Confidential Confessions' Journal (original) (raw)

[ mood | negative and tired ]

Well, I decided to post, since no one is really posting much... ^_^ I finally read the fifth manga, since I came home for Thanksgiving (college student, ya know).

I know not everyone has been able to read it, so I was thinking that we could talk about one manga at a time? One issue at a time? Umm... I don't know. I would really like to keep this going. I don't want to belong to another dead community. :D

So, umm... first manga... first story... It was the one about suicide and cutting wrists, right? *checks* Right. Let's see, what can I possibly say about this?

Well, I for one once thought about taking my life. It was a period of time in which I was really depressed... I didn't actually seriously think about doing it, however, since it's been drilled into my head that suicide is wrong. It's not like I think that I would go to hell or something... I don't believe in heaven or hell... I just never seriously thought or pictured myself actually going through it.

I once knew someone who sliced up her wrists and arms all the time. She never really talked to me, but she talked to some of my other friends about it. But I saw a lot of her scars, and they made me feel really sad. Back then, I never suffered from depression or anything like that, so I didn't completely understand why she would do something like that. I mean, I kind of did, but I didn't UNDERSTAND.

I felt bad, because she had such a horrible life. However, when you're depressed like that, you don't really think about how much more others suffer around the world. I mean, some people have had horrible horrible lives, but when you're that upset, you don't think about it. Then again, that's how life really is. We tend not to think about those we don't know, do we?

So that's the start of a rant. Anyone have anything to add? Opinions? Thoughts? Emotions? I remember the first time I read this manga, and I was just so shocked. I had read the summary of the manga, but I didn't think it would be so .... sad. So real. I was upset for a while after reading it. I thought about it for a long time. I kept reading it, and I couldn't stop with this story. I read it through as fast as possible. What did you all think?

This is probably the only reaction I can start... I don't remember the order of all the stories, and since I don't have the manga in my dorm room (nor do I have room for them) there is no way for me to look them up. Of course, for winter break I'll be able to. ^_^

Sorry I'm not feeling too creative right now. I'm pretty tired... x.x But, umm... yeah. Maybe I'll be able to contribute more... intellegent thoughts when I'm more awake and creative, huh?

I hope everone had a good Thanksgiving, by the way, if you celebrate it! I had real food, and it was good. Cafeteria food for lunch and dinner gets old.