when you voluntarily register to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor. The personal data we collect consists of name, address, email address, gender and last four (4) digits of your social security number.

Social Media Information: We allow you to link your registry record with your social media accounts, namely Google and Facebook, in order to allow you to use your social media login to access your registry account. During this process, we only collect an id number from the account provider in order to verify your user account.

Cookies: The registry makes use of session cookies (lasting only for the browser session) in order to facilitate registry functionality. The use of cookies can be disabled within your browser. Please refer to you browser’s help documentation for information on how to do this. Please note that disabling cookies my disable site functionality.

Our Use of Information That We Collect

Honoring Your Wishes: We use the information that you provide should the potential for donation arise. An authorized organ, eye or tissue recovery staff member will review your information to affirm your registration and present your wishes to next of kin and/or family members.

Application Access: If supplied, we use the id number associated with your social media account in order to allow access to your registry record.

Our Disclosure of Information That We Collect

We consider your personal information to be yours and only yours. Therefore we will not sell or provide your personal data to third parties, including third party advertisers. Your information may only be accessed by Donate Life America staff or authorized organ, eye and tissue recovery staff in order to honor your donation wishes.

Retention and Deletion

We will not retain your personal information for longer than it is necessary for the purpose of determining your donation wishes or for research in determining best practices for increasing donor registrations. For example, we may retain some information if you remove yourself from the registry for research purposes only.

Contact Donate Life America

Please feel free to contact Donate Life America if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our information practices. You may contact us at customerservice@donatelife.net or by phone at (855) 259-3499.