The Thing I Hate's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 18 most recent journal entries recorded inThe Thing I Hate's LiveJournal:

Friday, January 5th, 2007
_11:22 pm_[wicked_circle] ( several days later...Collapse ) (2 Comments |Comment on this)
_9:31 pm_[paperthin_blue] ( Obi-Wan was left gasping...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_6:00 pm_[wicked_circle] ( Maul did not let his surprise show as he battled...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_8:55 pm_[paperthin_blue] ( Obi-Wan shot out of the tunnel, saber raised high...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_5:54 pm_[wicked_circle] ( Maul let the old Jedi crumple to the ground...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_8:52 pm_[paperthin_blue] ( Obi-Wan paced nervously...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_5:50 pm_[wicked_circle] AS DARTH MAULMaul tapped the forcefield with the end of his saber, the blade rebounding slightly as it touched glowing field of energy. There was no way that his saber was going to reach through that to the Jedi within, but everything was still going as he planned. The Jedi's padawan had managed to recover from his fall, and now waited impatiently outside the further barrier. Maul smiled inside. He mostly likely had a good few moments with the old Jedi to himself; enough surely to finish him off. He could tell the old master's strength was beginning to fail him; and though his attacks had become better timed and better planned, there were still many forms that Maul had up his sleeve, enough that he'd be able to finish the old Jedi off within a few moves. He reached out to the Dark Side as he paced back and forth, feral gaze fixed firmly on the Jedi master. Maul raised his saber as the Jedi's eyes snapped open, and the forcefield fell. AS QUI-GON JINNQui-Gon leapt to his feet seconds before the barrier disappeared, lightsaber flashing into life in his hands. The beast was a difficult creature to tackle on his own, and he found himself repeated beaten back by always having to keep an eye on both ends of the dangerous double-ended saber. The few moments of meditation had not done much for his stamina, he was a tiring too rapidly having to fight the creature on his own, and even though he was aware of Obi-Wan doing his best to speed himself to his side, his padawan would not make it in time. This Sith was going to be all his for the next few moments. Qui-Gon took a step backwards and to the side but the the Sith swung the saber over his shoulder, twirling it behind him and catching it again for another attack, first high and then low, first to the side and then in front, making Qui-Gon move his sword in all directions, a barrage of parries and blocks that were working well to tire him out even more than he already was. He thought he saw an opening in the creature's form as the thing turned, presenting an exposed side. Qui-Gon took it while the opportunity presented itself, bringing his saber for a low jab. He saw too late the double saber abruptly change direction, knocking his weapon to the side, the other end spinning with a final hum as it pierced his gut, sliding all the way through him. Qui-Gon dropped his saber as pain overwhelmed his already tired senses. The thing had its back turned to him, not even looking as it impaled him. It retracted the saber and Qui-Gon dropped to the ground, a sinking into a welcome blackness. (Comment on this)
_8:48 pm_[paperthin_blue] ( Obi-Wan hung on for dear life...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_5:46 pm_[wicked_circle] ( He felt the apprentice as he rushed his back...Collapse ) ( Clearing the enemy at his back was not without its costs; Qui-Gon watched closely as the Sith executed two clean kicks to Obi-Wan...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_8:44 pm_[paperthin_blue] Obi-Wan picked up the pace, saber flying in wide blue arcs as he tried vainly to find an opening in the Sith's flawless defense, beginning to sweat with the effort. He forced away the soreness that was beginning to creep into his muscles and locked his eyes on the enemy, anticipating his attacks not only with the force but by watching the other's movements. This ground did not favor the Jedi. In contrast, the Sith seemed at home in the dangerous environment, and he leapt and slashed with abandon, as if a steep drop didn't stretch endlessly down on either side of the battlefield. The padawan was growing uneasy, watching his footing while clinging desperately to the thread of Force that guided his strikes. Worse, his master seemed to be tiring. It was only a faint slowing of his steps, and a return to a more conservative style of defense; but Obi-Wan could see it. And if he could sense his master faltering, it was only a matter of time before the Sith noticed it too, if he hadn't already. A gentle touch on his mind alleviated his doubts somewhat, and the young Jedi felt a rush of gratitude towards his master for the reassurance. He redoubled his attacks, more determined than ever not to let his master down. His saber was a protective screen against the flurry of red, granting him time to search for an opportune strike. He found it as the Sith turned to block a particular fierce strike from Qui-Gon, rendering him slighlty off-balance. Obi-Wan brought his saber over and dove for the back of the Sith's neck. (Comment on this)
_5:43 pm_[wicked_circle] AS DARTH MAULMaul fell back a few steps, twisting away and flicking his saber up and around his shoulder, knocking away the older's Jedi green lightsaber. He growled, showing off with an aerial flip that carried him away from the Jedi duo, enough time for him to regroup. He glared at the apprentice as he used the Force to knock a stray droid part into the control pad on the wall behind him, massive blast doors opening to reveal an intricate maze of catwalks surrounding the palace's power conduits. Here it was more perilous, and he would have the advantage. He backed into the room, gaze drifting between the two Jedi, still confident that he could win this battle without having to resort to more desperate measures.AS QUI-GON JINNQui-Gon renewed his attack, bringing his saber down in a solid slice but finding it deflected by the Sith creature's expert skill, his blade caught on the inside edge of the red saber and twirled almost out of his grasp. He pulled away and managed to save his grip in time, still looking for a hole in the thing's defenses--a hole that wasn't a trap. He did not like this room nor its catwalks that crisscrossed the vast chamber's length into a seemingly endless blackness below. The Sith had the advantage here, where one misplaced step could mean a tremendous fall, and separation from Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon watched as his strokes from every direction were deflected by the spinning red saber, seemingly everywhere at once as their spun in their intricate dance about the Sith, protecting him on all sides with a steady, periodic hum. He followed as the creature taunted him with a look from his golden eyes, gaze sweeping them both arrogantly before vaulting to an adjacent strip of catwalk, catching both their sabers as he growled. (Comment on this)
_8:42 pm_[paperthin_blue] Obi-Wan continued to harry the Sith from behind, lightly tapping at perceived weak spots while trying to stay out of range of the enemy's feet. He paused, then lunged forward with a piercing thrust. The Sith turned his red blade into the strike, guiding it off course, but he neglected to block the real attack: Obi-Wan shifted his weight to his right leg and turned the momentum of the failed thrust into a left roundhouse kick, using the Force to anchor the off-balance motion. The Sith flinched and staggered, then spun his saber rapidly to deflect Qui-Gon's blade as the master took advantage of his distraction. Obi-Wan allowed himself a small moment of satisfaction before turning his focus back inward, on the wellspring of energy that sustained him. The padawan drew back, waiting, looking to create another opening for his fighting partner. (Comment on this)
_5:41 pm_[wicked_circle] AS DARTH MAULMaul twisted his saber to the side, locking the older Jedi and swung the back blade around to catch the Jedi in the side, but he retreated quickly, to the side and out of range for the moment. The fallen apprentice picked himself back up and Maul swung his lightsaber around to parry a blow, crimson blades whirring as the master jumped back in and ducked a swipe, a deft reminder that with two blades the Jedi had best be on their guard. Maul's fighting techinique was one that he perfected himself, during the daylight hours when his master's watchful eye went elsewhere to carry on the duties of Senator Palpatine. He'd had a natural flair for battle, knowing exactly where his openings were and how to counter any attempts to break through his offense. He goaded the Jedi into attack, drawing them into a trap by revealing an opening at his back or at his side, a weakness he did not have for no attacks touched him as he parried their blows and sidestepped smoothly to bring his saber around as the Jedi blocked his attack just in time.AS QUI-GON JINNQui-Gon's brows furrowed momentarily with worry as Obi-Wan fell beneath the creature's kicks, but the Force told him his apprentice was not harmed. He withdrew his attack, bouncing back away from the red sabers to study his opponent briefly before lifting his weapon for blow, a high slash from above. The thing fought unlike anything he had ever seen before; moving smoothly from stance to stance as if his weapon were merely an extension of himself. He remembered Jedi history speaking of great weapon masters who'd weilded double sabers, but not in any living memory had any Jedi possessed that kind of skill--not even Master Yoda. He ducked as the Sith's saber sailed through the air where his head had been a moment later, and seeing an opening he brought his weapon low, intending to catch the Sith in the side, but he was parried and he narrowed dodged the spinning saber as the Sith brought it above him, blocking Obi-Wan's attack while initiating his own. Qui-Gon remained claim as he dodged another move, swinging and stepping forward just enough that despite the apparent ease of the Sith's movements he was still being pushed ever backward, further into the Palace. What time Qui-Gon could take to study the the creature's form, he would. (Comment on this)
_8:39 pm_[paperthin_blue] Letting the living Force flow through him, Obi-Wan slid left to flank the Sith, engaging one end of the double-bladed lightsaber. His earlier discomfort left him as he focused singlemindedly on the fight, his movements geared to complement his master's style. Obi-Wan broke right in an attempt to break through the Sith's guard, aiming for the creature's shoulder, but the Sith angled the lower blade of his saber diagonally across his back and intercepted the strike. The movement left the enemy's front right side open, but even as Qui-Gon thrust at the opening the Sith struck backwards at Obi-Wan with a fluid, punishing kick, simultaneously pivoting to parry the older Jedi's blade with an overhand strike that forced the master's saber down. The downed apprentice rose in time to see his master hastily disengage from his disadvantaged position, and watched closely as the men regarded each other, trying to get a feel for the Sith's movements. He was obviously skilled not only in lightsaber combat but in hand-to-hand techniques; Obi-Wan would have to watch those feet. (Comment on this)
_5:38 pm_[wicked_circle] ( Qui-Gon felt the presence before the doors opened...Collapse ) ( Maul sensed some small turmoil from the younger Jedi...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
_8:35 pm_[paperthin_blue] Obi-Wan felt his heart give a jump as the creature removed its hood, revealing a face out of nightmare. But it wasn't the face which really shocked him; the being before him resonated thickly with the darker energies of the force, an unclean presence that crawled across his skin like the feet of insects. The Sith's molten gaze wandered from one Jedi to another, and it seemed to Obi-Wan that he smiled even though his mouth did not move. The burning yellow eyes briefly met his own, then flicked disdainfully away to study the older Jedi. The padawan gritted his teeth, irked by the blatant dismissal. He had started to move into a defensive position when his master's large hand came to rest gently on his shoulder. Obi-Wan recognized the rebuke immediately. Chastened, he took a moment to center himself, allowing the Force to sweep away all his petty concerns, letting the flow of energy move through him unhindered. He could not allow himself to be distracted by his emotions when the first Sith to be sighted in centuries stood before him armed; and getting agitated would only hurt his ability to fight. He needed to be in top form to support his master, and Obi-Wan vowed that he would not fail this test. He turned calm eyes on his enemy, watching for any movement that could betray an attack, and slowly began to remove his outer robe. (Comment on this)
_5:22 pm_[wicked_circle] Maul made his way from the Palace's throne room, descending flights of stairs from down to the hangar where he felt the two Jedi and their pitiful force making their way further in. His master had given him the order to kill them all, and his golden eyes alit with eager anticipation at the battle to come. He knew from the few blows that he had traded with the old Jedi that he would be more than a match for that one. He was unafraid of the Jedi's Apprentice, no doubt that one would prove even easier.He arrived at the hangar's doors and paused before opening them, waiting for the right moment. This would be his best hour, the one in which he would finally prove to his Master that he had would be worthy of being the Dark Lord of the Sith one day. The doors began to open, and Maul gathered all his dark energies about him, looking up from the shadow of his cowl at the two approaching Jedi. The others quickly left, but they were inconsequential. The Federations droids would soon take care of him. The Jedi were all his. Pushing his hood back, he began to shed the outer layer of his Sith robes. (Comment on this)
_8:22 pm_[prismgecko] Info post! Welcome!You have discovered the roleplay fiction journal of doctorskuld and prismgecko. Within, we are working on a Star Wars slash fanfiction of the Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi variety. Don't say we didn't warn you. May contain content not suitable for the underage (or the immature.) May also contain content that induces squee in people who enjoy any of the following: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, dubious alliances, ancient Sith power, and unpredictable...stuff.Posts made by doctorskuld and prismgecko are mod posts and OOC posts. Posts made by wicked_circle and paperthin_blue are story posts.( wicked_circle = Darth Maul and paperthin_blue = Obi-Wan Kenobi.)Enjoy! (Comment on this)