Privacy Policy - Rest Less (original) (raw)

Privacy Notice

Version 2.0.2 – 20 Feb 2024

Here at, we care about doing what’s right for our users and value that you choose to spend your time on our website. We recognise that by using our site you place a great deal of trust in us by giving us access to elements of your personal data and we work hard to make sure that we meet the high expectations you have of us in this regard.

This Privacy Notice tries to be as transparent as possible about the personal information we collect when you use our website and how we handle it. We’ve tried our hardest to minimise legal jargon and avoid excessive amounts of legalese, if we haven’t got it right then please let us know as these documents are here to work for you.

Who are we?

Our website is owned and operated by Intrepid Owls Ltd (Trading as Rest Less), a company registered in England and Wales with company number 11402887 and registered address at 47 Butt Rd, Colchester, CO3 3BZ. Intrepid Owls Ltd acts as a data controller in respect of the personal information that we process about you. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under registration number ZA461958. You can check our registration on the Data Protection Public Register by visiting the ICO Website.

If you have any questions on what’s in the policy you can email us at [email protected] or write to us at our registered address.

What personal data do we collect?

Information you submit through our websites, app and emails such as:

Information through your activity on our websites, app and emails – for example:

How do we use this information?

We will use your personal information for a number of reasons and under a number of lawful bases. The lawful bases that apply to the processing we perform on your information are:

Legitimate Interests – This is when we use personal data for a reason which is believed to be in yours and/or our interests. Importantly it is only used in a way that doesn’t involve overriding your privacy rights.

Consent – This is where you’ve provided us a clear indication of freely given, specific and informed permission to process your information. You’re free to withdraw this consent at any point.

Contract – for example if you are providing personal data for use with services such as insurance, utilities etc.

By using our websites or app, and providing us with information relating to your specific interests, we are able to ascertain what you, personally, want from our websites, and what articles, offers and events we think you may want to see in our websites, app, emails, notifications and other marketing journeys. We will therefore use your personal data to:

With your consent, we will make your personal data available to recruiters, employers and volunteering organisations so that they can contact you about opportunities that they think may be relevant to you. You have the ability to choose how much of your personal data is shared with these recruiters and prospective employers through the setting in your membership account.

With your consent, we will also use your personal data to market and communicate non-recruitment related products and services to you via email and other channels. You can always unsubscribe from receiving these at any point by managing the communications preferences in your account.

Who we share your data with

We will never sell your personal data to a third party and we won’t give your personal information to external companies for their own marketing purposes without your explicit consent.

To make sure our products and services run smoothly we may need to share your information with selected third parties. These include:

We will make sure that anyone acting on our behalf only uses your personal information in line with our instructions and that they keep the data safe. We won’t give your personal information to external companies for their own marketing purposes.

Where we store your data

Most of the information you give us is stored on our secure servers within the UK, EU and U.S.A through our main hosting and services providers, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.

Some of the information you share with us will be stored by Blueshift (Privacy Policy and Terms), MailChimp (Privacy Policy and Terms), GMass (Privacy Policy and Terms), Hubspot (Privacy Policy and Terms), Mailgun (Privacy Policy and Terms), Formlets (Privacy Policy and Terms), Google Forms (Privacy Policy and Terms), SendGrid (Privacy Policy and Terms), Postcoder (Privacy Policy and Terms), CookieHub (Privacy Policy and Terms), Cloudflare (Privacy Policy and Terms), our email and communication platforms, Survey Monkey (Privacy Policy).

Some of your information may also be shared with our advertising partners, Google Adsense (Privacy Policy and Terms) and AppCast (Privacy Policy and Terms). This is typically limited to demographic, behavioural and device personal data.

If you have purchased services or membership, data relating to your purchase and visits may be stored by Stripe (Privacy Policy and Terms).

If you have attended one of our online events, files relating to the recording (files of video; audio; whiteboard; presentations; chat text) will be stored by Zoom (Privacy Policy and Terms).

Where a supplier who processes your data is outside the UK and the European Economic Area (“EEA”) we always ensure that we have Standard Contractual Clauses in place to ensure that your data is as protected as it can be.

How long we retain your data

The length of time we keep your information will depend on the purpose for which we use it. We will only retain your information for as long as is necessary for those purposes. We will retain your data for as long as you have an account with us. After you close your account, we generally keep personal information for one further year after our last contact with you, unless a statutory retention period applies. In this case, we will retain the information in line with statutory requirements.

Your rights

You have lots of rights with regards to your personal data. After all, it’s your data. Under the legislation you have a right to:

You can find out more information about your rights at the Information Commissioner’s website:

If you would like to exercise any of these rights in relation to your personal data, please email [email protected].

Keeping your information up to date

We will do our utmost to ensure that your personal information is accurate. In order to assist us with this, please notify us of any changes to the personal information that you have provided to us by updating your details in your account or by emailing [email protected].

How to delete all of your personal information

If you would like to request that all of your personal data be deleted please contact us by emailing [email protected] with the subject “Data deletion request” and we will process the request within 30 days.

How to make a complaint about our use of your data

If you have a complaint, please contact us by emailing [email protected] and we’ll do our best to fix the problem and ensure it doesn’t happen again.

If you’re not happy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can do this via or by writing to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Other websites

In order to provide you with further information about specific topics or product of interest, our website provides links to other websites, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for their use of your personal data. We therefore strongly suggest you check their own Privacy Policies before providing any personal data.

Further Information

We are required to employ appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal information from any loss, destruction, damage or unlawful disclosure. However, please remember that no transmission over our websites can ever be guaranteed as 100% secure, but we do our best to ensure the security patches and similar, are regularly updated.

Changes to this notice

We will make changes to this notice if there is a change in the nature of our business or to reflect the latest recommendations and best practice in data protection.

If we make any changes, we will update the Privacy Notice on this page so that you can always see how we use and handle your personal information. If we make a substantive change, we will email you and let you know what the major changes are.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Notice or the personal information we hold about you then please email [email protected]. We’re always happy to hear from you.

Thank you for using





Some important information about Rest Less

When we set out to build Rest Less, we wanted to be a trusted place where you could find helpful information about a wide range of topics and issues affecting the over 50s. As a free to use resource, we try hard to provide the best information we can, but we cannot guarantee we won’t occasionally make mistakes. So please note that you use the information on our site at your own risk, and we cannot accept liability for anything that goes wrong.

All information, guidance or suggestions provided are intended to be general in nature. You should not rely on any of the information on the site in connection with the making of any personal decisions and you should always do your own in-depth research first.

Accuracy of Information – We work hard to make the information provided on Rest Less as accurate as possible when published. We are not perfect however, so can make no guarantees as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on the site. Deals, offers, jobs and prices can change, and providers may decide to alter them after publication.

Links to third-party websites - Where we provide links to content or products and services available on other third-party websites, these are provided purely for your convenience and we cannot be held responsible for any content, or any of the products and services offered on any website that we link to.

We do not offer financial advice – As a journalistic site, Intrepid Owls Ltd (trading as Rest Less) does not provide financial advice and no content or articles on the site should be regarded as financial advice. You should always do your own research before choosing any financial product so that you can be certain it is right for you and your specific circumstances.

Rest Less is an Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR) of Seopa Ltd (FRN: 313860).

How does Rest Less make money – We make money through advertising and commission from affiliate links, which enable us to offer Rest Less as a free service to our users. The content on this page may use affiliate links, which track traffic from our website to a third party provider and enable us to receive a commission or payment from any traffic we refer.

* Affiliate links on this page have an * next to them. We place enormous importance on our editorial independence and the integrity of our content which means that we will never change how we write about something as a result of an affiliate link.

Any prices shown are subject to availability and may go up or down. To see the latest accurate pricing, please visit the provider's website.

When using any of our marketplaces – e.g. jobs, courses, energy comparison etc. We may receive money from third parties who are listed on our marketplaces e.g. an employer paying to advertise a job, or a course or energy provider paying a commission to us.

We hope you find Rest Less a useful resource and we would welcome your feedback at [email protected] on how we can make it even better. For more information on any of the above you can read our fullterms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy.

Rest Less is a trading name of Intrepid Owls Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 11402887 and registered address at Rest Less, 47 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3BZ, United Kingdom. ICO registration ZA461958. VAT registration 301 5191 51.