Helgi T Ingason | Reykjavik University (original) (raw)
Books by Helgi T Ingason
EURAM 2019 26-28 June, Lisboa. Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado T10_01... more EURAM 2019 26-28 June, Lisboa. Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado
T10_01-Action research, collaborative research and participatory research-engaged scholarship in projects and innovations
What can project leaders learn about project management from Jesus of Nazareth? In the four gospe... more What can project leaders learn about project management from Jesus of Nazareth? In the four gospels describing the life and work of Jesus, one sees that his life was to spark widespread interest in the goal of both personal and social transformation. This paper takes a critical look at these sources, identifies relevant themes and shows how project leaders might enhance their own practices by using the teachings and management styles of Jesus. The paper also discusses the link between professional virtue and professional duty, the rigors of goal setting and their implication on work, by mapping the sayings of Jesus into nine project management categories. Finally, the paper illustrates how that knowledge can be interpreted for project management in modern times. In doing this, the paper will educate the reader about the need for clear focus, definite planning and strategic thinking. Furthermore, the paper presents what has been achieved so far in this area in the project management literature -especially in terms of leadership styles and emotional intelligence -and gives, for project management, an interesting practical reference to the ontological concept of sin.
A textbook on communication. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project... more A textbook on communication. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on leadership. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project ma... more A textbook on leadership. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on strategic management, with emphasis strategic planning. The book is written in the ... more A textbook on strategic management, with emphasis strategic planning. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on project management, with emphasis on project management planning. The book is writt... more A textbook on project management, with emphasis on project management planning. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for project management practitioners.
Papers by Helgi T Ingason
The VUCA world is the epitome of the challenges linked with some of the undercurrents currently s... more The VUCA world is the epitome of the challenges linked with some of the undercurrents currently shaping businesses in the projectified society. The terms volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) are used as descriptive for the continuous flux project managers and project planners are forced to keep at bay. In this article, the authors present an idea to connect the VUCA concept as a risk identification platform to access, identify and isolate low-probability but high-impact events often called black swans or fat tail events. It is argued that the assumptions of conventional risk assessment in the domain of project management can lead to skewed general outcomes due to limitations of the intellect to assess probability. The outline of the VUCA meter is drafted and argued that the meter can augment the conventional risk assessment
In this rapidly changing and fast-growing world, sustainability is an important paradigm. However... more In this rapidly changing and fast-growing world, sustainability is an important paradigm. However, the constantly growing level of uncertainty leads to increased strain in decision making. This results in a growing need for a more effective and extensive approach for identifying project risk in particular events that are not easily detected but can have a severe impact, sometimes referred to as Black Swans or “fat tail” events. The VUCA meter is a normative approach to identify project risk by assessing in a structured way events that may be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous and might contribute to the project risk. In this study, the VUCA meter is benchmarked against a traditional risk identification process as recommended by PMI®. Firstly, two workshops, each referring to the respective risk identification method, were conducted. Secondly, a Delphi survey was run to investigate if the VUCA meter would capture Black Swan risk events that are bypassed by the traditional ri...
EURAM 2019 26-28 June, Lisboa. Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado T10_01... more EURAM 2019 26-28 June, Lisboa. Exploring the Future of Management: Facts, Fashion and Fado
T10_01-Action research, collaborative research and participatory research-engaged scholarship in projects and innovations
What can project leaders learn about project management from Jesus of Nazareth? In the four gospe... more What can project leaders learn about project management from Jesus of Nazareth? In the four gospels describing the life and work of Jesus, one sees that his life was to spark widespread interest in the goal of both personal and social transformation. This paper takes a critical look at these sources, identifies relevant themes and shows how project leaders might enhance their own practices by using the teachings and management styles of Jesus. The paper also discusses the link between professional virtue and professional duty, the rigors of goal setting and their implication on work, by mapping the sayings of Jesus into nine project management categories. Finally, the paper illustrates how that knowledge can be interpreted for project management in modern times. In doing this, the paper will educate the reader about the need for clear focus, definite planning and strategic thinking. Furthermore, the paper presents what has been achieved so far in this area in the project management literature -especially in terms of leadership styles and emotional intelligence -and gives, for project management, an interesting practical reference to the ontological concept of sin.
A textbook on communication. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project... more A textbook on communication. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on leadership. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project ma... more A textbook on leadership. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on strategic management, with emphasis strategic planning. The book is written in the ... more A textbook on strategic management, with emphasis strategic planning. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management related courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for managers.
A textbook on project management, with emphasis on project management planning. The book is writt... more A textbook on project management, with emphasis on project management planning. The book is written in the Icelandic language and is used in project management courses at undergraduate level in universities and as a general handbook for project management practitioners.
The VUCA world is the epitome of the challenges linked with some of the undercurrents currently s... more The VUCA world is the epitome of the challenges linked with some of the undercurrents currently shaping businesses in the projectified society. The terms volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) are used as descriptive for the continuous flux project managers and project planners are forced to keep at bay. In this article, the authors present an idea to connect the VUCA concept as a risk identification platform to access, identify and isolate low-probability but high-impact events often called black swans or fat tail events. It is argued that the assumptions of conventional risk assessment in the domain of project management can lead to skewed general outcomes due to limitations of the intellect to assess probability. The outline of the VUCA meter is drafted and argued that the meter can augment the conventional risk assessment
In this rapidly changing and fast-growing world, sustainability is an important paradigm. However... more In this rapidly changing and fast-growing world, sustainability is an important paradigm. However, the constantly growing level of uncertainty leads to increased strain in decision making. This results in a growing need for a more effective and extensive approach for identifying project risk in particular events that are not easily detected but can have a severe impact, sometimes referred to as Black Swans or “fat tail” events. The VUCA meter is a normative approach to identify project risk by assessing in a structured way events that may be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous and might contribute to the project risk. In this study, the VUCA meter is benchmarked against a traditional risk identification process as recommended by PMI®. Firstly, two workshops, each referring to the respective risk identification method, were conducted. Secondly, a Delphi survey was run to investigate if the VUCA meter would capture Black Swan risk events that are bypassed by the traditional ri...
Icelandic Journal of Engineering, 2015
Innleiðing ISO 9001 gæðastjórnunarkerfa hjá 21 fyrirtæki var könnuð með viðtölum við gæðastjóra f... more Innleiðing ISO 9001 gæðastjórnunarkerfa hjá 21 fyrirtæki var könnuð með viðtölum við gæðastjóra fyrirtækjanna. Almennt virðist sem fyrirtækin líti á innleiðinguna sem verkefni, og þau beita hefðbundnum aðferðum verkefnastjórnunar; þó í mismunandi mæli og á mismunandi vegu. Jákvæðni og þátttaka stjórnenda þjónaði lykilhlutverki í árangursríkri framkvæmd ásamt virkri þátttöku starfsmanna, sem og undirbúningi og markmiðssetningu. Fullyrða má að fyrirtæki sem kortlögðu innri kostnað sinn við innleiðinguna, það er kostnað vegna þátttöku starfsmanna sinna, luku innleiðingunni á áætluðum tíma sem var áberandi skemmri en hjá fyrirtækjum sem ekki tóku tillit til þessa innri kostnaðar. The implementation of ISO 9001 QMS in 21 organization in Iceland was investigated by interviewing the quality managers. In general, the organizations claimed that they regarded the implementation as a project and applied project management methodology, to some extent. Among key factors in a successful imple...
Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering, 2020
International Journal of Project Management, 2018
This paper tests and confirms a common assumption that projectification is increasing in companie... more This paper tests and confirms a common assumption that projectification is increasing in companies, economic sectors and whole economies in the western world.The research presented contributes to making the term 'projectification' a fact based on sound empirical evidence. What does the paper cover? The term projectification was first used in 1995 by Christophe Midler, who observed that 'ordinary work' was increasingly being carried out as defined projects. Many more articles have been written on the subject since then. This paper looks at the outcomes of three recent comparative studies in Germany, Norway and Iceland which aimed to quantify how much projectification was taking place in those countries.
Project Management Research and Practice, 2019
A teaching method known as the flipped classroom has become increasingly popular in recent years ... more A teaching method known as the flipped classroom has become increasingly popular in recent years and the method is now widely used around the world at all levels of the education system. This paper seeks to examine and elucidate the concept of the flipped classroom method as well as scrutinize its varying manifestations within educational settings, focusing particularly on the question of whether the teaching method is a fruitful teaching strategy for project management. Data gathering was based on an analysis of research literature focusing on the application of the flipped classroom as well as interviews conducted with both teachers and students associated with a master’s degree program in project management at Reykjavik University. The interviews sought to extract perspectives of both teachers and students with regard to their experiences of the flipped classroom method in contrast to conventional teaching methods. Finally, the paper will present the findings from an analysis com...