Jasper de Bruin | National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden (original) (raw)
Papers by Jasper de Bruin
Der Limes 15/2021 heft 2
Die Neuentdeckung eines Militärlagers ist ein seltenes Ereignis am Niedergermanischen Limes. Mit ... more Die Neuentdeckung eines Militärlagers ist ein seltenes Ereignis am Niedergermanischen Limes. Mit einem Fund nahe der niederländischen Nordseeküste in Valkenburg (Provinz Zuid-Holland) ist nun genau dies eingetreten. Dort wurde ein römisches Lager in der Größe eines Legionsstützpunktes entdeckt. Die Ausgrabungen dauerten bis Mai 2021.
Raimondi Cominesi, A./N. de Haan/E.M. Moormann/C. Stocks (eds), God on Earth: Emperor Domitian. The re-invention of Rome at the end of the 1st century AD, Leiden (Palma 24), 2021
Domitian’s foreign policy focused particularly on Rome’s Northern frontiers, like the Lower Germa... more Domitian’s foreign policy focused particularly on Rome’s Northern frontiers, like the Lower German limes, located on the Lower Rhine river in The Netherlands. Fairly recently, archaeological research in The Netherlands has provided more detailed information on the effects of Domitian’s reign here. The question is what these archaeological data add to the knowledge of the actual, material deposit of Domitian’s imperial policies along the Lower German limes.
Summary The subject of this article is the interaction between the military and civilian communit... more Summary The subject of this article is the interaction between the military and civilian communities in the Dutch Limes zone. Central questions are what influence the Roman army had on the civilian population, how the contacts between both groups were shaped, and how the individual soldiers interacted with civilians. The influence of the army was most prominent at the forts, but was also present outside the areas where the military was stationed. Civilians enlisted in the army, creating intermediaries. The Roman cities also functioned as transition points between the army and the civilian population, but they may have had other, more primary military functions as well. Contacts between the two groups were generally peaceful and provided benefits for both. As military and civilian communities became increasingly intertwined, it is likely that individual contacts between the two also contributed to this process.
Bruin, J. de, 2018. Living in Oegstgeest 575-725 AD, in: M. Kars/R. van Oosten/M.A. Roxburgh /A. Verhoeven, Rural riches & royal rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws. Zwolle: SPA-Uitgevers, 20-25., 2018
Bruin, J. de, 2018. The shoe is on the other foot? The introduction of footwear as an example for changes in the rural community of the Cananefates, in T.Ivleva/J. de Bruin/M. Driessen (eds), Oxford: Oxbow Books, 153-157., 2018
Bruin, J. de, 2019. From The Hague to Britannia – Severan military activities along the North Sea coast (193-235 AD), in: Zoolingen, R.J. van, 2019, Ab Harenis Incvltis. Artikelen voor Ab Waasdorp, Gemeente Den Haag, afdeling Archeologie, 137-153. , 2019
Deze bundel is samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van Ab Waasdorp in de archeologie... more Deze bundel is samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van Ab Waasdorp in de archeologie. Van maart 1984 tot en met november 2019 was hij in dienst van de gemeente Den Haag. In deze periode heeft Ab tal van onderzoeken geleid en zo bijgedragen aan onze kennis van het verleden van de stad, maar ook van ver daarbuiten. Zijn studies en publicaties zijn voor menig archeoloog een bron van informatie en inspiratie geweest. Met deze verzameling van artikelen willen wij Ab bedanken en hem tonen wat zijn werk heeft betekend.
Bruin J.de (2015), Uncovering Roman fort Matilo in Leiden, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 181-189., 2015
Bruin J. de (2012), Connectivity in the south-western part of the Netherlands during the Roman period (AD 0-350), Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia : 145-157., 2012
On January 1st 2012 a new department, that of Provincial Roman and Medieval Archaeology, was adde... more On January 1st 2012 a new department, that of Provincial Roman and Medieval Archaeology, was added to the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University. Even though Provincial Roman archaeology was not an offi cial specialization before 2012, the Faculty conducted research on two Roman period settlements in the coastal area of south-western Holland. These two sites produced evidence of the existence of a supra-regional exchange network, of which traces can be found on other sites in the region. It can be concluded that Roman State or Military investments resulted in processes leading to increasing connectivity in coastal areas of the Roman Empire, but that the expansion and sustainability of the connections varied over time.
Books by Jasper de Bruin
The Lower German Limes - a river border - stretched over 400 kilometres from the southernmost for... more The Lower German Limes - a river border - stretched over 400 kilometres from the southernmost fort Rigomagus / Remagen, Germany, to the mouth of the Rhine at Katwijk, Netherlands. A selection of the top 100 gives an insight into the eventful history of life on the Lower German Limes.
Romans on the Waterfront. Evaluation of archaelogical interventions (1997-2020) along the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine and Coastal Limes, 2021
Report written together with many colleagues, about 20 years of research along the Roman Limes in... more Report written together with many colleagues, about 20 years of research along the Roman Limes in the Netherlands, not only concerns the miltary-dominated zone along the river Rhine but also includes sites with Roman military presence along the North Sea coast end the 'foreland' and 'hinterland' of the frontier of Germania inferior.
Oegstgeest, a riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, 2021
Riches project (grant nr. 741340). Cover photograph: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (National... more Riches project (grant nr. 741340). Cover photograph: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden) Graphic design and layout: Bregt Balk Printing: druckhaus köthen GmbH & Co. KG | www.koethen.de Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie. Detailliertere bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.
Bruin, J. de, 2019. Border communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 28. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press., 2019
In Roman times, the area between the Lower Rhine and the Meuse in the present day province of Sou... more In Roman times, the area between the Lower Rhine and the Meuse in the present day province of South Holland in the Netherlands, was known as the administrative district of the community of the Cananefates (the civitas Cananefatium). The formation of this community, as well as the changes that took place within this group, were researched by means of a systematic analysis of the archaeological remains. In order to understand the role of the Roman state in these processes, the urban and military communities were also studied. In this way an overview was created of an administrative region in which aspects such as the interaction between the different groups, the character of the rural community and the differences with other rural groups along the borders of the Roman Empire could be studied.
Polak M./J. de Bruin, 2016. The Lower German Limes in the Netherlands. A scientific assessment of the site selection for the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ Unesco World Heritage Site. Nijmegen: Auxilia., 2016
Assessing the contribution of Dutch sites to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Roman frontie... more Assessing the contribution of Dutch sites to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Roman frontier in the former province of Lower Germany demands insight into the accumulated efforts of former and present fellow archaeologists. Much of the results of their work is available in written publications or in digital datasets archived in the e-depot Dutch Archaeology (edna) accommodated in the dans-easy environment. Regrettably, many excavations carried out prior to the anchoring of the 1992 Malta convention in national legislation have not been analysed and published, but often bits and pieces of the information collected at that time are available in the heads of colleagues. The results of very recent excavations have not been disclosed either, as their analysis is still in progress, but various fellow archaeologists have very willingly replied to our questions.
Embracing the Provinces offers a holistic view on the life in the provinces of the Roman Empire b... more Embracing the Provinces offers a holistic view on the life in the provinces of the Roman Empire by analysing various aspects of daily routine in the frontier regions, such as eating, dressing, and interacting. Drawing upon a wealth of data made available in recent decades, the essays showcase the vibrancy of research on the provinces of Rome and present the innovative interpretations to specific contemporary issues in the Roman provincial studies. The case-studies, written by renowned international contributors, further the research into the female and juvenile presence on Roman military sites, challenge our knowledge of military units, present new levels of analysis on provincial cooking, and delve on the subjects of Roman military equipment, leather, personal adornments and soft furnishings.
This book is not only a collection of thematically-divided essays dealing with current issues in the Roman provincial studies, it is also a festschrift for Dr Carol van Driel-Murray whose career focused on various aspects of life in the provinces of the Roman Empire. This volume is presented to celebrate achievements of Carol, who has always been keen to tackle entrenched opinions with provocative and profound ideas, and who introduced gender issues in times when this could still lead to a fierce scholarly debate. She is cherished by generations of her former students – many of whom contribute to this volume – as a loved substitute mother: a true Matrona Provinciarum Archaeologiae Romanarum. In line with Carol’s innovative work, the contributions in this volume also challenge long-standing perceptions and provide avenues for further research.
The volume is primarily targeted at academics, researchers, and students of Roman provincial archaeology and history, with particular relevance for frontier specialists and those interested in the material culture. The book will appeal to the re-enactors and those working in experimental archaeology, as few essays discuss at length the subject of experiments and the issues they raise, as well as providing evidence to be tested in the field.
Dissertation/PhD Thesis by Jasper de Bruin
Rurale gemeenschappen in de civitas Cananefatium 50-300 na Christus, 2017
In het gebied tussen de Oude Rijn en de Nieuwe Maas in de huidige provincie Zuid-Holland bevond z... more In het gebied tussen de Oude Rijn en de Nieuwe Maas in de huidige provincie Zuid-Holland bevond zich gedurende de eerste drie eeuwen van onze jaartelling het bestuursdistrict van de rurale gemeenschap van de Cananefaten (de civitas Cananefatium). De vorming van deze gemeenschap, alsmede de veranderingen die binnen de identiteit van deze groep plaatsvonden zijn onderzocht door middel van een systematische analyse van de aanwezige archeologische resten. Om de rol van de Romeinse staat in deze processen te duiden, zijn ook de stedelijke en militaire gemeenschappen in de analyse betrokken. Op deze manier is een overzicht ontstaan van een landschappelijke en administratieve regio waarbij aspecten als de interactie tussen de verschillende groepen, het karakter van de rurale gemeenschappen en het contact met andere rurale groepen langs de grenzen van het Romeinse rijk bestudeerd konden worden.
Archaeological Reports by Jasper de Bruin
Brandenburgh, C.R./J. de Bruin, 2016. Met de voeten in het water. Archeologisch onderzoek aan de oostzijde van het Castellum Matilo te Leiden. Leiden: Erfgoed Leiden en omstreken., 2016
BOK - Coordinaten: 81.740/447.430 Datum einde onderzoek: Projectmedewerkers: Complextype(n): verk... more BOK - Coordinaten: 81.740/447.430 Datum einde onderzoek: Projectmedewerkers: Complextype(n): verkaveling Datering: ROM Diversen: Inventariserend Veldonderzoek (IVO)
Der Limes 15/2021 heft 2
Die Neuentdeckung eines Militärlagers ist ein seltenes Ereignis am Niedergermanischen Limes. Mit ... more Die Neuentdeckung eines Militärlagers ist ein seltenes Ereignis am Niedergermanischen Limes. Mit einem Fund nahe der niederländischen Nordseeküste in Valkenburg (Provinz Zuid-Holland) ist nun genau dies eingetreten. Dort wurde ein römisches Lager in der Größe eines Legionsstützpunktes entdeckt. Die Ausgrabungen dauerten bis Mai 2021.
Raimondi Cominesi, A./N. de Haan/E.M. Moormann/C. Stocks (eds), God on Earth: Emperor Domitian. The re-invention of Rome at the end of the 1st century AD, Leiden (Palma 24), 2021
Domitian’s foreign policy focused particularly on Rome’s Northern frontiers, like the Lower Germa... more Domitian’s foreign policy focused particularly on Rome’s Northern frontiers, like the Lower German limes, located on the Lower Rhine river in The Netherlands. Fairly recently, archaeological research in The Netherlands has provided more detailed information on the effects of Domitian’s reign here. The question is what these archaeological data add to the knowledge of the actual, material deposit of Domitian’s imperial policies along the Lower German limes.
Summary The subject of this article is the interaction between the military and civilian communit... more Summary The subject of this article is the interaction between the military and civilian communities in the Dutch Limes zone. Central questions are what influence the Roman army had on the civilian population, how the contacts between both groups were shaped, and how the individual soldiers interacted with civilians. The influence of the army was most prominent at the forts, but was also present outside the areas where the military was stationed. Civilians enlisted in the army, creating intermediaries. The Roman cities also functioned as transition points between the army and the civilian population, but they may have had other, more primary military functions as well. Contacts between the two groups were generally peaceful and provided benefits for both. As military and civilian communities became increasingly intertwined, it is likely that individual contacts between the two also contributed to this process.
Bruin, J. de, 2018. Living in Oegstgeest 575-725 AD, in: M. Kars/R. van Oosten/M.A. Roxburgh /A. Verhoeven, Rural riches & royal rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws. Zwolle: SPA-Uitgevers, 20-25., 2018
Bruin, J. de, 2018. The shoe is on the other foot? The introduction of footwear as an example for changes in the rural community of the Cananefates, in T.Ivleva/J. de Bruin/M. Driessen (eds), Oxford: Oxbow Books, 153-157., 2018
Bruin, J. de, 2019. From The Hague to Britannia – Severan military activities along the North Sea coast (193-235 AD), in: Zoolingen, R.J. van, 2019, Ab Harenis Incvltis. Artikelen voor Ab Waasdorp, Gemeente Den Haag, afdeling Archeologie, 137-153. , 2019
Deze bundel is samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van Ab Waasdorp in de archeologie... more Deze bundel is samengesteld ter gelegenheid van de pensionering van Ab Waasdorp in de archeologie. Van maart 1984 tot en met november 2019 was hij in dienst van de gemeente Den Haag. In deze periode heeft Ab tal van onderzoeken geleid en zo bijgedragen aan onze kennis van het verleden van de stad, maar ook van ver daarbuiten. Zijn studies en publicaties zijn voor menig archeoloog een bron van informatie en inspiratie geweest. Met deze verzameling van artikelen willen wij Ab bedanken en hem tonen wat zijn werk heeft betekend.
Bruin J.de (2015), Uncovering Roman fort Matilo in Leiden, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 181-189., 2015
Bruin J. de (2012), Connectivity in the south-western part of the Netherlands during the Roman period (AD 0-350), Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia : 145-157., 2012
On January 1st 2012 a new department, that of Provincial Roman and Medieval Archaeology, was adde... more On January 1st 2012 a new department, that of Provincial Roman and Medieval Archaeology, was added to the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University. Even though Provincial Roman archaeology was not an offi cial specialization before 2012, the Faculty conducted research on two Roman period settlements in the coastal area of south-western Holland. These two sites produced evidence of the existence of a supra-regional exchange network, of which traces can be found on other sites in the region. It can be concluded that Roman State or Military investments resulted in processes leading to increasing connectivity in coastal areas of the Roman Empire, but that the expansion and sustainability of the connections varied over time.
The Lower German Limes - a river border - stretched over 400 kilometres from the southernmost for... more The Lower German Limes - a river border - stretched over 400 kilometres from the southernmost fort Rigomagus / Remagen, Germany, to the mouth of the Rhine at Katwijk, Netherlands. A selection of the top 100 gives an insight into the eventful history of life on the Lower German Limes.
Romans on the Waterfront. Evaluation of archaelogical interventions (1997-2020) along the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine and Coastal Limes, 2021
Report written together with many colleagues, about 20 years of research along the Roman Limes in... more Report written together with many colleagues, about 20 years of research along the Roman Limes in the Netherlands, not only concerns the miltary-dominated zone along the river Rhine but also includes sites with Roman military presence along the North Sea coast end the 'foreland' and 'hinterland' of the frontier of Germania inferior.
Oegstgeest, a riverine settlement in the early medieval world system, 2021
Riches project (grant nr. 741340). Cover photograph: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (National... more Riches project (grant nr. 741340). Cover photograph: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden) Graphic design and layout: Bregt Balk Printing: druckhaus köthen GmbH & Co. KG | www.koethen.de Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie. Detailliertere bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.
Bruin, J. de, 2019. Border communities at the Edge of the Roman Empire. Processes of Change in the Civitas Cananefatium. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 28. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press., 2019
In Roman times, the area between the Lower Rhine and the Meuse in the present day province of Sou... more In Roman times, the area between the Lower Rhine and the Meuse in the present day province of South Holland in the Netherlands, was known as the administrative district of the community of the Cananefates (the civitas Cananefatium). The formation of this community, as well as the changes that took place within this group, were researched by means of a systematic analysis of the archaeological remains. In order to understand the role of the Roman state in these processes, the urban and military communities were also studied. In this way an overview was created of an administrative region in which aspects such as the interaction between the different groups, the character of the rural community and the differences with other rural groups along the borders of the Roman Empire could be studied.
Polak M./J. de Bruin, 2016. The Lower German Limes in the Netherlands. A scientific assessment of the site selection for the ‘Frontiers of the Roman Empire’ Unesco World Heritage Site. Nijmegen: Auxilia., 2016
Assessing the contribution of Dutch sites to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Roman frontie... more Assessing the contribution of Dutch sites to the Outstanding Universal Value of the Roman frontier in the former province of Lower Germany demands insight into the accumulated efforts of former and present fellow archaeologists. Much of the results of their work is available in written publications or in digital datasets archived in the e-depot Dutch Archaeology (edna) accommodated in the dans-easy environment. Regrettably, many excavations carried out prior to the anchoring of the 1992 Malta convention in national legislation have not been analysed and published, but often bits and pieces of the information collected at that time are available in the heads of colleagues. The results of very recent excavations have not been disclosed either, as their analysis is still in progress, but various fellow archaeologists have very willingly replied to our questions.
Embracing the Provinces offers a holistic view on the life in the provinces of the Roman Empire b... more Embracing the Provinces offers a holistic view on the life in the provinces of the Roman Empire by analysing various aspects of daily routine in the frontier regions, such as eating, dressing, and interacting. Drawing upon a wealth of data made available in recent decades, the essays showcase the vibrancy of research on the provinces of Rome and present the innovative interpretations to specific contemporary issues in the Roman provincial studies. The case-studies, written by renowned international contributors, further the research into the female and juvenile presence on Roman military sites, challenge our knowledge of military units, present new levels of analysis on provincial cooking, and delve on the subjects of Roman military equipment, leather, personal adornments and soft furnishings.
This book is not only a collection of thematically-divided essays dealing with current issues in the Roman provincial studies, it is also a festschrift for Dr Carol van Driel-Murray whose career focused on various aspects of life in the provinces of the Roman Empire. This volume is presented to celebrate achievements of Carol, who has always been keen to tackle entrenched opinions with provocative and profound ideas, and who introduced gender issues in times when this could still lead to a fierce scholarly debate. She is cherished by generations of her former students – many of whom contribute to this volume – as a loved substitute mother: a true Matrona Provinciarum Archaeologiae Romanarum. In line with Carol’s innovative work, the contributions in this volume also challenge long-standing perceptions and provide avenues for further research.
The volume is primarily targeted at academics, researchers, and students of Roman provincial archaeology and history, with particular relevance for frontier specialists and those interested in the material culture. The book will appeal to the re-enactors and those working in experimental archaeology, as few essays discuss at length the subject of experiments and the issues they raise, as well as providing evidence to be tested in the field.
Rurale gemeenschappen in de civitas Cananefatium 50-300 na Christus, 2017
In het gebied tussen de Oude Rijn en de Nieuwe Maas in de huidige provincie Zuid-Holland bevond z... more In het gebied tussen de Oude Rijn en de Nieuwe Maas in de huidige provincie Zuid-Holland bevond zich gedurende de eerste drie eeuwen van onze jaartelling het bestuursdistrict van de rurale gemeenschap van de Cananefaten (de civitas Cananefatium). De vorming van deze gemeenschap, alsmede de veranderingen die binnen de identiteit van deze groep plaatsvonden zijn onderzocht door middel van een systematische analyse van de aanwezige archeologische resten. Om de rol van de Romeinse staat in deze processen te duiden, zijn ook de stedelijke en militaire gemeenschappen in de analyse betrokken. Op deze manier is een overzicht ontstaan van een landschappelijke en administratieve regio waarbij aspecten als de interactie tussen de verschillende groepen, het karakter van de rurale gemeenschappen en het contact met andere rurale groepen langs de grenzen van het Romeinse rijk bestudeerd konden worden.
Met rituelen omsloten. Opgraving van een inheemse-Romeinse nederzetting langs de Woudselaan in de Harnaschpolder, gemeente Midden-Delfland. Edited by J.P.L. Bakx, 2013
Description of the decorated terra sigillata from Eastern Gaul, found during the excavation of a ... more Description of the decorated terra sigillata from Eastern Gaul, found during the excavation of a Roman period rural settlement.