Dhiman Chowdhury | Robert Gordon University (original) (raw)

Papers by Dhiman Chowdhury

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation at workplace

I am conducting a research on what people (employees) do when innovation occurs at workplace. Thi... more I am conducting a research on what people (employees) do when innovation occurs at workplace. Think of innovation in terms of creativity, creative problem solving, improvement of product and services and creation and development of new products/ideas/service and process etc.
Please participate in the survey by clicking the url below: https://www.esurveycreator.com/s/5dcd791 .
Thank you for taking the time to read and participate in this research.
Dhiman Chowdhury

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This Article introduces an important framework for Control and Data plane separation (decoupling)... more This Article introduces an important framework for Control and Data plane separation (decoupling): “ForCES (Forwarding & Control Element Separation)”.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leading Innovation: Transform Yourself and Your Organization

Many organizations today face daunting challenge to stay competitive in the increasingly difficul... more Many organizations today face daunting challenge to stay competitive in the increasingly difficult economy, attempting to innovate while cautiously guarding declining margins. Some are successful balancing the need for innovation and improving product margin while others fail to innovate and transform their organizations to survive. Studies show innovation success rate is very poor (1 to 7%) among many organizations those who lack the implementation behavioral and cultural augmentation to innovate.
This article explores the case of Kodak and provides a behavioral framework to bring about the organizational transformation required to innovate and triumph.

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Research paper thumbnail of How do you manage innovation? A guideline of best innovation practices

Innovation is no longer a buzz word: it is in the priority list for startups to large sized corpo... more Innovation is no longer a buzz word: it is in the priority list for startups to large sized corporations. However, despite the efforts many organizations fail to innovate. Studies show success rate for innovation is only 1% to 7% in many industries. The central issue is the lack of understanding about innovation and how to manage it.
This article provides a practical guide to foster and effectively manage innovation improving success rate to outsmart competition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deviant Citizenship Behavior: A Comprehensive Framework towards Behavioral Excellence in Organizations

Purpose – While studying the topic of seeking behavioral excellence (proactive and creative compe... more Purpose – While studying the topic of seeking behavioral excellence (proactive and creative competence) in organization, scholars have presented a variety of literature sprinkled with countless theories on behavioral competence.
Research design, data, and methodology - Foremost among the several theories on this topic are two distinct sets of behav-ioral theories: OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) and Constructive Deviance. Both of these theories attempt to posit their usefulness in positive organizational outcomes (such as organizational effectiveness, quality, performance, and innovations).
Results - However, their proposed constructs are opposing and studies are conducted in isolation, thereby creating a sigificant literature gap and omitting the possibility of being inclusive of the best that both OCB and constructive deviance have to offer.
Conclusions - The article bridges the gap by critically examining OCB and constructive deviance and including a consideration of other empirical studies in an attempt to be comprehensive while, at the same time, seeking to find an effective behavioral construct that is both appropriate and conducive for positive organizational outcomes in the context of the current business environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Private cloud 101 part I

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability

International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Mar 27, 2013

This article extends literature of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the context of c... more This article extends literature of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) in the context of corporate sustainability. The
author presents the concept of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior towards Sustainability (OCBS) as a variant, contending
it’s appropriateness for today’s much needed behavioral
competence to implement sustainability measure at organizational
level. The formulation of OCBS espouses Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with a twist. The viewpoint defended
that a form of “constructive controversy” in behavioral
attribution as oppose to compliance is necessary in the
development of proactive and creative competence for corporation
to meet multiple stakeholder’s needs and demands towards
organizational, economic, social and environmental equity. The
study identifies key determinants of OCBS, including
sustainability culture, leadership support and organizational

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Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Model for Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability (OCBS)

This article extends literature of OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) in the context of co... more This article extends literature of OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) in the context of corporate sustainability. The author presents the concept of OCBS (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability) as a variant, contending it’s appropriateness for today’s much needed behavioral competence to implement sustainability measure at organizational level. The formulation of OCBS espouses OCB with a twist. The viewpoint defended that a form of “constructive controversy” in behavioral attribution as oppose to compliance is necessary in the development of proactive and creative competence for corporation to meet multiple stakeholder’s needs and demands towards organizational, economic, social and environmental equity. The study identifies key determinants of OCBS, including sustainability culture, leadership support and organizational commit. Direction for further research is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Our Common Future

Balancing continued economic progress and conservation of our biosphere is the challenge of our t... more Balancing continued economic progress and conservation of our biosphere is the challenge of our time. It’s a dilemma of the anthropocene epoch. Without corporation to the mix, our endeavor is fruitless. Increasingly, corporations have adopted prescriptive, piecemeal and mechanistic environmental management techniques as a response to sustainability discourse. However, in light of the complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and dynamic nature inherent in the sustainability challenge, at some bifurcation point in the organizational change process, these prescriptive and piecemeal solutions may not adequately account for the emerging multiple levels of environmental, social and financial conflict. A paradigm shift is thus essential: a behavioral change is thus called for. This presentation provides an explanation to the issue and a formulation to tackle challenge head-on: a behavioral competence that builds viable, equitable and responsible corporation resolving issues of sustainable business and sustainable world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leading Majestically

Leadership can make or break your organization. No single leadership construct is effective in to... more Leadership can make or break your organization. No single leadership construct is effective in today’s environment, a different organic leadership construct is essential. Majestic leadership is thus imperative.
Unlike many other leadership constructs, majestic leadership requires behavioral competence and value oriented approach: a leadership construct that is bound to produce result. Try it for yourself.

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The perplexing events that led US economy to brink of collapse, vanquished trillions of US wealth... more The perplexing events that led US economy to brink of collapse, vanquished trillions of US wealth and subjugated millions of Americans are end result of pathological demeanor and the politico institutional meddling. This article examines causal factors including antecedents of this unprecedented financial collapse and presents simple formulation to end systemic conflicts at organizational, financial and societal level.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Sustainability Survey 2011

Sustainability paradox has become a debate of our time; adding to this predicament is sometimes t... more Sustainability paradox has become a debate of our time; adding to this predicament is sometimes the questionable behaviors of the corporations. This detrimental demeanor is counterproductive, as it for the entity so do for our common goods. The issue of sustainability is a dilemma of our which many scholars pondered over last decades, yet despite their efforts, the message is somewhat convoluted through a plethora of conflicting strategies, definitions, mandates and regulatory measures. The obfuscation has created deviation in the discourse of “sustainability” measures without addressing systemic discord with sustainability challenges at organizational and societal level, and societal and ecological level. This survey examines presence and absence of a particular behavioral dimension in global corporations and corollary effect of it. In addition, this global survey unveils previously unknown data depicting correlation between certain behavioral dimension at workplace and other corporate level factors including profitability, innovation and market leadership. This global survey serves as the basis for further research to find a common ground that brings institutional integration to sustainability conjectures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wall Street to Main Street: Economic Disparity has One Common Concern

The continued anti-corporation protests that now sprung around the world lacks contemplation of o... more The continued anti-corporation protests that now sprung around the world lacks contemplation of one common concern: the undertow that ostensibly wafts in corporations exist in our society too. In fact, we are in part responsible. Solution to this predicament is to instigate behavioral change. The OCBS (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability) formulation is pragmatic and judicious to this aspect and shown promising result.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unified IP Internetworking: With 276 Figures and 61 Tables

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Research paper thumbnail of Unified IP Internetworking

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Research paper thumbnail of High Speed LAN Technology Handbook

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Research paper thumbnail of Projetos Avançados De Redes IP

Rio de Janeiro: Campus, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Structured Approach to Improve Passive Aggressive Organizational Behavior: An Empirical Research



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Research paper thumbnail of Who guards the guards when guards are let down?

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Research paper thumbnail of High Speed LAN Technology Handbook: With 100 Tables

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Research paper thumbnail of Innovation at workplace

I am conducting a research on what people (employees) do when innovation occurs at workplace. Thi... more I am conducting a research on what people (employees) do when innovation occurs at workplace. Think of innovation in terms of creativity, creative problem solving, improvement of product and services and creation and development of new products/ideas/service and process etc.
Please participate in the survey by clicking the url below: https://www.esurveycreator.com/s/5dcd791 .
Thank you for taking the time to read and participate in this research.
Dhiman Chowdhury

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This Article introduces an important framework for Control and Data plane separation (decoupling)... more This Article introduces an important framework for Control and Data plane separation (decoupling): “ForCES (Forwarding & Control Element Separation)”.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leading Innovation: Transform Yourself and Your Organization

Many organizations today face daunting challenge to stay competitive in the increasingly difficul... more Many organizations today face daunting challenge to stay competitive in the increasingly difficult economy, attempting to innovate while cautiously guarding declining margins. Some are successful balancing the need for innovation and improving product margin while others fail to innovate and transform their organizations to survive. Studies show innovation success rate is very poor (1 to 7%) among many organizations those who lack the implementation behavioral and cultural augmentation to innovate.
This article explores the case of Kodak and provides a behavioral framework to bring about the organizational transformation required to innovate and triumph.

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Research paper thumbnail of How do you manage innovation? A guideline of best innovation practices

Innovation is no longer a buzz word: it is in the priority list for startups to large sized corpo... more Innovation is no longer a buzz word: it is in the priority list for startups to large sized corporations. However, despite the efforts many organizations fail to innovate. Studies show success rate for innovation is only 1% to 7% in many industries. The central issue is the lack of understanding about innovation and how to manage it.
This article provides a practical guide to foster and effectively manage innovation improving success rate to outsmart competition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deviant Citizenship Behavior: A Comprehensive Framework towards Behavioral Excellence in Organizations

Purpose – While studying the topic of seeking behavioral excellence (proactive and creative compe... more Purpose – While studying the topic of seeking behavioral excellence (proactive and creative competence) in organization, scholars have presented a variety of literature sprinkled with countless theories on behavioral competence.
Research design, data, and methodology - Foremost among the several theories on this topic are two distinct sets of behav-ioral theories: OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) and Constructive Deviance. Both of these theories attempt to posit their usefulness in positive organizational outcomes (such as organizational effectiveness, quality, performance, and innovations).
Results - However, their proposed constructs are opposing and studies are conducted in isolation, thereby creating a sigificant literature gap and omitting the possibility of being inclusive of the best that both OCB and constructive deviance have to offer.
Conclusions - The article bridges the gap by critically examining OCB and constructive deviance and including a consideration of other empirical studies in an attempt to be comprehensive while, at the same time, seeking to find an effective behavioral construct that is both appropriate and conducive for positive organizational outcomes in the context of the current business environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Private cloud 101 part I

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Research paper thumbnail of Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability

International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Mar 27, 2013

This article extends literature of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the context of c... more This article extends literature of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) in the context of corporate sustainability. The
author presents the concept of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior towards Sustainability (OCBS) as a variant, contending
it’s appropriateness for today’s much needed behavioral
competence to implement sustainability measure at organizational
level. The formulation of OCBS espouses Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with a twist. The viewpoint defended
that a form of “constructive controversy” in behavioral
attribution as oppose to compliance is necessary in the
development of proactive and creative competence for corporation
to meet multiple stakeholder’s needs and demands towards
organizational, economic, social and environmental equity. The
study identifies key determinants of OCBS, including
sustainability culture, leadership support and organizational

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Research paper thumbnail of A Conceptual Model for Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability (OCBS)

This article extends literature of OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) in the context of co... more This article extends literature of OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) in the context of corporate sustainability. The author presents the concept of OCBS (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability) as a variant, contending it’s appropriateness for today’s much needed behavioral competence to implement sustainability measure at organizational level. The formulation of OCBS espouses OCB with a twist. The viewpoint defended that a form of “constructive controversy” in behavioral attribution as oppose to compliance is necessary in the development of proactive and creative competence for corporation to meet multiple stakeholder’s needs and demands towards organizational, economic, social and environmental equity. The study identifies key determinants of OCBS, including sustainability culture, leadership support and organizational commit. Direction for further research is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Our Common Future

Balancing continued economic progress and conservation of our biosphere is the challenge of our t... more Balancing continued economic progress and conservation of our biosphere is the challenge of our time. It’s a dilemma of the anthropocene epoch. Without corporation to the mix, our endeavor is fruitless. Increasingly, corporations have adopted prescriptive, piecemeal and mechanistic environmental management techniques as a response to sustainability discourse. However, in light of the complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity and dynamic nature inherent in the sustainability challenge, at some bifurcation point in the organizational change process, these prescriptive and piecemeal solutions may not adequately account for the emerging multiple levels of environmental, social and financial conflict. A paradigm shift is thus essential: a behavioral change is thus called for. This presentation provides an explanation to the issue and a formulation to tackle challenge head-on: a behavioral competence that builds viable, equitable and responsible corporation resolving issues of sustainable business and sustainable world.

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Research paper thumbnail of Leading Majestically

Leadership can make or break your organization. No single leadership construct is effective in to... more Leadership can make or break your organization. No single leadership construct is effective in today’s environment, a different organic leadership construct is essential. Majestic leadership is thus imperative.
Unlike many other leadership constructs, majestic leadership requires behavioral competence and value oriented approach: a leadership construct that is bound to produce result. Try it for yourself.

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The perplexing events that led US economy to brink of collapse, vanquished trillions of US wealth... more The perplexing events that led US economy to brink of collapse, vanquished trillions of US wealth and subjugated millions of Americans are end result of pathological demeanor and the politico institutional meddling. This article examines causal factors including antecedents of this unprecedented financial collapse and presents simple formulation to end systemic conflicts at organizational, financial and societal level.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corporate Sustainability Survey 2011

Sustainability paradox has become a debate of our time; adding to this predicament is sometimes t... more Sustainability paradox has become a debate of our time; adding to this predicament is sometimes the questionable behaviors of the corporations. This detrimental demeanor is counterproductive, as it for the entity so do for our common goods. The issue of sustainability is a dilemma of our which many scholars pondered over last decades, yet despite their efforts, the message is somewhat convoluted through a plethora of conflicting strategies, definitions, mandates and regulatory measures. The obfuscation has created deviation in the discourse of “sustainability” measures without addressing systemic discord with sustainability challenges at organizational and societal level, and societal and ecological level. This survey examines presence and absence of a particular behavioral dimension in global corporations and corollary effect of it. In addition, this global survey unveils previously unknown data depicting correlation between certain behavioral dimension at workplace and other corporate level factors including profitability, innovation and market leadership. This global survey serves as the basis for further research to find a common ground that brings institutional integration to sustainability conjectures.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wall Street to Main Street: Economic Disparity has One Common Concern

The continued anti-corporation protests that now sprung around the world lacks contemplation of o... more The continued anti-corporation protests that now sprung around the world lacks contemplation of one common concern: the undertow that ostensibly wafts in corporations exist in our society too. In fact, we are in part responsible. Solution to this predicament is to instigate behavioral change. The OCBS (Organizational Citizenship Behavior towards Sustainability) formulation is pragmatic and judicious to this aspect and shown promising result.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unified IP Internetworking: With 276 Figures and 61 Tables

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Research paper thumbnail of Unified IP Internetworking

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Research paper thumbnail of High Speed LAN Technology Handbook

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Research paper thumbnail of Projetos Avançados De Redes IP

Rio de Janeiro: Campus, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Structured Approach to Improve Passive Aggressive Organizational Behavior: An Empirical Research



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Research paper thumbnail of Who guards the guards when guards are let down?

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Research paper thumbnail of High Speed LAN Technology Handbook: With 100 Tables

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Research paper thumbnail of Delivering Effectiveness of R&D

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Research paper thumbnail of Who guards the guards when guards are let down? - Part I

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Research paper thumbnail of What is Corporate Sustainability?

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Research paper thumbnail of Breaking the barrier to Service: Delivering webscale performance at network Edge

The on ramp of users posing challenges to operators serving network edge and data centers. In thi... more The on ramp of users posing challenges to operators serving network edge and data centers. In this series of articles, author will explain how open networking helps reduce cost per bit allowing operators to improve and endow differentiated service. This article series will explore the constraints of network transformation and how open networking making it relatively easier to deploy "webscale network" with significantly lower TCO.

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Research paper thumbnail of 400Gig Ethernet

Ethernet technology made significant progress in recent years ushering a new era of terabit trans... more Ethernet technology made significant progress in recent years ushering a new era of terabit transport. It has now achieved 400GbE per link speed and leaping towards 800GbE. Such trend will shape the future of networks allowing hyperscale data centers, cloud and service providers to offer more service and less worry on bandwidth. IT would be interesting to know what future holds. Read this article to learn more about 400GbE and the possibilities it brings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Does support of Ethernet in Front-haul Mobile Networks help increase deployment of White-box in Telecom transformation?

Front-haul networks is undergoing rapid advances and many of the D-ROF interfaces now support Eth... more Front-haul networks is undergoing rapid advances and many of the D-ROF interfaces now support Ethernet technologies. This white paper examines D-ROF technologies and explores the potential for white-box to be deployed in front-haul mobile networks.

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Research paper thumbnail of 768K Day - Internet Doomsday: is it real?

There is an ominous rumbling in the internet about 768K day, some even termed it internet doomsda... more There is an ominous rumbling in the internet about 768K day, some even termed it internet doomsday others called it “Y2K” of internet. The fear is justified and many companies are taking precautions to upgrade older router and protect from potential failures of 768K day. In this article, author explores the issue related to 768K day and recommended solutions for service providers.

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