Riedpa - Revista Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje (original) (raw)
Papers by Riedpa - Revista Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Procesal y Arbitraje
In this work we analyze, from an epistemological perspective, the doctrine of the progressive con... more In this work we analyze, from an epistemological perspective, the doctrine of the progressive constitution of the criminal procedure’s object. First of all, we defend the thesis that the criminal procedure is a totality whose parts cannot be separated but only dissociated and that from an internal point of view. Then, we analyze the status of the so called “procedural fact” as the very basis of the construction process of the procedure’s object. Then, we make a legal and epistemological approach both to the function the criminal procedure attributes to the immediacy principle and to the main equivoques its reduction to a mere physiologic-perceptive dimension arises. At this point, we underline that immediate knowledge does not exist. Knowledge is always mediate knowledge and that is the reason why the evidence’s means are just cognoscitive mediations. Finally, we highlight the true role immediacy plays in the criminal process: to be the possibility condition of the contradictory debate the oral process consists of.
In recent times, the contribution of the science to the body of the evidence in criminal proceedi... more In recent times, the contribution of the science to the body of the evidence in criminal proceedings is reaching a remarkable role. The scientific evidence, understood as that made by an appropriately tested scientific method that generates reliable results, represents the greatest
exponent of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, despite the recent of this kind of evidence, a new concept of it is having a growing impact on the Italian doctrine. This new concept stems from both: the relationship between the scientific evidence and the adversarial system, and the
similarities between the scientific method and the legal process. The purpose of this paper is to point out these analogies in order to expose the novel configuration of the scientific evidence advocated for some Italian authors.
On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs exploded on different commuter trains in Madrid. These attacks caused... more On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs exploded on different commuter trains in Madrid. These attacks caused 191 deaths-plus the policeman died in the related explosion on 3rd April- and more than 1800 injured. From that day started the inquiry, and after 3 years of investigation 29 people were
brought to trial, and finally 18 were condemned. The management of the case was correct even if some significant difficulties were caused by the specialties of the inquiry and the magnitude of the process, common in the Spanish criminal justice system.
This study aims to demonstrate the unifying role of law in defining the legal concepts , based on... more This study aims to demonstrate the unifying role of law in defining the legal concepts , based on
the demonstration that legal utterances are empty of linguistic content , being the result of
interpretation which give them each applicator the law, which makes vary the load of its own
values. As the law makes up the second power relations prevailing in each society , reproducing
them , serves as a justification of this Power , its production should be controlled and this is done
by establishing control mechanisms of judicial decisions , normalizing them , in order to to give
individuals certainty as to solve their conflicts and , allegedly , guarantee of equality in this same
In recent years, the effect of mondialisation and globalization processes, extraordinary changes ... more In recent years, the effect of mondialisation and globalization processes, extraordinary changes in
the political, social, business, economic and financial plan took place.
Man, society and markets, today deeply integrated, reflect direct and indirect impacts of the
advances and retreats of the tentacles of the New World Order.
The new lex mercatoria represents the best expression these transmutations in transnational
trade, by their transnational nature, dynamic, reveals itself intensely multifaceted, reason why
constitutes a legal reality open-ended or in progress.
In this study, we intend to develop, scientifically, what it designates be, in the plane of legal
sources, the hard nucleus of new law merchant, their various embodiments and developments in
the course of history.
The fundamental aim of this research is through an dynamic process of systematization allow
jurists and interested in these subjects enlightened access for a deep understanding of its nature
and extent.
The paper focuses on the doctrinal and jurisprudential problems that the diligence of entry and s... more The paper focuses on the doctrinal and jurisprudential problems that the diligence of entry and
search has caused. Initially, it is necessary to determine what is considered home to
constitutional purposes. Throughout the article, the constitutional and procedural requirements
related to the diligence of entry and search are listed and the consequences of non-compliance,
illegal evidence or irregular evidence.
ADR is the English acronym of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which in Spanish are MASC, or what ... more ADR is the English acronym of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which in Spanish are MASC, or
what is the same, “Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos”. ADR that exist to manage
disputes covering a diverse range from avoidance of the problem by the parties to the possibility
that another stranger to conflict solving decides to end the dispute. The best justice is that which
the parties reach themselves. In this report, after an explanatory introduction of what is ADR and
what it is used, it will be explain when the parties may submit to these methods, namely,
depending on the availability or not of the subject matter of the dispute, regarding the importance
of the principle of party autonomy; and the ways to intervene and the necessity of the third party
impartiality designated to follow the procedure. Getting into ADR, the workshop will deal with
consensual processes, starting with the method in which the parties are more united, namely,
negotiation, followed by mediation and conciliation. Then transaction will be defined as when
parties reach an agreement may be carried out in a transaction; and finally, the study of heterocompositive
approaches will begin analyzing the arbitration, where parties are much further apart
than in the other ADR listed and which has great importance the res judicata effect produced by
the award that ends the dispute. Add, for clarification, that this effect of res judicata, as we shall
see, also marks a big difference between arbitration and other ADR.
O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (I e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual... more O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (I e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual sobre esta temática que decorrerá em formato de sede virtual em detrimento de um formato de sede física e onde serão abordadas várias questões relacionadas com o Direito à Insolvência a partir de um ponto de vista de global.
Temos a honra de contar como Presidenta do I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Professora Catedrática di Diritto Commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Itália). Presidente emérito e Membro do Comitê Acadêmico do Instituto Ibero-Americano de Direito da Insolvência e como Diretor Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Professor Ajudante de Direito Processual. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Os participantes poderão assistir às conferências e apresentações, bem como participar nos debates posteriores através de um sistema de videoconferência.
No I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência, uma série de doze oradores especialistas de vários países apresentarão doze conferências. Além disso, as comunicações expostas serão apresentadas ao congresso.
El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer e-Congreso virtual que se... more El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer e-Congreso virtual que se realiza sobre la materia en el que, sustituyendo la sede física por una sede virtual, se abordarán distintas cuestiones relacionadas con el Derecho de la Insolvencia desde un punto de vista global.
Tenemos el honor de contar como Presidenta del I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Profesora Ordinaria di Diritto commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Italia). Presidenta emérita y Miembro del Comité Académico del Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal y como Director Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Los participantes a través de un sistema de videoconferencia, podrán escuchar las conferencias y ponencias e interactuar con ellos.
En el I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia, una serie de doce expertos ponentes de diversos países impartirán doce conferencias y, además, se expondrán las comunicaciones presentadas al Congreso.
A presentação. O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (e-CIDI) é o primeiro co... more A presentação.
O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual sobre esta temática que decorrerá em formato de sede virtual em detrimento de um formato de sede física e onde serão abordadas várias questões relacionadas com o Direito à Insolvência a partir de um ponto de vista de global.
Temos a honra de contar como Presidenta do I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Professora Catedrática di Diritto Commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Itália) e como Secretário Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Professor Ajudante de Direito Processual. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Os participantes poderão assistir às conferências e apresentações, bem como participar nos debates posteriores através de um sistema de videoconferência.
No I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência, uma série de doze oradores especialistas de vários países (ver programa) apresentarão doze conferências. Além disso, as comunicações expostas serão apresentadas ao congresso.
Será realizado na semana de 23 a 27 de Novembro de 2015.
The First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law is the first virtual conference to be held... more The First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law is the first virtual conference to be held on the subject where, substituting the physical venue for a virtual hub, different questions relating to Insolvency Law will be tackled from a global perspective.
We are honored to have as President of the First International e-Conferece on Insolvency Law to Ms. Stefania Pacchi. Lecturer in Commercial Law. Università Degli Studi di Siena (Italy) and as Academic Secretary to Mr. David García Bartolomé. Lecturer in Procedural Law. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Through a video-conference system, participants can listen to conferences and presentations and participate in the subsequent debates.
At the First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law, a series of twelve expert speakers from various countries (see programme) will offer twelve talks in addition to the presentation of papers submitted for the conference.
The conference will be held from 23 to 27 November 2015.
El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer Congreso virtual que se r... more El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer Congreso virtual que se realiza sobre la materia en el que, sustituyendo la sede física por una sede virtual, se abordarán distintas cuestiones relacionadas con el Derecho de la Insolvencia desde un punto de vista global.
Tenemos el honor de contar como Presidenta del I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Profesora Ordinaria di Diritto commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Italia) y como Secretario Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Los participantes a través de un sistema de videoconferencia, podrán escuchar las conferencias y ponencias e interactuar con ellos.
En el e-Congreso una serie de doce expertos ponentes de diversos países (ver programa: http://econgresos.net/programa-ptg-2/ ) impartirán doce conferencias y, además, se expondrán las comunicaciones presentadas al Congreso.
El Art. 429.1 LEC supone un nuevo modelo de probática jurisdiccional, pues permite la iniciativa ... more El Art. 429.1 LEC supone un nuevo modelo de probática jurisdiccional, pues permite la iniciativa
probatoria de oficio en el proceso civil español. Y ello plantea dos problemas fundamentales: la
posible violación del principio dispositivo que rige en el proceso civil, y, por tanto, la imparcialidad
del juzgador, así como su naturaleza jurídica, esto es, si se trata de una mera facultad o de un
auténtico deber judicial. Tras analizar el estado actual de la cuestión, tanto en la doctrina como
en la jurisprudencia, llegamos a la conclusión relativa a que la constitucionalización del derecho
a la prueba y la concepción “garantista” del proceso justifican nuestra interpretación del Art.
429.1 LEC como un “deber judicial de completitud de la prueba”
El recurso de apelación constituye un elemento de suma importancia en la configuración del Derech... more El recurso de apelación constituye un elemento de suma importancia en la configuración del Derecho procesal-civil español, ya que permite que una instancia superior pueda modificar la resolución del juez de primera instancia. En numerosas ocasionas, las partes que recurrente basa su escrito en la valoración de la prueba, la cual tiene una gran importancia en los procesos civiles. El problema es que en los últimos años las Audiencias Provinciales han restringido esa valoración de la prueba desvirtuando la naturaleza de la apelación. En el presente proyecto se revisan las bases sobre las que se sustenta este recurso y la valoración que las Audiencias Provinciales llevan a cabo de la prueba desde una perspectiva crítica.
El control judicial por vía de la ejecución y anulación del laudo, en el arbitraje de consumo, es... more El control judicial por vía de la ejecución y anulación del laudo, en el arbitraje de consumo, está otorgando un trato de favor al consumidor que no tiene parangón con el resto de sujetos que intervienen en los procedimientos arbitrales, y no digamos ya respecto de los litigantes que hacen uso de la jurisdicción ordinaria. En los casos en que se trata de ejecutar un laudo, donde el ejecutado es un consumidor, los tribunales han empezado a sustituir la iniciativa que
corresponde a las partes en el proceso de ejecución por la del iudex, con grave lesión para los derechos del ejecutante al obviar que el arbitraje es un proceso de instancia única. En cuanto a la anulación del laudo, su naturaleza jurídica no debería consentir una revisión sobre la justicia material del laudo, sin embargo la jurisdicción ordinaria se ha venido pronunciando sobre la decisión de fondo de los árbitros con el pretexto de brindar protección al consumidor como único argumento.
Arbitration is born by the will of parties. There must be indispensably a legal act denoting the ... more Arbitration is born by the will of parties. There must be indispensably a legal act denoting the
bilateral consent of the parties to a contractual or non-contractual legal relationship whereby agree to submit any present or future dispute to arbitration. That expression of will must be
formalized in the so-called agreement or arbitration agreement. Through this article we will analyze the arbitration agreement in the Bolivian legal system; birth, validity and effectiveness,
and other incidents.
In this work we analyze, from an epistemological perspective, the doctrine of the progressive con... more In this work we analyze, from an epistemological perspective, the doctrine of the progressive constitution of the criminal procedure’s object. First of all, we defend the thesis that the criminal procedure is a totality whose parts cannot be separated but only dissociated and that from an internal point of view. Then, we analyze the status of the so called “procedural fact” as the very basis of the construction process of the procedure’s object. Then, we make a legal and epistemological approach both to the function the criminal procedure attributes to the immediacy principle and to the main equivoques its reduction to a mere physiologic-perceptive dimension arises. At this point, we underline that immediate knowledge does not exist. Knowledge is always mediate knowledge and that is the reason why the evidence’s means are just cognoscitive mediations. Finally, we highlight the true role immediacy plays in the criminal process: to be the possibility condition of the contradictory debate the oral process consists of.
In recent times, the contribution of the science to the body of the evidence in criminal proceedi... more In recent times, the contribution of the science to the body of the evidence in criminal proceedings is reaching a remarkable role. The scientific evidence, understood as that made by an appropriately tested scientific method that generates reliable results, represents the greatest
exponent of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, despite the recent of this kind of evidence, a new concept of it is having a growing impact on the Italian doctrine. This new concept stems from both: the relationship between the scientific evidence and the adversarial system, and the
similarities between the scientific method and the legal process. The purpose of this paper is to point out these analogies in order to expose the novel configuration of the scientific evidence advocated for some Italian authors.
On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs exploded on different commuter trains in Madrid. These attacks caused... more On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs exploded on different commuter trains in Madrid. These attacks caused 191 deaths-plus the policeman died in the related explosion on 3rd April- and more than 1800 injured. From that day started the inquiry, and after 3 years of investigation 29 people were
brought to trial, and finally 18 were condemned. The management of the case was correct even if some significant difficulties were caused by the specialties of the inquiry and the magnitude of the process, common in the Spanish criminal justice system.
This study aims to demonstrate the unifying role of law in defining the legal concepts , based on... more This study aims to demonstrate the unifying role of law in defining the legal concepts , based on
the demonstration that legal utterances are empty of linguistic content , being the result of
interpretation which give them each applicator the law, which makes vary the load of its own
values. As the law makes up the second power relations prevailing in each society , reproducing
them , serves as a justification of this Power , its production should be controlled and this is done
by establishing control mechanisms of judicial decisions , normalizing them , in order to to give
individuals certainty as to solve their conflicts and , allegedly , guarantee of equality in this same
In recent years, the effect of mondialisation and globalization processes, extraordinary changes ... more In recent years, the effect of mondialisation and globalization processes, extraordinary changes in
the political, social, business, economic and financial plan took place.
Man, society and markets, today deeply integrated, reflect direct and indirect impacts of the
advances and retreats of the tentacles of the New World Order.
The new lex mercatoria represents the best expression these transmutations in transnational
trade, by their transnational nature, dynamic, reveals itself intensely multifaceted, reason why
constitutes a legal reality open-ended or in progress.
In this study, we intend to develop, scientifically, what it designates be, in the plane of legal
sources, the hard nucleus of new law merchant, their various embodiments and developments in
the course of history.
The fundamental aim of this research is through an dynamic process of systematization allow
jurists and interested in these subjects enlightened access for a deep understanding of its nature
and extent.
The paper focuses on the doctrinal and jurisprudential problems that the diligence of entry and s... more The paper focuses on the doctrinal and jurisprudential problems that the diligence of entry and
search has caused. Initially, it is necessary to determine what is considered home to
constitutional purposes. Throughout the article, the constitutional and procedural requirements
related to the diligence of entry and search are listed and the consequences of non-compliance,
illegal evidence or irregular evidence.
ADR is the English acronym of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which in Spanish are MASC, or what ... more ADR is the English acronym of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which in Spanish are MASC, or
what is the same, “Métodos Alternos de Solución de Conflictos”. ADR that exist to manage
disputes covering a diverse range from avoidance of the problem by the parties to the possibility
that another stranger to conflict solving decides to end the dispute. The best justice is that which
the parties reach themselves. In this report, after an explanatory introduction of what is ADR and
what it is used, it will be explain when the parties may submit to these methods, namely,
depending on the availability or not of the subject matter of the dispute, regarding the importance
of the principle of party autonomy; and the ways to intervene and the necessity of the third party
impartiality designated to follow the procedure. Getting into ADR, the workshop will deal with
consensual processes, starting with the method in which the parties are more united, namely,
negotiation, followed by mediation and conciliation. Then transaction will be defined as when
parties reach an agreement may be carried out in a transaction; and finally, the study of heterocompositive
approaches will begin analyzing the arbitration, where parties are much further apart
than in the other ADR listed and which has great importance the res judicata effect produced by
the award that ends the dispute. Add, for clarification, that this effect of res judicata, as we shall
see, also marks a big difference between arbitration and other ADR.
O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (I e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual... more O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (I e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual sobre esta temática que decorrerá em formato de sede virtual em detrimento de um formato de sede física e onde serão abordadas várias questões relacionadas com o Direito à Insolvência a partir de um ponto de vista de global.
Temos a honra de contar como Presidenta do I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Professora Catedrática di Diritto Commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Itália). Presidente emérito e Membro do Comitê Acadêmico do Instituto Ibero-Americano de Direito da Insolvência e como Diretor Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Professor Ajudante de Direito Processual. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Os participantes poderão assistir às conferências e apresentações, bem como participar nos debates posteriores através de um sistema de videoconferência.
No I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência, uma série de doze oradores especialistas de vários países apresentarão doze conferências. Além disso, as comunicações expostas serão apresentadas ao congresso.
El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer e-Congreso virtual que se... more El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer e-Congreso virtual que se realiza sobre la materia en el que, sustituyendo la sede física por una sede virtual, se abordarán distintas cuestiones relacionadas con el Derecho de la Insolvencia desde un punto de vista global.
Tenemos el honor de contar como Presidenta del I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Profesora Ordinaria di Diritto commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Italia). Presidenta emérita y Miembro del Comité Académico del Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Concursal y como Director Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Los participantes a través de un sistema de videoconferencia, podrán escuchar las conferencias y ponencias e interactuar con ellos.
En el I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia, una serie de doce expertos ponentes de diversos países impartirán doce conferencias y, además, se expondrán las comunicaciones presentadas al Congreso.
A presentação. O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (e-CIDI) é o primeiro co... more A presentação.
O I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência (e-CIDI) é o primeiro congresso virtual sobre esta temática que decorrerá em formato de sede virtual em detrimento de um formato de sede física e onde serão abordadas várias questões relacionadas com o Direito à Insolvência a partir de um ponto de vista de global.
Temos a honra de contar como Presidenta do I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Professora Catedrática di Diritto Commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Itália) e como Secretário Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Professor Ajudante de Direito Processual. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Os participantes poderão assistir às conferências e apresentações, bem como participar nos debates posteriores através de um sistema de videoconferência.
No I e-Congresso Internacional de Direito da Insolvência, uma série de doze oradores especialistas de vários países (ver programa) apresentarão doze conferências. Além disso, as comunicações expostas serão apresentadas ao congresso.
Será realizado na semana de 23 a 27 de Novembro de 2015.
The First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law is the first virtual conference to be held... more The First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law is the first virtual conference to be held on the subject where, substituting the physical venue for a virtual hub, different questions relating to Insolvency Law will be tackled from a global perspective.
We are honored to have as President of the First International e-Conferece on Insolvency Law to Ms. Stefania Pacchi. Lecturer in Commercial Law. Università Degli Studi di Siena (Italy) and as Academic Secretary to Mr. David García Bartolomé. Lecturer in Procedural Law. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Through a video-conference system, participants can listen to conferences and presentations and participate in the subsequent debates.
At the First International e-Conference on Insolvency Law, a series of twelve expert speakers from various countries (see programme) will offer twelve talks in addition to the presentation of papers submitted for the conference.
The conference will be held from 23 to 27 November 2015.
El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer Congreso virtual que se r... more El I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia es el primer Congreso virtual que se realiza sobre la materia en el que, sustituyendo la sede física por una sede virtual, se abordarán distintas cuestiones relacionadas con el Derecho de la Insolvencia desde un punto de vista global.
Tenemos el honor de contar como Presidenta del I e-Congreso Internacional de Derecho de la Insolvencia a Dª. Stefania Pacchi. Profesora Ordinaria di Diritto commerciale. Università Degli Studi Di Siena (Italia) y como Secretario Académico a D. David García Bartolomé. Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Procesal. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Los participantes a través de un sistema de videoconferencia, podrán escuchar las conferencias y ponencias e interactuar con ellos.
En el e-Congreso una serie de doce expertos ponentes de diversos países (ver programa: http://econgresos.net/programa-ptg-2/ ) impartirán doce conferencias y, además, se expondrán las comunicaciones presentadas al Congreso.
El Art. 429.1 LEC supone un nuevo modelo de probática jurisdiccional, pues permite la iniciativa ... more El Art. 429.1 LEC supone un nuevo modelo de probática jurisdiccional, pues permite la iniciativa
probatoria de oficio en el proceso civil español. Y ello plantea dos problemas fundamentales: la
posible violación del principio dispositivo que rige en el proceso civil, y, por tanto, la imparcialidad
del juzgador, así como su naturaleza jurídica, esto es, si se trata de una mera facultad o de un
auténtico deber judicial. Tras analizar el estado actual de la cuestión, tanto en la doctrina como
en la jurisprudencia, llegamos a la conclusión relativa a que la constitucionalización del derecho
a la prueba y la concepción “garantista” del proceso justifican nuestra interpretación del Art.
429.1 LEC como un “deber judicial de completitud de la prueba”
El recurso de apelación constituye un elemento de suma importancia en la configuración del Derech... more El recurso de apelación constituye un elemento de suma importancia en la configuración del Derecho procesal-civil español, ya que permite que una instancia superior pueda modificar la resolución del juez de primera instancia. En numerosas ocasionas, las partes que recurrente basa su escrito en la valoración de la prueba, la cual tiene una gran importancia en los procesos civiles. El problema es que en los últimos años las Audiencias Provinciales han restringido esa valoración de la prueba desvirtuando la naturaleza de la apelación. En el presente proyecto se revisan las bases sobre las que se sustenta este recurso y la valoración que las Audiencias Provinciales llevan a cabo de la prueba desde una perspectiva crítica.
El control judicial por vía de la ejecución y anulación del laudo, en el arbitraje de consumo, es... more El control judicial por vía de la ejecución y anulación del laudo, en el arbitraje de consumo, está otorgando un trato de favor al consumidor que no tiene parangón con el resto de sujetos que intervienen en los procedimientos arbitrales, y no digamos ya respecto de los litigantes que hacen uso de la jurisdicción ordinaria. En los casos en que se trata de ejecutar un laudo, donde el ejecutado es un consumidor, los tribunales han empezado a sustituir la iniciativa que
corresponde a las partes en el proceso de ejecución por la del iudex, con grave lesión para los derechos del ejecutante al obviar que el arbitraje es un proceso de instancia única. En cuanto a la anulación del laudo, su naturaleza jurídica no debería consentir una revisión sobre la justicia material del laudo, sin embargo la jurisdicción ordinaria se ha venido pronunciando sobre la decisión de fondo de los árbitros con el pretexto de brindar protección al consumidor como único argumento.
Arbitration is born by the will of parties. There must be indispensably a legal act denoting the ... more Arbitration is born by the will of parties. There must be indispensably a legal act denoting the
bilateral consent of the parties to a contractual or non-contractual legal relationship whereby agree to submit any present or future dispute to arbitration. That expression of will must be
formalized in the so-called agreement or arbitration agreement. Through this article we will analyze the arbitration agreement in the Bolivian legal system; birth, validity and effectiveness,
and other incidents.