Jacksonville Road Rage (original) (raw)
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Oct. 11th, 2006
I just have to get this off my chest.
It's not a raceway, this isn't Nascar, so SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! AT LEAST to 75 PLEASE. I don't want someone going 95 on the curve after Baymeadows, and misjudging, and pushing me off the road into the fucking TREES.
Jul. 15th, 2006
01:18 pm - pix of the Impreza!
HI again everyone...here are some pictures we just took of the Subaru for sale in case anyone is interested...it was very bright so there is a lot of glare, but maybe this will give you a better idea of what we're selling. This car is PERFECT for running around Jacksonville, and has enough room in the back for road trips!
****$3200 OBO!!!****
We only have two weeks left in town, so please call or email if you are interested! Price is always negotiable - we have bigger things to worry about, like grad school! Selling our second car before we go will help us out a lot.
( pictures of 1993 Subaru Impreza Wagon and text from craigslist ad under the cutCollapse )
Jul. 13th, 2006
04:04 pm - car for sale - help!
Hi everyone...
We are moving to Wisconsin for graduate school at the end of July and can't keep our second car. It would save us a lot of money if we can sell it now before we leave - that way we don't have to tow it to Madison.
Here is the craiglist ad I've got out right now: "1993 Subaru Impreza Wagon - Excellent! Must Sell before we move! - $3200"
Price is totally negotiable - it would really be a weight lifted if we didn't have this to worry about. The car is GREAT, and I hate to have to sell it, but it will cost more than we can afford to keep two vehicles downtown for the next three years. It is a '93, but it runs better and looks better than a lot of used vehicles we have seen that are ten years younger.
We have not had the car very long- we bought it in March after a drunk driver totalled my car parked on the street. :/
Any questions or interest, please email me at the address in the ad or at kbilbo@gmail.com .
Sep. 28th, 2005
Sep. 8th, 2005
04:31 am
Join nefl_rpg_finder!!
Find a Gamer Find a Group Trade books and games
Gamers, Geeks, Nerds, and the Bookish ALL Welcome!! Nobody does it better!
Current Music: Full Metal Alchemist theme
Sep. 6th, 2005
06:02 pm - Hello
I joined because every time I go home to visit I inevitably end up needing a place to vent about the beautiful clusterf**ks all over Jax and the surrounding areas.
(An easy cure for homesickness = BLANDING BLVD! heh)
Great community idea! :-)
Current Music: Barenaked Ladies - Baby Seat
Aug. 25th, 2005
01:47 am
Don't cut me off. Or I'll hit you in the throat with a hammer.
Thanks, have a nice day.
P.S. Learn how to merge.
Jul. 2nd, 2005
01:55 am - A Commandment from the Dark Lord jedi_maceo
Current Mood: nervous
Current Music: "Beth" by Kiss
Oct. 28th, 2004
04:08 am
Oh my god. What is it with you fucking SUV drivers? Get off my ass. Just cause you drive a fucking box on wheels that is bigger than my bedroom DOES NOT mean you have the right to get on my ass. CAN YOU NOT SEE ME? I drive a fucking saturn sports coupe! If you hit me, you'd roll right over me. And then I WOULD DIE. And I do NOT WANT TO DIE. I want to LIVE to go to my Ingram Hill concerts in Baton Rouge, LA and Jackson, MS. GAH. Back the FUCK off! Tailgating is ILLEGAL.
Oct. 11th, 2004
03:20 am
Allcriedout18 here, new livejournal.
All i have to roadrage about right now is this... it's not to anyone in particular, just a general announcement...
Pull your head out of your ass, get off of the fucking cell phone, quit swerving into my lane, and learn how to fucking drive. Maybe you should go back to driver's ed and get your license from a real DDL instead of Pic-N-Save.
Thank you and have a nice day.
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